My Multisystem In Isekai-Chapter 114 Foresee

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So, he had carefully noticed that the movement that had seemed like a blur to all third parties had been seen with ease by the mysterious man watching them. It wasn't that he was unable to react to Ibeniah's speed but that he was waiting for him. His eyeballs had followed the trail of Ibeniah's movement path from the start to the end.

The senses of the mysterious man were extremely terrifying.

Gabby wanted to stop Ibeniah but the moment a voice escaped his lips, Ibeniah was already attacking Zavier with his claws which the masked man was dodging with so much ease that all the dangers that Gabby had felt from the figure were being realized one by one.

He cursed Ibeniah for being so impulsive and at the same time berated himself for not being able to warn him about the instinctive feeling that he had about the masked man.

It was already too late by the time he even realized how true his gut feeling had been.

Before Ibeniah could have even begun to move, Zavier had started to use his Time Space eye to monitor the trio. Not a single detail about the trio managed to evade him as he began to take in the whole view. His brain started to process all the information that his ocular senses were feeding to it. He was taking in every little detail and the perception system was helping his brain form the complete image and was helping him analyze all the details.

He was able to see the slightest twist in the position of Ibeniah's foot as he moved his toe in his direction. This was the first indication that he was about to rush towards Zavier. Each little detail, each flustered movement caught Zavier's eye and he analyzed all the possible implications that came with that movement. Thanks to the superior perception he was close to being able to see the future as he was already aware of what was going to come next.

Zavier felt that he was at the cusp of a breakthrough and focused all his senses on his enemies. His concentration made his mind delve into details that he would have never noticed otherwise or he thought of them as too unimportant to have mattered.

But reality proved otherwise as each little detail mattered in the determination of whether he would be prepared against the next incoming onslaught of attacks or not.

His concentration deepened to the extent that all other things faded into the background, all unimportant details blurred out of existence; only Zavier and his enemies remained.

Zavier felt that he had entered something akin to bullet time as time seemed to have slowed down around him without him having done a thing. Either that or his senses were working overtime and were processing things before they even happened.

The manic werewolf that was barely a wolf at that point appeared to him as if in slow motion. He was moving as if he was running towards Zavier through an immensely concentrated slag that was slowing him down to the point that Zavier had the leisure to look around while waiting for him to appear in front of him and attack.

Gabby looked on dumbfounded as Ibeniah constantly attacked with all his strength but was unable to catch even the glimpse of the masked man with his claws. The entire time, his enemy was able to dodge by the slightest margin without making a single mistake. His movements were precise and accurate without a tinge of error or vulnerability.

Gabby cursed their luck for encountering such a troublesome enemy and wanted to slap Ibeniah on the back of his head even more for not even being able to understand the extent of danger that the mysterious man posed to them before leaping in to exact his vengeance for being disturbed.

On the other hand, Zavier had felt that his attacks had been very easy to dodge. He easily evaded his claws that wanted to gouge out his eyes and wanted to tear apart his neck. He could feel the bloodlust and the killing intent in Ibeniah's eyes.

But despite being so desperate, Ibeniah couldn't even land a single blow on Zavier's body. Let alone his body, he was not even able to touch the hem of his shirt.

Zavier was able to predict his next move without breaking a sweat so it became quite easy to dodge all the attacks of the enemy. Being in the berserk state, Ibeniah couldn't figure out why all of his attacks were missing their intended target. Not for a single moment had he paused to think that his enemy might have been more skilled than he had anticipated. He had already put himself on the highest pedestal in this competition but his bad luck wanted to slap him in the face by pitting him against Zavier who was a monster on his own.

Zavier had not used the perception system in such a way before so he took some time getting used to the continuous attacks of Ibeniah. At the same time he was testing the limits of the system by delaying his reaction time as much as he could without taking any damage.

The conclusion that he managed to reach was that Ibeniah wasn't strong enough for him to test the limits of his senses. He was not even qualified to be considered a threat despite his attempts to put himself in a difficult situation. The sense of danger never even once raised an alarm in his mind so Zavier stopped working towards a useless goal.

The next moment he dodged the set of claws that were heading towards his chest by rotating his lower back just enough to barely avoid getting scratched. The minimum movement gave him enough time to counter attack with the fists that had already been aching to get in touch with the enemy. He used the momentum of the enemy against him as he dodged the claw and returned a punch of his own that connected with Ibeniah's abdomen close to his solar plexus. f𝘳e𝒆w𝗲𝐛𝘯𝐨νe𝚕.co𝓶

Ibeniah got his breath knocked out of him. He had been feeling full of himself when his enemy was only dodging all his attacks thinking that the masked man was unable to do anything else but defend due to his mighty offensive. But only after taking that punch did he establish how wrong he had truly been. The masked man had been getting a read on his movements through his earlier actions. When the masked man had felt that he had gathered enough information, he initiated his counter with a strength that was so immense in comparison that it broke apart all of Ibeniah's senses.

The moment that Ibeniah came back to his senses, he found himself flying in reverse with so much speed that he was hardly able to orient himself with his surroundings.

Gabby and Macbeth witnessed the demise of their teammate as he was sent hurtling back like a bullet with a single punch from the masked man. His flying figure didn't stop until he had broken a hole and had mowed down various trees in his path and had finally managed to lodge himself in a small hill at the end of his long flying sortie.

Gabby gulped and tried to calm down his heart that was threatening to beat out of his chest. He had been on guard against the unknown enemy but he had never imagined that the difference between their strength would be that immense like a chasm that was impossible to cross without falling into the abyss of death.

Gabby turned his head and looked into the direction where Ibeniah had left a deep impression on the hill. Ibeniah's wolf transformation had partly worn off and Gabby took that to mean that he had suffered quite a bit of damage from that small exchange. But when he looked back at the masked man, he felt dread taking over as the masked man didn't even appear to be concerned about the outcome of the exchange as if he didn't consider Ibeniah a threat at all.

Macbeth looked at Gabby and they both knew that they couldn't stay on the sidelines any longer. They both converged towards the direction that Zavier had been standing still from both sides and launched a pincer move on him.

Gabby cast an illusion on him that made use of a high pitch frequency to disturb the fluid present in the inner ears which in turn disturbed the sense of balance of the body.