My Multisystem In Isekai-Chapter 143 The Avengers

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Normally he would appreciate that. But he needed her to get the hell out and leave him alone for now.

Dahila seemed to have gotten the hint, or at least Zavier thought so. The reality was that she had gotten what she came for, and because she was a purpose driven person, she saw no need to dilly dally around.

"I guess I'll see you around then."

She stood up from the bed and made her way towards the door. But just as she was about to leave, she turned around and whipped out a question that took Zavier unawares.

"By the way, what's the name of this organization exactly? You have been so careful about saying the name that you didn't even let it slip for once."

,m Zavier paused for a bit as she lingered at the door. She saw Zavier's countenance and couldn't help but ask; "Or is that something that I am not allowed to know yet?"

"No. But I'll tell you either way; it's called The Avengers…"

The sparkle in Dahila's eyes was all the confirmation Zavier needed to know. He had chosen a good name. Her eyes danced with glee as she murmured it in a low tone;

"The Avengers huh? Wow, it's dark, arcane and a little cultish. My type of jam! I love it! It's actually very much in tune with the tone of what my possible future might hold!"

She waved to him as she said goodbye. As Dahila shut the door behind him, he couldn't help but notice that it was the first time she had actually said a proper goodbye to him since he had known her.

Barely five minutes after Dahila had gone, Zavier heard a knock on his door. This time, he didn't ask who it was, this time he knew. And most importantly, this time, the guest was actually welcome. Hiding his smile behind a mask of stoic indifference, he called out to his guest;

"Come in."

Shiranui, the female built like a goddess entered Zavier's room, filling the atmosphere with her thick perfume and sensual energy. She closed the door behind her and stood awkwardly at the door for a while. Zavier on the other hand stared at her for a full minute. They weren't in any rush for words. They were way past that now.

Zavier decided to break the ice by making the first move. He stood up from the bed where he had been casually lying down, and walked over to Shiranui till they were merely inches away from each other. Then, very gently, he pulled her in by her waist and kissed her deeply. It was a deep and long kiss. Shiranui submitted to Zavier's advance without any resistance and pressed her body against his. After they had taken their fill of each other's lips and tongues, they finally broke away and sat down on the bed.

Zavier could tell from her sad eyes that something was on her mind.

"Are you okay? You look like you have something on your mind?"

"I'm good Zavier…"

"NO. Don't do that, you've got that faraway look in your eyes, I can tell that something's bothering you."

Shiranui averted her gaze from Zavier's penetrating look, and fell silent for a time. He didn't rush her. Instead, he laid back on the bed, and pulled her close to him until her head was on his chest. He continued to stroke her hair, gently easing her into a state where she could open up to him without feeling vulnerable or anything of the sort. Eventually, his gambit paid off.

"My past is a pretty dark one Zavier. It's pretty glum, and every time I take a walk down memory lane, I feel like I actually relive the sadness and pain all over again…"

With that, Shiranui bore herself open with Zavier and started to narrate the sad events of her past. Zavier listened intently as she pored over every single detail. Especially the part about her sister. He listened and listened well, taking into account the significant parts, as well as the minor details. The fact was Dahila had already spoke extensively on the subject before. It had truly been a sad and gory tale. But somehow, it was even much sadder hearing it from Shiranui in question. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"…and that my dear Zavier, is the story of my life. Those were the experiences that shaped me and molded me into becoming the woman I am. Sorry I was such a bitch the first time we met, but I was still trying to work through some stuff."

"I've told you already Shiranui, you don't need to apologize. We are who were are at the end of the day. The past is set in stone, no matter what we do, we will not be able to change what had already transpired…"

He felt her hot breath on his chest even as he ruffled her hair. "What matters is how we rise above it all."

Zavier's hand slipped out from underneath her and adjusted until he could look her in the face. "I am sorry for all you had to go through in the past Shiranui. Sincerely, I am. "

She reached out with her right palm and cupped Zavier's right cheek. "You're so sweet Zavier. So, so, sweet."

Her cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment as she went on to address the elephant in the room.

"So, uhmm Zavier, I've been doing some thinking…and…I…uhmm, I like what we have going on here, but…I think it would probably be for the best if we kind of keep our romance on a low for now." ƒ𝔯𝗲𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧oѵℯl.𝒄𝑜m

Shiranui was really uncomfortable at that minute. Her usual confident self was now stammering; "I guess I'm saying I'm not exactly ready to announce our thing yet…"

Dramatically, Zavier exhaled deeply, and murmured an ambiguous two word reply; "I see…"

"Oh no, don't get it twisted Zavier, I do care about you. And I think on some level, you've come to realize this. But as it stands, my quest for revenge needs all my focus. Kyouko simply must die."

Zavier didn't say anything. He knew enough that it was best to say as little as possible in situations like this. Since this was Shiranui's idea, he decided to let her set the terms for this arrangement. And that she did;

"I understand if you'd like to see other girls on the side. It would be unfair and unreasonable for me to suggest otherwise seeing that I can't afford to give you hundred percent…"

She teased him further; "You're such a great guy Zavier, and someone like you deserves to be with as many other girls as you want."

Shiranui saw Zavier's face and saw that he was lost in deep thought. She assumed that he was merely trying to go over the fine print of their arrangement. And come up with a counter offer. But that wasn't even remotely close to what was going on in Zavier's mind. He was on a whole other lane entirely. While Shiranui had long moved on from the subject of her sister Kyouko, Zavier was very much still invested in that subject. He felt like he should tell Shiranui that her sister had grown into a powerful and dangerous enemy.

Zavier wished he could tell her that the Kyouko she knew before had morphed into something else entirely. But yet again, self-restraint prevailed and Zavier managed to hold back his tongue from speaking what shouldn't have been on his mind in the first place. From his perspective, it was evident that Shiranui needed a win. There was really no need to agitate her any further. The poor girl had been through enough already, and he just wanted to take care of her, and keep her in the dark until he had figured something out.

"Well…aren't you going to say something? What do you think?" 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m

Zavier noted for the first time that he hadn't said anything in reply to her proposition concerning their affair. His body had been on autopilot while his thoughts had roamed back and forth across the limitless construct that was his own mind. Shiranui looked at him expectantly. He appreciated the fact that she wasn't trying to rush him. She understood that he liked to take his time whenever it came to making important decisions.

This made him even want to kiss her some more. So, in reply to her proposition, Zavier leaned in close to her to take her lips in his own…but much to his annoyance, a stranger flung the door open!

"What the hell?!" Zavier tuned furiously to accost the invader, fully prepared to dish out a memorable act of discipline on the perpetuator.

"WHO IS TH--?"

Zavier was about to roar when he stopped dead in his tracks. His uninvited guest was someone he could never ever hope to raise his voice against, no matter what. This was someone who was always welcome to check in on him no matter the time or place. Alas, the culprit of the hour was none other than Nadia!

Even as she held the door open, she gawked at Zavier and Shiranui with a mischievous look on her face. Kacie arrived immediately behind her, and when she saw the awkwardness, she instantly deduced what was happening. Flushed in the face, and embarrassed to helplessness, Kacie tendered her apologies on behalf of Nadia's rude behavior;

"Heavens! I am so sorry Zavier! Please pardon Nadia's intrusiveness! Gosh!" then she turned towards Nadia to rebuke her sharply;

"You little piglet! Don't you know how to knock? Apologize straightaway!"