My Multisystem In Isekai-Chapter 26 Naughty Girl

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The entirety of this memory fused with Zavier's mind and became one with his own consciousness.

As he stood before the impudent Shiranui, a dense white flame began to form in Zavier's right hand, it cackled lightning and at the same time, it had the unmistakable appearance of a glowing flame.

This was Zavier's first attempt at using Cold Blaze, and the young man enjoyed every bit of time it spent on his palm. It was indeed a glorious sight to behold, both in sight and in spirit.

The intent of punishing Zavier, Shiranui who had been cruising at top speed towards Zavier skidded to a halt when she saw the strange brilliant white flame taking form in Zavier's hand. Shiranui who had been hell bent on attacking Zavier couldn't believe the strange sight.

With a serious look on her face, she searched for any signs of trickery or foul play. As she pondered her next move, she thought to herself;

"What in heaven's name is that!?"

She racked her brain, but no answers came. There was nothing she could think of that justified Zavier having such an incredible power! If she had been even a second late, Shiranui knew that she would have been greeted by a blast of the strange flame.

Calista bolted up right as if she had witnessed a prophecy come true. Shock was written all over her. The look of astonishment on her face was priceless

"Cold Blaze!? It can't be!"

Calista felt played. She thought Valarie had something to do with this new development so she turned sharply in the direction of Valarie to question her. But she was met with an equal degree of shock on her face as well.

With the way Valarie's mouth hung open in disbelief, it was evident that she was also as surprised as Calista. With no one to blame or take the glory for this new development, both women watched in awe as Zavier bubbled in the glory of the Cold Blaze.

The temperature dropped drastically. It was almost diabolic just how fast the pressure rose and how quickly the degree of coldness dropped. With every breath the students took, heavy vapor escaped their nostrils.

On every inch of all exposed skin, goose bumps formed as their bodies closed their sweat pores in order to prevent heat from escaping from their bodies.

The effect of Dahila's ice dragon only a few moments ago was still fresh in their memories, so none of them were exaggerating when they said Zavier's new power was actively causing a lot more trouble than Dahila's ice dragon from a few moments ago.

The difference in temperature was insane. Somehow, Zavier's Cold Blaze was even colder. It could be felt right down to the bone marrow. The cold was a terrible thing, but the utter astonishment that was plastered on the faces of the students was a whole other thing.

Everyone, even the witty, bad-mouthed students were at a complete loss for words. They were seeing a whole other Zavier. Few of them knew about Cold Blaze, but all of them couldn't ignore its undeniable power.

Zavier's opponent was more disturbed than any other person present. Shiranui was forced to accept the fact that she had grossly underestimated Zavier.

She wasn't sure how he had come to be so powerful, all she knew was that she couldn't lose to him right now.

,m So, she dropped off her initial offish attitude and brought on her A-game. She was determined to squash Zavier underneath her feet like an annoying bug.

Shiranui assumed her battle stance and whipped out her iconic red fan. Dancing like the mythical sirens on the surface of the deep waters, Shiranui gracefully waved her fan about in brief sporadic movements.

As she did so, dozens of black fireballs shot at Zavier. They whizzed through the air and headed straight towards Zavier with insidious fury.

The young man did not flinch. Not even attempting to dodge, Zavier waited for them to come close to him. At the last second, just as they enclosed in on him, Zavier lifted his right hand towards the swarm of black fireballs and shot out the strange white flames.

Students and teachers, all feasted their eyes hungrily on the battle before them. No one really knew what the repercussion of Zavier's counter would be.

Everyone half expected his white flame to deflect or at the very least, block Shiranui's terrible black flame. But they were shocked by what happened next.

Like a battle scene from their favorite comic books, everyone watched with a horrid expression on their faces as Zavier's brilliant white flame devoured the attacking Black Flames!

It was a real joy to see! It was almost as though Zavier's Cold Blaze was feeding off of Shiranui's black flames.

As his flames effortlessly swallowed up Shiranui's black flames, to his surprise he discovered that with each passing moment, his white flame was actively increasing in size and in magnitude.

He marveled, it was indeed true that his Cold Blaze had feasted on the energy of Shiranui's black flames and used them as sustenance. Zavier was thrilled. Shiranui was not.

For the second time in a row, Shiranui found herself being shocked by Zavier. She wasn't a fan of this particular gambit. She tried to wrap her head around what was going on, but the whole scenario was way out of her league.

Outgunned and outmaneuvered, Shiranui was getting livid. She felt like she was being backed into a corner.

Every victory that she acceded to Zavier made her feel like like she was headed towards the edge of a cliff. This wasn't a feeling that she had ever felt, not in a long time. Shiranui always played the role of predator in every battle, she had never encountered this before.

Shiranui spent her life thinking that her Black Flame was the king of flames.. And yet, before her eyes, like a sick joke, her flame had been devoured whole by another kind of flame. It was the polar opposite of what was supposed to happen.

The oppressive chill in the air suppressed her further.

"What exactly is happening!?"

The bewildered Shiranui thought to herself as she examined and reexamined her current situation.

"My Black Flame typically raises the temperature in any environment, how is it that I am affected by this strange cold flame??"

Shiranui's skimpy dress didn't help her case at all. Because she was dressed in an attire that exposed a good portion of her thighs, breasts and limbs, Shiranui found herself battling to keep out the excess cold from freezing her over.

There was no way she could have anticipated that such a biting cold would overwhelm her. She was already starting to feel the numbness in her legs and limbs. A thick fog of vapor was threatening to render her visibility invalid.

The whole atmosphere and environment of the battle ground had changed, but it wasn't to her advantage in any way.

Nadia's eyes never left the battle.

She was so stunned that she had been rendered static by the new development. It was particularly hard for her to digest this because she had known Zavier for such a long time now, so she had grown used to seeing him in a certain way.

Nadia had never looked down on Zavier, but it still came as a shock to her when she saw Zavier manifest such an interesting magical attribute. The whole thing was both exciting, fascinating and scary! She was glad for him.

A new found admiration for Zavier flooded through Nadia's young heart.

Shiranui was as stubborn as she was skillful. Despite the glaring gap between the ferocity of their flames, she refused to give up.

In fact, defeat was the farthest thing from what she was actively considering at the moment. Her flames had failed to deliver the harm she hand intended for Zavier, so she kicked it up a notch and converted her fan into a black katana.

Glaring at Zavier with hate that was tinged with fear, she repeated the move she had displayed in the fight with Dahila earlier on.

Skillfully, she swung the gleaming black blade in the air, the blade responded to her wrath and furiously dove right at Zavier.

Zavier maintained an impressive calm in the face of danger. He made no move to evade the storm coming his way, instead he did something that surprised everyone. The liquid form of Cold Blaze quickly morphed into the impressive form of a solid sword.

Zavier heard the students gasp all around him as he transformed Cold Blaze into a sword, and like an expert swordsman, he spun his glowing white sword in an arc and easily parried her attack. The blade shattered into a thousand irreparable pieces. f𝙧ee𝘄𝐞𝚋𝐧૦ѵeƖ.c𝘰𝓶

This time, Zavier didn't allow her the luxury of enjoying a moment to take it all in. He seized the initiative and lunged at the now defenseless Shiranui with calculated aggression.

Shiranui was used to Zavier playing the role of the cool calm guy playing defense. So Zavier's sudden aggressive tactics caught her off guard completely. Just as Zavier had anticipated, she had no way to counter or defend his attack.

She struck out his sword deliberately aiming for a vital spot, she was quick on her feet so she dodged.

She moved like the wind as Zavier slashed and slashed at her all across the battleground. Shiranui was faced with the crushing reality that if Zavier truly wanted to finish her off in that moment, he would have done that already.

She sensed he was toying with her and pushing her to her limits because he had her cornered. Shiranui realized all of this quickly, but it didn't mean that she could do anything about it. Zavier had destroyed her strength, and like a chess master, he was toying with her.

Shiranui was forced to stay on the defense. She was lucky she had her speed and agility, else it would have been over for her a long time ago.

"Damn you Zavier!"

She cursed in frustration.

But Zavier wasn't paying attention. He had been studying her footwork and movements carefully so his next attack struck home.


Shiranui screamed like a tigress whose tail had been cut. There was no blood, there was no pain.

Zavier had delivered a different kind of attack that enraged the already riled Shiranui. Without the others noticing, Zavier had deftly placed his hand between her thick luscious thighs and rubbed the thick folds of her vulva. Zavier smiled. It turned out he had been right after all.

"Shiranui you naughty girl…" He whispered to her as they fought;

"You really aren't wearing any panties…"