My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse-Chapter 56 Minions Vs Cloaks

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Ah, that was tiring.

Slowly, I put the bloodied [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] back into my sheath and finally, I was able to take a breather. I looked around at the small battles which were still taking place between my Minions and the Cloaks. My legs were sore, my arms were sore, and I was forced to take a seat on the ground and recover from the battle.

I took the bandage given to me by the mummies and wrapped it around the wound I received from [Tengen-Ko-Rin]. As I put my arms to support my body I felt a sharp pain in my left wrist.

Shit, my wrist's broken.

Out here in this apocalyptic world, there were no hospitals or even medical centres for that matter. I had no way of healing this broken wrist naturally. Without any other choice, I took my [Recovery Potion] out of my inventory and drank its contents.

In an instant, all of my wounds had healed significantly. As I put pressure on my wrist, it seemed that it had also mostly healed. There was still some significant soreness but I could tell that the break had been healed. After taking a short break on the ground, I got back up and began walking back toward the battlefield.

I looked at my advanced system control.


<Advanced System Controls>


[Resource Division] (121 Minions)

- 3x Woodcutter Minion

- 11x Miner Minion

- 52x Scout Minion (Mining)

- 25x Scout Minion (Woodcutting)

- 23x Scout Minion (Resource Gathering)

- 6x Scout Minion (Hunting)

- 1x Scout Minion (Farming)


[Combat Division] (55 Minions)

- 1x Advanced Warrior Minion

- 1x Warrior Minion

- 20x Scout Minions (Swordplay)

- 22x Scout Minions (Archery)

- 2x Scout Minion (Combat)

- 9x Basic Scout Minion


[Utility Division] (26 Minions)

- 13x Builder Minion

- 10x Scout Minion (Utility)

- 2x Basic Scout Minion

- 1x Minion Manager



I was expecting to take some pretty big losses. To be completely honest, the losses weren't as great as I had expected. All three of my Elites were still alive and the Cloaks' main forces had been mostly destroyed. I walked around to observe my remaining forces. The last few members of the Cloaks were being killed and it was pretty clear that my victory was coming.

In the distance, I saw Chloe in a fight with a man in a business suit.

That doesn't fit the clothing scheme...?

I drew [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] once again and made my way over. It seemed that she was struggling quite a bit. From what I could see, the man had a very similar fighting style to the White Cloak that I fought in the previous camp. He wasn't using any weapons and appeared to have superhuman-like strength. Chloe was wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. The two of them continuously clashed with each other without any major advances.

The man continuously punched and kicked Chloe, with her blocking most of his attacks with her [Diamond Shield], the only issue was that she couldn't land a single hit on him. His movements and speed were far too great and she wasn't able to swing her sword fast enough.

Just as I finished one fight, I'm now entering another.

The man backed up as Chloe advanced on him. I charged in from behind and swung [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] at him catching him off-guard. He quickly launched himself to the side in order to evade my attack. The blade of [Mauri-Luc-Ei] managed to glide through his clothing, cutting him in the hip.

"Did you take out the big boss?" Asked Chloe.

"I guess so."

"Hehe~ So you are strong."

Before the two of us had time to set up a tea party, the man rushed toward me and raised his leg. I covered my side with my blade and blocked his kick. Chloe then closed in and swung her [Platinum Sword] at him however, it was to no avail.

"This guy's really fast~"

As I recovered my posture and raised [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] again, I decided to come up with a strategy. At this rate, neither of us was going to get any fatal blows on the man.

"Chloe, use your bow instead."

She quickly returned her shield and sword to her inventory and summoned her bow.

I rushed in with [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] and tried to land some hits on the man but he dodged all of them as expected. However, he suddenly fell to the ground in pain as an arrow lodged itself into his leg.

Seeing the opening, I ran in to finish him off, however, he managed to get up and kick me in the side with his other leg. The force of the impact made me lose my balance and I was forced to stop for a moment.

He then ran towards me with the arrow still lodged in his leg and came in with a hook punch. I raised [Mayur-Luc-Ei] in order to block it but the impact still hurt my head. All of sudden, the man stopped as he held his chest in pain.

Chloe had fired another arrow, hitting him right in the chest.

It was finally game over for the Cloaks.

As he looked up at me, I kneeled down and shoved the blade of [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] in front of his neck.

"Now, you'll be kind enough to tell me where you guys put Elrich, right?"

"I-I... don't know w-who they are..."


"Um, an elf... I guess that's the best way I can describe him."

"U-uh... I... kill... me..."

Well, it looked like I wasn't going to be getting any more information out of this man. They couldn't have been that hard to find considering they're likely in this village somewhere. I could always just look for them by myself anyways.

As he wished, I raised [Mayuri-Luc-Ei] and swung it down, killing him in the strike.

Chloe made her way over to me and leaned on my shoulder.

"Ah, so is it over now?"

"For the most part."

Aside from a few stragglers, the battle was basically over. Quite a few of the remaining Cloaks had deserted anyways so all that was left was a village filled with the bodies of the slain.f𝗿𝗲e𝒘e𝚋n૦𝘃𝙚𝑙.com