My Researching Journey (HxH)-Chapter 102: A Sequence Of Events

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This ๐“ฌontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.๐’„๐’๐™ข

Chapter 102: A Sequence Of Events


Chapter 102: A Sequence Of Events


"Lead the way..." They then followed after him not making any move as he silently killed any guard he caught sight of while they just looked at this with a hint of amusement in their eyes.

Kalluto acted as the guide and the bodyguard guiding them through the least secure areas while also avoiding security cameras.

The mafia guards were no obstacle to him as he easily silenced them without them even being able to react.

After all, even with how young he is, he is still a Zoldyck, one that knows Nen and learned from another manipulator Kikyo Zldyck.

So while he just created his ability not long ago, that's more than enough to stealthily kill Non nen users without much trouble... as long as he stayed undetected.

And he did reaching the 36th floor in less than an hour though Kalluto noticed the peculiarity of this floor.

It's too silent and empty making him frown and start doubting the information he got after torturing several guards until he made sure yet such an important floor is empty as he noticed no guards in the way at all.

'The information must be correct or at least they think it's correct so was I found out? but how? Could it be a Nen user?'

As he thought of this, Kalluto brought a piece of paper from the kimono's packet, a paper shaped like a butterfly.

He started focusing a little bit of his Aura onto the paper butterfly before crouching and closing his eyes then he let it go and so it flew away, flew through the empty hallways silently as if to mimic the silent environment around it.

The butterfly flew around the floor slowly taking its time, making sure to receive any important information it can until the butterfly came upon a door, a slightly opened large door leading to what appeared to be a meeting room, the room where the Dons have their meetings.

The paper butterfly is well... a paper butterfly so it couldn't express the emotions shown on Kalluto's face seeing the scene inside the large room, a simple scene of the eight dons having a meeting...

Or so it seems at first glance because if one looked at them closely, the two round yellow needles on their head become apparent and so is the blank look on their face.

Almost like a corpse... like all the other corpses around the room, bodies of what appeared to be guards, the guards that were supposed to be guarding the floor yet they're lying there asleep never to be awakened. ๐˜ง๐“‡๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐”€โ„ฏ๐˜ฃ๐“ƒ๐“ธ๐“ฟโ„ฏ๐˜ญ.๐‘๐“ธ๐“‚

Only now did the light of comprehension appeared on Kalluto's face, 'Illumi and Yasuo did this?' As he came to that conclusion, he noticed a portal appearing in the large room.

A similar portal to the one Yasuo appeared from earlier as he walked from that portal with Illumi following closely behind him. Yasuo looked at the butterfly and said, "Well done, it's not bad for your first job. Just walked through the portal behind you."

Kalluto canceled his ability not as startled as before then opened his eyes looking behind him seeing the portal in which he walked through hearing a phone ringing in the room, a ringing coming from Illumi's phone.

He answered after seeing the caller's ID, "Hisoka, what do you want? I'm kind of busy right now..."

On the other line, Hisoka not holding back his curiosity one bit directly asked, "I heard your brother is quite strong... How about you set up a meeting for me with him? I'll owe you."

Illumi raised his brows and said before hanging up, "I'll call you later..." He then looked at Yasuo shrugging his shoulder, "Don't mind him, he's just weird."

Yasuo didn't seem to care, instead, he said before disappearing into a portal, "I have something to do so I'll go now, you can handle the rest yourself and if you need anything then just call."

It was only after this did Kalluto ask the question on his mind, "We just came to the city today so when did you guys finish the job?"

"When you left us alone in the room, what did you expect? The client wanted the job to be done as soon as possible so of course, we have done so... Anyway."

Yasuo's sight was never focused on just one place, instead, he focused on specific events making sure someone doesn't see more than necessary, an event that happened not long after finishing the job.

Pakunoda trying to look into gon and Killua's memories through her ability but he doesn't want her to get any information about him or about his family so he wanted to make sure she only got the information she needed, information about Kurapica...

Watching the series of events play out brought no questions to Yasuo's mind as he looked at the similar scene almost the same as the one he saw in the story which is a bit strange considering all the changes he made but he doesn't seem to mind it.

After all, 'I pulled the strings, I painted a painting to my suiting to create a future I want albeit not that needed. There were variables that could've chosen a different course of action but they didn't and so I see the scene before my eyes.'

The scene of Chrollo held hostage by Kurapica as the latter let a bit of his burning rage go yet that didn't faze Chrollo one bit nor did his heartbeat change, still like water where no current exists ready to die if the circumstances force it so and that only fueled Kurapica's rage more.

The fire of vengeance burning deep within his eyes, a fire that if let go would lead to some terrible consequences... for the spiders and the blond kurta clan member.

The loss of the spider's head for the spiders, the foundation of the group, the most important part of the spider as well the spider web it stands upon.

But a much more harsh consequence would happen to the last survivor of the kurta clan massacre... Losing his humanity, something he values very much. The moment the spiders know the death of their leader, they'll kill the two hostages they have, Gon and Killua...

Of course, Yasuo would interfere saving Killua if the situation demanded but Kurapica doesn't know that so he'll be choosing between his vengeance and his friends, and losing the latter will lose him the humanity he is clinging to.

But fortunately for him, there was someone else in the car to stop him from crossing that line, the line he can never come back from.

That person is Melody, a music hunter so she obviously knows Nen and her ability happened to suit her specialty perfectly.

As an emitter, Melody has one of the most dangerous abilities ever created if used to its maximum potential.

She can channel her aura into her music and through that, Melody can play songs with various effects. She can alleviate the listener's fatigue and cure related illnesses.

When she pours all her heart into her performance, she can enchant all listeners to the point that they become completely oblivious to anything happening around them for up to three minutes.

The ability can work on hundreds if not thousands of people at the same time and possibly more... If she's strong enough that is.

Even if Melody's music is broadcast and this is the most dangerous part about it. Imagine if she broadcasts her music to the whole world while using her ability and that requires for her to have the necessary Aura poll and proficiency to perform such an action...

That will lead to a sequence of events destructive enough to end the lives of millions... But of course, she's too kind to have this kind of vile intentions.

Noticing Kurapika losing control of himself as his eyes started to shine in scarlet light, Melody lifted her flute to her mouth and closed her eyes as she started playing a song, a song of peacefulness and serenity which extended its angelic hands to all the other people in the car, the driver, Chrollo and Kurapica.

Though the song seems to have a much better effect on Kurapica than the rest as if... the song set him as its target and the angelic hands delivered on their promise putting down the scarlet burning fire within Kurapica's eyes... Temporarily.

"Thank you." Simply thanked Kurapica after taking a deep breath... but no words can express his gratefulness for her action... saving him from the depth of the abyss.

Kurapica calmed down and asked, "Where are the scarlet eyes?" Yet Chrollo's lips didn't move one bit and his eyes remained closed.

Kurapica continued asking knowing there is a high chance he will answer, "The scarlet eyes that were stolen years ago... stolen from you.

You put several of the eyes on auction on the souternpiece auction years ago but they were stolen and you won nothing from the incident so it couldn't be you who's responsible for the incident... so who is it?"

Chrollo slowly opened his eyes...