My Vampire System (WN)-Chapter 922: Attack attack

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For a second, both Borden and Leo had the upper hand against the original vampire. Even for an original, it was too much. Although the original was strong and had good martial arts, he was only slightly better than Leo and Borden. And his strength was actually weaker than the three spiked Borden. With the two of them, it looked like they would soon win their fight.

That was until Borden suddenly switched sides and had attacked Leo. For some reason, Borden was mistaking Leo as the enemy, and now Leo was the one who had to face two against one.

'Well, it looks like your buddy has changed sides.' The cat spoke in Leo's mind, not literally changing sides. 'Do you want me to give you a hand? This could be a tough fight, and it would make it a two against two.'

However, Leo made sure his grip on his blade was correct, held it in both hands, and carefully looked at both of their auras.

'There is no better time to improve than when you are faced with death and a tough situation. One must take this to learn as much as one can. Making such a scenario like the current one would be impossible. It only comes every so often.' Leo stated.

'Exactly!' The cat said excitedly. 'If that wasn't the answer you were going to give, then I would have thought I had selected the wrong person, but I don't want you to die this early. If the situation arises, whether you like it or not, I will get involved, even if it means having to kill your own friend.'

Borden dashed in and was even faster than Remus, but similar to a bull, as long as you could direct where its attack was going to go. One should be able to avoid it, and that's exactly what Leo did with his soul weapon. Activating it, he could see the strong aura coming off from the Borden, and started to direct it to a certain place.

Borden felt like his punch was being s.u.c.k.e.d into a certain spot, like a vacuum and had eventually hit the air by Leo's right side.

Due to Borden's incredible strength, it wasn't an easy thing to do, and Leo was wondering how many more times he could do such a thing. At the same time, he was preparing for an attack from Remus, but it never did happen.

"Remus, I'll get you!" Borden shouted, swinging another fist. This time Leo had to block it with his sword, and at the same time, he dragged the energy away to weaken the attack. Touching his skin, Leo also moved some of his energy into his own body.

Due to Borden being half-human, the Dalki energy was more similar to that of Qi, or a beast. There was no risk of turning into a Bloodsucker himself, like if he was to take Remus energy.

'Why didn't the other vampire attack? It was the perfect opportunity, and I'm sure they would have had time.' Leo thought, at that moment, a few blood bullets came out his way, but Leo was able to block them all and soon after, Borden attacked him again.

Now, Leo was starting to understand. The two of them were attacking him, but not at the same time. Whatever Remus was doing to Borden most likely took a lot of effort. So if he wanted to attack, he would have to break his concentration for a few seconds.

To Leo, rather than fighting two at once, it felt like he was more fighting one after the other, and Leo had a good guess what was going on with Brodern right now.

On the battlefield before Paul had fought with the eighth leader Jill. The two of them discussed what had happened back then. She had injected thoughts into his head from others around the battlefield. What if someone with a more powerful ability was able to show someone images, and what if they could make up those images.

Was that why the eighth family were attacking everyone calling them demons, and why Borden was mistaking Leo for Remus?

'It is also the reason why he is unable to use the ability against yourself, someone who does not rely on eyesight.' The cat added.

Whether or not Leo had figured things out or not, didn't matter. Because Leo had his own way of dealing with things. Ignoring Borden, for the first time, Leo was the one who charged in first, and he did so against Remus. Following quickly behind him was Borden, and it would be impossible for Leo to outrun Borden, but it was never his plan in the first place.

Everyone was quite close in the fight, and Remus would be distracted, sending certain images to Borden's head. His reactions would be slower. With him charging in, he would have to either cancel the images he was sending or fight himself.

"You think I can't fight you with at least one hand?" Remus said, as he fired blood bullets at close range toward Leo, he had blocked a few of them, but also a couple had gone into his arms and shoulders.

Ignoring the pain, and moving the Qi around his body to support those hurt areas, allowed him to push through.

'I'm not going to be the one that takes you down!' Leo thought, using his soul weapon at the last second. He moved out of the way but changed the flow of Borden's aura behind him, so he could direct the attack to where he wished. That's exactly what he did. Borden's punch wasn't heading for him now but was heading straight for Remus.

A powerful punch was felt in his gut, blowing it half away. Seeing this, Borden screamed in anger.

'Are the images still being shown in his head? If Borden is seeing me as the vampire, is he seeing Remus as me?'

Even angrier, Borden went to punch Leo again, with even greater power, However just like before, using every last bit of his soul weapons energy. Leo was able to alter the aura and redirect his attack so it would hit Remus's head.

The punch this time, hit the right side of Remus's face and had blown half his head off, but Remus still had a smile.

"Do you think I would die before getting my revenge on the tenth? You think this pain is even the same as I went through, being experimented on! None of the vampire families deserves to live, they just sat there and did nothing, and that cursed tenth family is still alive! Bring me, Jim Eno! Let me skin him alive!" Remus shouted, without realising he was lying on the floor staring at the sky, unable to move.

His body was already starting to heal, but his power over Borden had finished.

"Here, use my sword," Leo said, panting, giving him the sword created with the blood fairy's blood. Leo was spent, his energy was used to redirect Borden's attack, and it had taken up all of his soul weapons power. "Also, carry me on your back."

The vision had ended for Borden, the second he had hit Remus in the head. When he saw his body falling to the floor, and Leo by his side sweating, he quickly understood what had happened.

Doing as asked, Borden put Leo on his back, and then he could feel something strange. A warm feeling in his boy.

"It looks like the Dalki have Qi as well," Leo commented while moving the energy around his body. "Although I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. It might be good now, but to learn that our enemies can get even stronger is frightening."

The reason why Leo wanted to be on Remus' back was so he could use Borden's own Qi, and from it, use the second stage Qi to coat the sword in his hand. With the blood fairy's power and the second stage of Qi. There should be no healing for the next thing they were about to do.

Walking up, Borden didn't hesitate to slice through Remus's head, and then soon stabbed him with the sword in the c.h.e.s.t. A few seconds later, and it looked like Remus's body was turning to ash that was being blown away in the wind.

One of the original leaders had died.

At that moment, the vampires that were trying to scale up the platform attacking Quinn had stopped. They were confused at what was happening, and the sound of fighting all over seemed to end.

"That useless piece of crap. I healed him when all he had left was his head, and then he goes and dies just like that. I see now, too much time was spent on the originals, and we always saw them as gods, but now I see that it wasn't true at all.

"What god falls that easily, right now, I would say I am more of a god, wouldn't you agree. King Bryce." Cindy said, looking at Bryce's bloody hand, holding onto his sword, and Prima, who was passed out on the floor next to him.
