Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1185: Rampage

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"The latest shipment is a little late isn't it?" A man asked while swirling some wine in his glass.

"There has been an unexpected delay but don't worry the shipment will arrive without any problems." A woman bowed before walking out of the room.

"Lila, explain." She said, closing the door behind her.

"We haven't been able to get into contact with any of them. Some of their life fires have also been extinguished. We can assume that they ran into some trouble." The girl named Lila replied while following behind the woman.

"Tsk, right in our territory too. Did another Queen or worker for the gods interfere?" The woman asked but Lila shook her head.

"Hmm… Troublesome. Alright, I'll go get an audience with the god. Go keep an eye out on the walls, make sure everything is running smoothly."

Nodding her head, Lila bowed before making her way out of the castle.

With Lila now gone, the woman teleported to her chambers that now had a totem in the middle of her room.

Groveling before the totem, the woman bit her lip and took a deep breath.

"I apologise, the shipment has been delayed. Our workers have run into some danger. Few of them have lost their lives." After saying this, she stayed silent.

There was a strange hum in the room, ask though wind was passing through several holes. The fires flickered and a strange energy gripped her mind.

The totem in front of her started to shake as the eyes lit up with a flame.

"Kill the one who caused this. Tear their skin off their body, their flesh off their bones and present them to me. Then all will be forgiven." A voice echoed as the woman shuddered before nodded her head.

"If the person was able to kill the carriers, they may prove to be an annoyance to deal with. May I have some power to deal with the problem?" The woman asked as the eyes started to flicker violently.

There was a long pause before the flickering died down.

"Very well. I suppose you do deserve some power."

Suddenly, screams erupted out from the totem as hallowed spirits grabbed the woman before plunging into her body.

Gritting her teeth, the woman accepted their tampering before bowing one last time and left the room respectfully without turning her back.

Only when the door closed did she sigh in relief and collapsed on the floor.

'Fucking gods…' She cursed in her mind before standing up.

She knew that the god could hear her thoughts but it derived enjoyment from bending her to his will. Even though she was defiant, there was nothing she could do.

Gritting her teeth in anger, she stormed towards the inner sanctum where they trained the warriors.

However, before she could, she could feel Lila's energy tugging for her attention.

Walking towards the walls, the woman could see a faint shadow in the distance.

"You wanted my attention?" The woman asked as Lila nodded her head.

"We've tried to warn that person but they haven't stopped nor did they reply. What should we do with her?" Lila asked as the woman thought for a moment before opening her mouth.

"We're already at capacity, if she's not heeding the warnings then just kill her, it's a mercy." Nodding her head, Lila signalled the mages and archers that were stationed on the wall.

One of the mages activated a spell circle while the archers pulled back their bows and fired towards the figure in the distance. Watching the arrows fly through the spell circles to become empowered, the woman decided to walk away.

Hearing an explosion in the distance, she figured that the job was done.

However, hearing some confused muttering, the woman decided to turn back and see what was the problem.

Suddenly, the dust cleared as she could now see the figure clearly.

Her white hair fluttered in the dust, there was no smile on her face. Sword and gun in hand, the woman recognised who it was.

"Oh…. Fuck…." She muttered as she realised what they've just done.

Seeing the killing intent that she was now radiating, she knew that they were going to have to fight for their survival.

"Call everyone to battle stations, if we don't kill her we're all going to die."

Hearing this, everyone on the wall was shocked as they didn't think their Queen would declare something like this.


Walking towards the main base where all the slaves were being sent, Shiro felt oddly calm.

Obviously she was angry, she wished she could just bomb this place using her satellite cannons and she could. However, by calm she meant she didn't feel worried at all.

Her heart was akin to a peaceful ocean.

Seeing the arrows fly towards her, she aimed her hand cannon.

She didn't even need to pause time to shoot them all down, it was simple work.

Pulling the trigger, she continued to fire without slowing down at all.

Waving her sword, she pushed the dust away before increasing her speed.

Little by little, she broke into a sprint as spells were hurled towards her.

Dark energy erupted from Iriel as Shiro stomped down and swung the blade as hard as she could.


A wave of dark energy rushed towards the spells, consuming them in an instant as Shiro continued to sprint towards them.

She wasn't running at full speed either, this was her giving them a chance to slow her down but seeing their level of spells, she was left rather dissatisfied.

However, just as she was about to teleport, she saw the gates open and hundreds of men dashed out. Judging by the expressions of their face, Shiro guessed that they weren't in their right mind. All of them gave the feeling of crazy guard dogs.

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro activated Analysis EX and scanned their code in an instant.

"I see… I'll give you peace." Shiro muttered.

Changing the bullet she was using, Shiro infused her fake creation energy into the battery of the gun and aimed towards the men who were charging at her.


Watching the first bullet hit one of the men, he immediately regained his thoughts as he looked around in confusion.

One of the others were about to run into him when a barrier sprung up around him, stopping him from getting harmed.

Confused by what's happening, he could only watch in silence.

Firing a few more bullets, the same thing happened as Shiro unsummoned Iriel for now since she wasn't going to harm these guys.

Stepping to the side, she avoided the first hit before grabbing their arm and aimed the gun under his chin.


Throwing him behind her, she ducked under the swing of the next person, firing a bullet into his chest as she was passing him.

Watching three try to jump on her, Shiro stomped down, causing them to lose their footing before firing at the three of them.

Pushing off their shoulder, Shiro launched herself into the air and grabbed a grenade from her inventory.

Infusing it with energy from her left arm, she dropped it into a large crowd before switching her hand cannon into a shotgun.

Switching the bullet once more, she fired the gun and watched as each pellet 'woke' up the berserkers.

Throwing her shotgun back into her inventory, Shiro slammed her hand down, creating a giant dome of ice that sealed the city off.

The dome was also enchanted with runes to prevent teleportation.

Running towards the walls of the city, Shiro twisted her body and threw a dagger.

Tens of magic circles appeared in front of the dagger, increasing its speed as it transformed into a ray of light.



Plunging into the neck of one of the mages on the wall, Shiro suddenly appeared where the dagger was and stared at the mage.

Grabbing him by the head, she slammed it into her knees, shattering his skull and killed him instantly.

The fighters that were on the walls tried to stop her but two shards of ice erupted from her palms, piercing them in the head along with the mages behind them.

Snapping her finger, their corpses exploded into droplets of blood as she flung it towards the archers.

Lightning flickered off her fingertips as it jumped from one blood droplet to another until it reached the archers.

Charring them into cinders in an instant, Shiro pulled out another grenade and threw it behind her, destroying a large part of the walls while also killing the archers while sparing a few.

Right now, she was scanning their source codes to see who she kills and who she spares.

An insane amount of information was flowing through her mind but she persisted.

Seeing as how there were still a lot of archers and mages running from the other side of the wall, Shiro narrowed her eyes and threw her dagger into the air.

Clasping her hands together, the daggers started to duplicate themselves as Shiro's eyes could be seen reflected off the blade.

Activating Argus' blessing, she scanned everyone on the walls.

Feeling light headed for a moment, Shiro flexed her fingers and shattered the daggers into shards that flung themselves towards the ones she chose to kill.

Their bodies were instantly impaled by countless shards that tore them apart, killing them instantly while those she spared could only watch in horror.

Summoning Iriel, Shiro swung her blade, cleaving a path towards the main castle.