Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 44: Elven Bladedancer

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Returning to the dorm, Shiro knocked on Lyrica's door.

"Oh Shiro-" Lyrica paused when she saw Shiro's new outfit. Just seeing the hood frame her cute face and the stockings and jeans frame her thighs made her face heat up.

[You ok?]

"Ah! Yes! Come in." Lyrica said as she quickly gestured for Shiro to enter her room.

[I got a present for you since you challenged the Dungeon solo for the first time. This armour and outfit should help you a lot.] Shiro smiled as she sat down on a chair.

Pulling out the armour and outfit, Shiro gestured for Lyrica to take a look.

"Just… wow…" Was all Lyrica muttered seeing the armour effects.

[The outfit is made from a special material like my first dress. It won't break or rip, but the damage is still there. So don't think just because the clothes didn't rip, you won't take any damage.] Shiro warned.

"Of course. It would be stupid otherwise." Lyrica nodded.

[We have time to challenge a Dungeon. Want to do it now?] Shiro smiled. The sooner she got Lyrica to level 20 the better, this was so that she could get an extra edge in the faction recruitment.

Lyrica nodded as she too wanted to reach level 20.

Leaving the dorms, Shiro paused as she felt a strange gaze on her.

Pulling her hood forward, she continued to walk whilst looking for the source of the gaze.

She narrowed her eyes when she saw the figure.

It was the shadow clone of Lucius. She only recognised the clone as she too used the same type of clone during the story quest of the Yin Kingdom.

Shiro followed Lyrica as they walked out of the school facility.

[Give me a second, I'll be right back.] Shiro typed out.

"Alright, I'll wait here for you."

Walking away from Lyrica, Shiro walked into an ally. The clone followed but not before it felt two hands wrap around his head and neck.

"Next time make sure you don't make yourself so obvious." Shiro whispered even though she knew he won't understand.

Twisting her hand, she ripped the clones head clean of the torso as it broke apart.

Dusting her hands, she walked back to Lyrica.


Lucius, who was talking to Mark, paused feeling his clones death.

"So she found and killed it." He said with a small smile.

"Killed what?" Mark asked.

"She killed the clone I sent to observe her." Lucius chuckled slightly.

"!!!" Mark paused in shock as Lucius's shadow clones were very hard to spot. Not only were they small, but they also blended in almost perfectly with the surroundings.

Even for level 50's, they would find it hard to notice the clone.

"I'm quite interested in her. Make it so that finding out her background is your top priority."



Having killed the clone, Shiro returned to Lyrica as they made their way to the Dungeon.

Since Lyrica was level 19 and hitting level 20 soon, they decided to challenge the level 20 Dungeon, Murloc Caverns.

Murloc Caverns featured swamps and land-based combat.

The murlocs, were large, frog-like creatures that walked on both legs. Sickly green skin and blue patterns.

In addition to this, they also had reptilian eyes, humanoid teeth and tentacle-like protrusions from their backs.

With everything combined, they made for a disgusting match.

Within the ranks of the Murlocs, there are the basic troops to the highest Murloc King. The Murloc King being the final boss of this Dungeon.

There is a total of 3 floors in this Dungeon; the first floor consisting of Murloc troops and heavy tanks, second floor consisted of Murloc mages, troops and shamans. The final floor being the king with all his guards.

With Shiro being a level 30, they were allowed a permit to enter. This was due to the fact that Shiro was a level 30 and rank 10 on the mages priority list. Anyone high in the ranks were able to challenge a E rank Dungeon easily.

Entering the Dungeon, a new question surfaced in Shiro's mind.

[Lyrica, how did you enter a Dungeon solo last time?]

"Eh… I just snuck in Hehehe." Lyrica laughed slightly.

[Ah so just like me.] Shiro grinned.

Patting Lyrica's shoulder, Shiro nodded in approval.


The sound similar to someone drowning rang out as Lyrica took out her blade.

Shiro stepped back as this was solo run for Lyrica. She was only the fail-safe.

As the sound came closer, they saw the Murloc holding a small rusted sword.

[Murloc Troop LVL 20]

Lyrica twisted her body as she launched her weapon forwards.


The weapon smacked against the Murloc's sword as Lyrica jumped up and caught the blade.

Twisting her body in mid-air, she slashed downwards and cleaved the Murloc in half.

Shiro smiled seeing her efficiency since it shouldn't take too long for Lyrica to reach level 20.

After several hours of grinding on the first floor, Lyrica had finally hit level 20.

[Congratulation? What classes are available?] Shiro asked.

"Erm… I got Elven Swordswoman star, Elven Swordmaster and Elven Bladedancer." Lyrica said as Shiro considered.

[What benefits and negatives are there?]

"The Elven Swordswoman star gives me and 15% bonus when attacking with swords, a 10% agility bonus and an extra 10% STR when I attack with full momentum. Swordmaster gives me a 20% bonus, 15% agility and an extra 15% STR. But I also lose most of my defence and skills in turn for new ones."

[What about the last one? Elven Bladedancer?] Shiro asked.

She knew that all elves had a chance to reach Elven Sword Saintess. But she didn't know about any of the classes that came before it. While she could guess a few, Elven Bladedancer was certainly a new class she had never even heard rumours of.

"Oh wow. The Elven Bladedancer gives me a 20% bonus with swords, daggers and chain wh.i.p.s. A 20% agility bonus and an extra 20% STR. But that requires me to almost completely abandon my defence."

'Hmm, from what she's told me, the Bladedancer seems like a heavy damage orientated class. It should have either amazing burst damage or long damage over time. From what I've seen of Lyrica, this may fit her quite nicely.'

[Which class do you think you're going to go for?]

"I'm thinking of Bladedancer. Being able to end a fight quickly would be handy if I'm going to be soloing Dungeons." Lyrica replied.

[Do what you wish. If I remember clearly, every elf has a chance to get Elven Sword Saintess right? The strength of your class should be linked to the classes you chose previously. So for you to pick bladedancer, your elven sword saintess may become a heavy damage oriented class.] Shiro smiled.

"Eh?! How do you know about Elven Sword Saintess?! That's supposed to be one of the secrets of the elf race!" Lyrica cried out in surprise.

[I have my sources. But what do you mean by secrets? Isn't it supposed to be commonly known?]

"Well since you already know, I guess it doesn't hurt to tell you. Basically, the relationship between human and demi-races seem nice on the surface, but we all know they want to oppress us demi-races. Each race is basically exposed to the human race as they know all of our traits. The elven sword saintess is supposed to be a secret against the human race should it ever come to that." Lyrica said with a sigh.

"With power like the Elven Sword Saintess at our disposal, the human race can't sit still. If they knew about it, it'll cause the humans to be wary and be on guard against the elven race. Eliminating any source of danger that may come to the human race."

[Is that so? Narrow-minded fools. With the human race occupying such little of the territory, they still want to oppress the other races?] Shiro typed out as she had a disdainful sneer on her face.

Greed was one of the core parts of the human mentality. Very few could resist the greed which plagued their nature and Shiro knows it. But everyone should at least have the ability to rein it in for the betterment of the race.

[You should try hard to get the class then. Having a hidden proficiency can help you gain the class.] Shiro typed out.

"Alright. But I have to say, I'm surprised Shiro is so… how can I put this…"

[Open minded?]

"Kind of like that. I'm just surprised that you can be so calm. What if I become an overlord that enslaves the human race?" Lyrica joked.

Shiro only shrugged.

[Then I take responsibility. But to be honest. I can't exactly be called a human right now. Demi-race like you would be suitable I suppose.] Shiro smiled.

"Eh?! Shiro's a demi too? But I thought your ID said human?" Lyrica asked.

[In a world filled with trickery, you need to be good at disguising yourself.] Shiro smiled.

"But what if I tell other people?"

[Then it's just me misplacing my trust.] Shiro shrugged. She didn't mind telling Lyrica that she wasn't a human for now. Naturally, she wouldn't tell her that she was a monster either.

That'll have to wait.

"Aww Shiro…" Lyrica muttered hearing Shiro trust her enough to reveal her non-human lineage to her. Whilst it wasn't the full truth, she knew a person like Shiro needed to hide parts of her life to avoid danger.

[So which class are you going to choose?]

"I'm thinking of going Bladedancer. My mum has told me about going for stars is good, but the difficulty scales up with each star. Bladedancer seems to fit me more honestly." Lyrica said whilst tapped the Bladedancer class.

"Eh? The conditions aren't too hard I suppose. Defeat 3 bosses with the sword, dagger and whip. 5 D ranked mana stones. Achieve a 250 point total in STR, AGI and DEX." Lyrica said, telling Shiro about her class up conditions.

[How many points do you have in total for your STR AGI and DEX?]

"I got 320 in total."

[That's one condition completed. You should aim to complete the rest of the tasks in this Dungeon.]

"Eh? But I don't have a whip nor a dagger. I only have this dual-ended blade which barely counts as a sword."

[I have something for you don't worry. The main problem is your fighting potential without the dual-ended blade. Since your body's been adapting to the weapon, do you think it remembers some of the movements?]

"Oh, you mean like muscle memory?"


"Maybe… but I'm not too sure." Lyrica shook her head.

[You need to make sure you have basic proficiency with every weapon. There will be situations where you would lose your main weapon and have to make do with different weapons. If you train yourself, you'll be able to use every weapon available.]

"But that's hard~" Lyrica complained. Reaching a basic understanding in every weapon was hard as not only did she need to train in each of them, she needs to make sure she curbs any weapon movement habits she picks up.

Examples being the difference between an axe and a dagger. The heavier weapon types involve the use of momentum control whilst the light weapons, like the dagger, need no such thing. To gain proficiency in everything, she'll need to make sure her movements don't collide with different weapons.

[Shouldn't be. I was able to gain an above basic proficiency in every weapon since I was trained from the time I was a kid.]

"But aren't you still a kid now?" Lyrica asked with confusion.

[When I was trained younger then. It took me a few years but I was able to curb my habits and get better.] Shiro smiled.

'I need to remember that my current body resembles that of a 13-year-old. I shouldn't be talking about experiences like I did in my past life.' Shiro thought.

[Anyways, since you've killed most of the mobs on the first floor, let's kill the obelisk guardian and go up to the second floor.]

"Alright." Lyrica nodded as they made their way to the guardian.

When they arrived, they saw the obelisk located in the middle of an island and the boss swimming in the water.

Sensing Shiro and Lyrica, the boss dived down before shooting out the water.


The boss landed with a heavy thud as his entire body was exposed to the duo.

He had a slimy and elongated body that was a revolting hybrid between a frog and an eel. The mouth of the Murloc stretched back all the way to his arms as the rows of teeth caused both Shiro and Lyrica to cringe in disgust.

Blue wave-like patterns stretched across his body as the back was decorated with fins.

[Murloc River Guardian LVL 20 – Elite]