Necromancer Of The Shadows-Chapter 1032 Anastasia Vs Halphas (Part 2)

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Chapter 1032 Anastasia Vs Halphas (Part 2)

"Are you interested in that sword?" Anastasia asked when she saw Evan looking at a beginner-level rank three greatsword that was being auctioned.

"No, I was looking at it because this sword looks somewhat similar to one that I have," Evan said while looking at the deep red sword that resembled the Doom Sword he used in the Tomb of the Ancient.

"Besides," He turned his head towards Anastasia and asked with a smile on his face, "Do you think I need these low-level weapons when I have a daughter who can turn into a badass halberd?"

Anastasia was speechless when she heard Evan and had no words to refute. She had felt the power of the Halberd of Destruction, so she knew very well just how broken the powers hidden inside it were.

The auction continued without any problems, and even though many interesting items were being auctioned, Evan and Anastasia didn't show any interest in them.

Sylvan bought a few things that could be used by the Dryads, but because he had spent one and a half billion high-level essence stones when Octavius created the World Core Pill, he didn't buy too many things due to a lack of funds.

"Sigh, to think I would feel so poor just after buying some low-level things..." Sylvan muttered in a depressed voice, feeling that Evan was right in calling Octavius a loan shark who turned him into a poor old man.

"Don't be depressed, you will soon become a rich old master once we succeed in our plan," Alaric said in a comforting voice and patted Sylvan's shoulder.

Sylvan nodded his head, hearing Alaric, and started to tell him how his home budget decreased because of losing one and a half billion essence stones.

Alaric listened attentively and also shared how he had to use a large amount of resources to control the monsters of the Dark Forest and how he also faced budget crises in the past.

Ashley looked at the two old men who were competing over who was poorer and rubbed her forehead, feeling she should have gone with Evan and Anastasia.

She was just a thousand-year-old young girl. In her opinion, she was too young to hear the bullshit of these two old men.

Fortunately, Ashley didn't have to listen to the complaints of the two old men for long because the final item of the auction finally appeared.

"Now, for the final item, as you all already know we have the Life Water," The auctioneer announced, and a woman brought a small transparent bottle filled with light green liquid.

Seeing the green liquid in the bottle, the people present in the auction venue exploded into excited discussions because even though the liquid was inside a bottle made of special materials, they could still feel the boundless life force contained within it.

"Finally..." When Anderson saw the Life Water, his blood-red eyes glowed and he glanced towards the side wall of his room, looking straight in Halphas's direction, who was in the room next to him.

Although the rooms of the auction house were protected by formations that prevented others from spying on other people, those formations couldn't stop a Rank Six Core Evolver, so Anderson was easily able to see Halphas.

Halphas felt Anderson looking in his direction, so he also glanced towards him but didn't say anything.

Seeing Halphas calm, Anderson snorted inwardly and looked back at the auction venue.

Because of the appearance of the Life Water, the entire auction venue was abuzz with heated discussions.

Amid the chaos, no one noticed that five elves, whom Evan had met in the Black Mountain Range silently stood up and left the auction venue.

Evan smiled slightly when the elves left the auction venue and put away the communication crystal he had just used to send a message to Lavle.

Anastasia noticed what Evan did and smiled slightly.

"You are really determined to turn the Gehenna Empire upside down, huh?" She said.

"I mean, why not?" Evan shrugged his shoulders. "Since we are going to do this, we should do it in a way that will greatly benefit us."

"Are you talking about Searoth?" Anastasia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Evan smirked and, instead of answering, asked her another question.

"What do you think Searoth, who absolutely hates Baphomet and the demons of the Gehenna Empire will do when he hears about what we did here?"

For a moment, Anastasia was surprised by Evan's question, but soon a look of understanding flashed across her face and she smiled slightly.

Seeing the smile on her face, Evan leaned back on the couch and asked lightly.

"By the way, all the essence stones that these people are going to pay for the Life Water will come into our pockets, right?"

"I was the one who provided them with the Life Water, so of course, the essence stones would come into our pocket," Anastasia replied while rolling her eyes.

"I didn't ask before, but how did you get so much Life Water? I heard it's extremely rare, and elves don't sell it to outsiders."

Anastasia tossed a grape into her mouth and replied in a light voice.

"I exchanged some items with Eilistraea long ago. In return for those items, I received around one and a half litres of Life Water from her."

Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard Anastasia and suddenly remembered she had told him that she was injured in the past and only recovered after the evolution of the Shadow Realm.

"Did you exchange the Life Water to heal your injuries?"

Hearing Evan, Anastasia shook her head and said in an embarrassed voice.

"It wasn't for healing my injuries. I actually thought about using the Life Water in cooking, but the result was a total disaster. Even after experimenting with nearly one litre of Life Water, I was never able to create a good dish using it."

Evan: "..."

He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. In the end, he decided to keep his mouth shut and looked back at the auction venue, where Halphas and Anderson had already started to compete for the Life Water.