Necromancer Of The Shadows-Chapter 737 Elf, Demon... Eltharon! (Part 1)

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Chapter 737 Elf, Demon... Eltharon! (Part 1)

?When the passive effect of the Reaper's Wrath skill ended, Evan's stat points decreased quite a bit.

Soon after, the duration of the Shadow Possession skill also ended, and Evan's stat points finally returned to normal. Although they had returned to normal, Evan felt that his agility and world essence were higher than before.

He opened his status window and saw his agility and world essence had increased because of the Soul Harvest effect of the Reaper's Wrath skill.

As he was looking at his stat points, Evan suddenly noticed something and raised an eyebrow.

"What is this note beside my World Essence?"

Strength: 38 (f)reenovelkiss

Agility: 38

Endurance: 40

World Essence: 50 (10 points will be added when the rank of your Core reaches the mid-level Rank One)

Stamina: 40

Intelligence: 35

Primordial Shadow Energy: 40

Previously, Evan's agility was 35 points, and his world essence was 40 points, but now both of them were higher than before.

Looking at the note beside his World Essence, Evan suddenly thought about something and looked at the notification that he had received after killing Melad, the mid-level Rank Two Core Evolver.

(Successfully harvested the soul of a mid-level Rank Two Core Evolver)

(Your World Essence has increased by 20 points)

"Twenty points..." Evan raised an eyebrow when he saw the number of stat points he had received after killing Melad. He thought for a few seconds and finally understood what was going on.

"It seems my limit while being a Beginner Level Rank One Core Evolver is fifty points. If I want to increase my stat points above fifty, I will need to break through to the mid-level of Rank One..." Evan muttered, looking at the small note beside his world essence.

Evan was a little disappointed after learning that he would have to increase the rank of his Core in order to surpass the 50-point mark. However, he was somewhat relieved that the stat points he received after killing Melad did not disappear and would be added to his stats as long as he increased the rank of his core.

While Evan was looking at his status window, the active effect of the Reaper's Wrath skill, Soul Harvest, also ended, and the aura around him finally returned to its natural state.

When Cedar noticed the natural demonic aura around Evan with no sign of killing intent, he sighed in relief and finally relaxed. 𝓯𝙧𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝓫𝒏𝙤𝓿𝙚𝙡.𝙘𝙤𝒎

Although Evan told him he was completely fine, he was still tense because of the killing intent that surrounded him during all this time. But seeing the killing intent around him disappear, he could finally rest easy.

Once the killing intent surrounding Evan disappeared, Cedar looked at Kael's dead body and frowned slightly. His spiritual senses scanned Kael's body, and after a minute, his eyes lit up.

"So that's how it is?" Cedar muttered and his eyes flashed with brownish light.

Just as Cedar's eyes flashed, the ground around Kael's body moved, and a sharp earth knife tore open his right arm.

Surprisingly, when the knife tore open Kael's arm, no blood flowed out; instead, a layer of metal hidden inside his arm was revealed.

The sharp earth knife easily sliced through the layer of metal, and the moment it was sliced open, a storage ring dropped to the ground from the gap in the metal layer.

Seeing the storage ring, Cedar smiled and picked up the ring.

"To think he would hide his storage ring like this..." Cedar muttered, smiling warily as he looked at the eight storage rings in his hand.

Suddenly, Cedar felt something and looked up. When he looked up, he saw Evan walking towards him.

Cedar gazed at Evan for a few seconds. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he smiled slightly and threw the eight storage rings towards him.

"It seems it won't be long before you will be able to return the essence stones that you borrowed from me."

Evan was startled when Cedar suddenly threw eight storage rings towards him, but he reacted quickly and caught them using wind manipulation skill.

After catching the storage rings, he looked at Cedar and stayed silent. After a few seconds, he asked in a calm voice.

"Do you want to ask something?"

"Do you want to tell me?" Cedar didn't answer; instead, he asked back.

Evan stayed silent for a moment before eventually shaking his head.

Honestly, he had quite a good impression of Cedar, but the problem was that even if he wanted to tell him, he didn't know what to say.

He himself was confused about the whole situation so there was nothing he could explain to Cedar.

Seeing Evan shaking his head, Cedar just smiled and waved his hand.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. After all, everyone has their own secrets..." Cedar said, looking at Evan deeply.

"But..." Suddenly, Cedar's eyes turned sharp, and he said in a serious voice, "I hope that you don't have any ill intentions towards the Drayds; otherwise, I will take you down even if I have to risk my life."

Evan was surprised when he heard Cedar, but soon a smile formed on his lips and he shook his head.

"You don't have to worry about that. I have never thought about harming the Drayds."

Cedar looked at Evan for a few seconds and when he did not detect any lie, he smiled slightly and nodded his head.

He looked at the eight dead bodies around them and asked in a calm voice.

"Should I bury them in the ground?"

Hearing Cedar's question, Evan immediately shook his head. "No, I have other plans for them."

"Other plans?" Cedar raised an eyebrow hearing Evan and looked at him in confusion.

Seeing the confused look on Cedar's face, Evan showed a smug smile and pointed his hand towards the dead body of one of the Rank One Core Evolvers.

"Shadow Resurrection..."

The moment Evan spoke, the atmosphere around them changed. Cedar's eyes opened wide in disbelief, and he looked at the body of the Rank One Core Evolver with his mouth slightly open.

The next second...

Brzz!! Brzz!! - - -

The body of the Rank One Core Evolver started to tremble and...

Puchi! - - -

The skin of the dead body was suddenly tore open, and a fountain of blood gushed out.

Cedar, who was wondering what kind of plan Evan had for the dead bodies was shocked, and he looked at Evan in disbelief.

'So he is planning to torture them even though they are already dead.'

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