Number One Dungeon Supplier-Chapter 1846 Demon Exorcists Gathering
It was near midnight and there was no sign of any strange activities other than the gathering of the Demon Exorcists who were in their plainclothes. The Vatican Elite Guards were more obvious since they came donning in with their heavy combat armour and it was similar to the Roman Soldiers that Jin had seen. The difference was that while the design was identical, he was very sure that they were more technologically advanced to protect them from just simple sword strikes and piercing arrows.
However, by the time the Vatican Elite Guards came, there was nearly no one in the vicinity except for a construction team who had put up warning signs and lights which Jin believed it was a company being bought to put up the cover of doing maintenance in the night.
At the same time, the senior Demon Exorcists who came were also armed to the teeth with a number of them donning priests' clothes with simple chest armour and modern pieces of gauntlets and knee pads. Obviously, their main protection was their clothes which Jin could discern that they were at least a high grade.
"Are we not going to say hi?" Lian asked and Jin shook his head as the birds had been positioned well enough to have the whole colosseum under their surveillance.
"We are going to stay put here until the thing dies down. Let the team of Italian Demon Exorcists handle to entire fiasco." Jin said as he suddenly received a phone call. It was obviously an Italian number based on the phone code which the System stated it was coming from the Head Exorcist Diego La Pluma. "Hello?" Jin called and the voice sounded weary.
"Is this the number for the Demon Exorcist Xie Jin?" Diego asked.
"Yes, speaking. Are you the Demon Exorcist that I had to report to?" Jin pretended to question and it was on loudspeaker so that Lian could hear the conversation as well.
"Indeed. I am the Head of the Demon Exorcist Organisation in Italy. If you are able to pick this up, can I assume that you have landed safely in Rome?" Diego questioned as he knew it was going to be time for the operation.
"Yes, I just arrived not too long ago." The System immediately gave corresponding flight times for Jin to check and thankfully there was one that had landed from China at 11.30 pm. It gave him the perfect excuse that he needed time to reach the operation site.
"Excellent. However, as I assumed your teacher, Yuan had explained to you that we might be starting ahead without the support of the Chinese Demon Exorcists." Diego wished not to have many complications with overseas Demon Exorcists organisations if it was possible. After all, he was the head and needed to think for political reasons.
"Yes, I did and had known the complications upon arrival. I will try to reach there as fast as I can but if the operation is completed by then, I will just stay for the night before I return to China."
"Thank you for understanding. The most I can do is to ensure your flight can be partially reimbursed to you from our organisations given that you were being asked to fly from one area to another at the shortest possible time."
"Yes, that would be appreciated. Though, a full reimbursement might be a better alternative." Jin tried to joke and Diego did laugh along with him.
"I see what I can do."
"All the best for the operation," Jin said and the both of them ended the call. "Guess, I did not need you after all. All those liesssss of needing you guys." Jin said as he poked Lian at her arm and she could not be bothered to reply. The weariness from the sensor skill had started to kick in despite Jin's consistent push of Maqi into her.
"Still no extraordinary signs of chi or mana coming from anywhere. Everyone that is going to fight is being concentrated in the Colosseum. No outliers or guards being posted anywhere except for the cover up company that were putting up sound barriers and a few light posts to demarcate a bigger radius of no entry" Lian reported as she asked if she could stop the sensor skill since the operation was about to begin.
"No. Continue at it. Continue until the entire operation ends. Also, if there is a sudden change in the situation, continue to monitor even if I leave this area to help them out." Jin stated.
"In short, I am not going to move with you when the shit hits the fan?" the Nine Tailed Demon Cultivator asked and he nodded seriously.
"Any signs of the Banned Emperor Terrorists, tell the System. It will know what to do with I am busy."
"No wonder you did not want Su Zhen or Lein to come with you. If you issue such orders to them, they will break them no matter what." Lian sighed as she continued to keep the sensor skill's output chi energy as stable as possible.
"Because they have the 'Hero' attribute in them. At one time, or maybe even now I still feel like I have that in me. However, as I grow with this System and went through so much shit with it. I understand that there are some things that the best action is no action.
"The System believed that is a good philosophy that the User should adhere to. However, up till now, you had been intervening in so many things that for you to preach such a phrase is considered to be hypocritical." The System spoke out and it caused Lian to burst into laughter.
"Damn System, I thought you had my back on this," Jin said and Lian tried to hold in her laughter.
"However, the System did deem that the User's actions this round to be of the right choice. That is why the System supported the User despite consistent demands from Grandma Yuan to get the other three to come here as well."
"Good. Keep them there."