Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!-Chapter 1327 - Demonic Abyss Worm

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Chapter 1327: Demonic Abyss Worm

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the Wolf King became more and more excited as he spoke, he sounded slightly neurotic.

In Meng Chao’s mind, a Minotaur warrior with a muscular build, a bronze head, an iron forehead, and a beast skin draped over his body, filled with a savage aura, appeared. He was swinging the trunk of a mandrake tree, but there was a huge triceratops head at the end of the trunk. This head was actually still alive. Its bloodthirsty eyeballs were emitting a soul-stirring light, and its bloody mouth could even release a thunderous roar. It was an incomparably valiant, savage, and shocking scene.

He once again rejoiced.

Fortunately, he had rich experience in exploring ruins and knew that those who were deeply attracted by the Ancient Ruins’ Summon but could not extricate themselves would most likely end up in a miserable state. Thus, he was not easily bewitched by the mysterious power that originated from the depths of the huge skeleton fossil.

Although he was truly tempted, this savage Great Triangle of Death was not something that the current him could digest and absorb.

As for the huge spine next to the Great Triangle of Death, which was like a hell train, the Wolf King knew little about its origin too.

It was said that it came from a totem beast called the Demonic Abyss Worm.

When this terrifying monster first appeared in the Turan orcs’ nightmare, it was still a harmless existence that was less than half an arm long and thinner than the Turan orcs’ fingers.

However, this “little earthworm” had a mouth that was sharper than that of an Arctic lamprey. It had a stronger suction force than an octopus’ sucker, and it could secrete paralytics similar to a leech.

As such, it could make its prey completely unaware of its existence until it used its sharp mouth to tear open the skin, burrow into the flesh, and hide in its prey’s body.

Then, the prey would finally notice the existence of the Demonic Abyss Worm.

Usually, it would feed on its prey’s internal organs.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it would grow from a “little earthworm” to a “giant python,” and then from a “giant python” to a “flood dragon” that overturned rivers and seas.

As its size increased, the Demonic Abyss Worm’s appetite grew accordingly.

In the beginning, it would try to find prey that was even larger in size, which could vary from barbarian elephant warriors to other gigantic totem beasts.

Soon, it would find that it was the biggest creature in its hunting range of several hundred miles.

Therefore, it would curl up and began to evolve, gaining an extremely strong, flexible, and sharp spine.

When it opened its mouth, which was now more than ten to twenty meters in diameter, it resembled a man-eating flower.

The mouth that it had originally used to burrow into its prey’s body would have also evolved to possess whirlpool-levels of suction force. It could suck its struggling prey into its body from a distance of dozens or even hundreds of arms.

After completing its evolution, the Demonic Abyss Worm would be no different from a real abyss, devouring all living creatures within its field of vision.

From the Turan orcs to the other totem beasts, from the mandrake trees to all the flowers and plants that grew alongside the mandrake trees… Even the thin layer of algae that covered the ground was not spared.

Once it poisoned a place, it would wipe it out more efficiently than raging flames that burned for three days and three nights.

One could probably say that as long as one ran fast enough when facing the Great Triangle of Death, the enormous creature that only knew how to go on a rampage and unleash its destructive desires to its heart’s content might lose interest in an insignificant little guy.

Even if the person was killed by the Great Triangle of Death, at least, a few pieces of flesh and blood, which were as rotten as mud, would still be left behind.

However, when a pitiful prey heard the hurricane-like whistling from the depths of the Demonic Abyss Worm’s mouth, it often meant the end. Moreover, there would not be the slightest bit of bone residue left behind. This beast’s digestive ability was so strong that it did not even need an excretion hole!

When such a monster appeared within the Gold Clan’s territory and turned the jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards’ hunting grounds into barren lands, it naturally triggered the Lion and Tiger Clans’ wrath.

However, the two hunting teams from the Lion and Tiger Clans mysteriously disappeared on their way to encircle and annihilate the Demonic Abyss Worm.

They did not leave behind half a sword, half a piece of armor, half a bone, or even half a drop of blood.

There was no sign of a fierce battle on the battlefield that had been licked by the Demonic Abyss Worm.

It was as if hundreds of burly men armed to the teeth had vanished into thin air.

The Demonic Abyss Worm, on the other hand, continued to grow and expand repeatedly.

The warriors of the Lion and Tiger Clans became shocked and furious, sharpening their sabers and preparing to challenge the giant beast with an extremely strong appetite once again.

To everyone’s surprise, however, the hero who finally defeated the Demonic Abyss Worm was neither a fierce lion warrior nor a tiger warrior, but Stomach-less King from the Bear Clan.

Although the bearmen were large in size and fierce in temperament, they possessed relatively strong individual combat ability.

Unfortunately, their reproductive ability was too low. Every time the weather got cold, they would become drowsy, abnormally lazy, and lose their desire to fight, which made it impossible for them to join the Gold Clan’s main forces.

However, even if the Bear Clan had only produced one epic hero, Stomach-less King, in the past ten thousand years, it was enough for today’s bear people to boast about it for another ten thousand years.

Before the earth-shaking and soul-stirring epic battle with the Demonic Abyss Worm, the Bear Clan warrior, Stomach-less King, had not been famous for his combat ability.

The ability that he relied on to become famous and awe-inspiring was his appetite.

Just as everyone advocated valor, in Turan culture, the amount of food one ate was also an important criterion to measure one’s combat strength.

The legendary heroes in the war epics had drunk up the lake water that filled up a pond in one go after three days and three nights of a fierce battle with an enormous totem beast. They had also eaten up the mandrake fruits in the entire forest, followed by the totem beast’s flesh and blood. It was a common thing.

Aside from a showdown on the death arena, using the amount of food to decide the winner was a popular game among the Turan orcs.

People would call those, who had an astonishing amount of food and could sweep up the clouds, as well as destroy food that piled up like a mountain, “Kings of Gluttony.”

Every town in Picturesque Orchid King had their own big eater.

The King of Gluttony, who was able to perfectly digest and absorb all the food and transform mandrake fruits and the flesh of totem beasts into destructive power, would usually be one of the top fighters in the area.

The reason why this “King of Gluttony” had such a strange name was not that he did not have a stomach.

It was because, at that time, Picturesque Orchid Lake had publicly acknowledged that the ordinary title, “King of Gluttony,” was not enough to describe this giant bear’s terrifying appetite.

In other words, he had already widened the gap between him and the other kings.

If he continued to call himself “King of Gluttony,” then all the other big-stomach kings in Picturesque Orchid Lake, apart from him, would have to change their names.

“Stomach-less King” meant that his appetite was so shocking that it seemed like a bottomless hole that led straight to the sea had been installed in his body instead of a stomach.

No matter how much food he swallowed, it would be instantly transported to the vast sea.

Before Stomach-less King dealt with the Demonic Abyss Worm, his most glorious achievement had been conquering the entire Barbarian Elephant Clan.

The barbarian elephant warriors, who were proud and arrogant in the face of the Minotaurs and boars, had lowered their proud heads. Even though he was an outsider from the Gold Clan, he was still praised in the Barbarian Elephant Clan’s war epic.

Of course, it had been a competition of gluttony.

In short, Stomach-less King and the Demonic Abyss Worm were both existences that claimed to be able to devour everything.

It was precisely this point that infuriated him.

Stomach-less King did not care about the whereabouts of the two hunting squads that had mysteriously disappeared, as well as the hundreds of lion and tiger warriors.

He did not care whether the Demonic Abyss Worm’s hunting grounds would extend to the Bear Clan’s habitat either.

He was not interested in the glory and authority of “legendary heroes, epic-level powerhouses, and War Chiefs” at all.

In his life, the only thing that mattered was the word “eat.”

Therefore, he would never allow something more astonishing than his appetite to exist in Picturesque Orchid Lake.

Regardless of whether that thing was a totem beast that could grow indefinitely or some demon or monster.

So, Stomach-less King went up to the Demonic Abyss Worm and started a new match.

Stomach-less King was aware that his combat strength was not outstanding to the extent that he was invincible in the entire Gold Clan.

At least, he was far from being a worthy opponent of several hundred lion and tiger warriors combined.

Besides, his goal was not to kill the Demonic Abyss Worm.

He just wanted to eat this beast.

Hence, he did not waste any time in front of the Demonic Abyss Worm’s bloody mouth.

Before the Demonic Abyss Worm activated its powerful suction force, he jumped into the depths of its throat.

That’s right, he wanted to eat the Demonic Abyss Worm from the inside out, just like how the worm treated its prey when it was still in larval form.

But it was not easy.

It was extremely dangerous because the Demonic Abyss Worm was famous for its terrifying digestive ability that could devour everything.

The Demonic Abyss Worm’s body was filled with corrosive agents and digestive enzymes that were a hundred times more effective than stomach acid.

It was able to digest an entire towering tree that was as tall as a hundred arms and as thick as three to five people in just half an hour.

Meanwhile, its throat, stomach, and intestines were also filled with “shredding thorns” that were as tough and sharp as fangs.

Through the vibration of its muscles and tendons, it could spin at high speed like a meat grinder. It used that special function to crush the bones of its prey, and even rocks and metals, which were extremely tough.

When Stomach-less King jumped into the Demonic Abyss Worm’s throat, the spinning “thorns” immediately scratched him until he was covered in bruises and bleeding.

Acid that was a hundred times more effective than stomach acid poured into Stomach-less King’s wounds from all directions. Then, the digestive enzymes began to decompose his flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The pain of being soaked in sulfuric acid and the fear of being digested by the giant beast and dying without a burial place would have been enough to break down the bravest warrior. The strongest line of defense in his heart would have been destroyed if he were an ordinary person.

However, Stomach-less King was completely unbothered.

He only noticed one thing.

Food was everywhere.