Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!-Chapter 1339 - The Big Bang

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Chapter 1339: The Big Bang

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Meng Chao’s mind raced as he took the initiative to meet Fist’s Iron Fist.

Through the exchange earlier, he had already discovered that the three heroic statues were reacting according to preset tactics.

If they kept dodging, it would only give the other party more time and space to calmly choose the most destructive move.

It was better to meet it head-on and let the other party be affected by the extremely complicated spirit magnetic environment and severely interfere with their tactical thinking circuits. They would not have the time to do too much data analysis and strategic choices.

That way, it would be possible to lead the Wolf King by the nose.

Sure enough, the “Fist”was delayed by about 0.1 seconds. It was two to three degrees away from its maximum destructive power.

The fist that was like a meteor was dodged by Meng Chao, who was getting more and more familiar with the rhythm.

At the same time, he used the air blast created by the Wolf King to bounce back to the Wolf King’s side.

“I have a plan…”

Meng Chao spoke as fast as he could to communicate with the wolf king about his battle plan.

If it was any other orc warrior other than “Jackal”kanus, even the most powerful warriors like “Horn of destruction”and “Berserk blade”would not be able to understand Meng Chao’s intentions in a short period of time, he understood Meng Chao’s intentions.

However, the Wolf King’s eyes lit up as he came to a sudden realization.

The two of them looked at each other and saw the madness in each other’s eyes.

Then, they were like a split lightning bolt as they broke out of the encirclement to the left and right at the same time.

“Shatter Wings”let out an astonishing howl once again as it transformed into a black stream of light. It set off fierce whirlwinds as if it appeared in all four directions at the same time, blocking off all escape routes for the two of them.

The stomach-less King started spinning again. It was like a giant gyroscope that had been modified with a meteor hammer. Dazzling Sparks were scraped off the ground, further reducing the space for the two of them to move.

The Fist punched out like a storm, smashing everything that dared to block in front of him, mainly the bones and fossils of fierce beasts, into pieces and grinding them into the most delicate bone powder.

Dozens of crisscrossed wounds appeared on Meng Chao and the Wolf King’s bodies again, opening up like the lips of a baby.

There were also a few deep fist marks on their chests, but the flesh and blood on their backs bulged up. Through the skin that was as thin as cicada wings, one could clearly see the broken bones that could come out of their bodies at any time.

The totem armor that had perfectly covered their bodies had long been torn into pieces, like smashed ceramic. Then, with hot blood, they barely stuck to their skin.

However, after paying such a price, they cleverly guided the three hero statues to advance according to their planned attack route.

The pressure and shock waves released by the “Fist”continuously exploded and crushed the bones and fossils of the fierce beasts.

The “Stomach-less king”spun around like a steel top, but the fine bone powder was thrown into the air.

“Broken Wings”spun in the air, causing the bone powder to be evenly distributed in the air. The number of bone powder particles in the unit space increased.

Soon, it reached the critical point of the dust explosion.

The so-called dust explosion was a dust cloud formed by combustible dust mixing with the air in a restricted space. Under the action of an ignition source, the dust-air mixture formed would burn rapidly, it also causes a chemical reaction that causes a sudden rise in temperature and pressure.

The main conditions that cause a dust explosion, in addition to the fact that the dust itself is combustible or explosive, is that the dust must be suspended in the air and mixed with air or oxygen to reach the explosion limit.

Simply put, the greater the combustion heat contained in the dust, the easier it is to be oxidized, and the easier it is to cause a dust explosion.

In the Earth era, the substances that would trigger a dust explosion were mainly coal, carbon, sulfur, flour, and so on.

Because the burning heat of ordinary dust and dust was too small and was not easily oxidized, it was naturally difficult to trigger an explosion.

And the dust that was floating above the battlefield now all came from the powerful totem beasts that had once wreaked havoc in Turanze.

When these ferocious beasts were still alive, they had devoured a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that were rich in psionic energy.

The spiritual energy nourished their flesh and penetrated their bones, turning them into high-energy substances that were a hundred times hotter than coal and flour.

Although the bombardment of the ‘fists’was not aimed at the bones of the ferocious beasts directly, the bones of the ferocious beasts were still alive.

However, the shock wave that he raised was like a super-high-output grinder, grinding the bones of the ferocious beasts that contained terrifying energy to the point that they were as fine as sand.

The smaller the dust particles were.

The easier they were to be oxidized.

The more likely they were to collide and rub against each other, releasing electrostatic sparks that would cause dust explosions.

Just as the density of the bone dust floating in the unit space reached the critical value of dust explosions.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King used themselves as bait to lead the fist and the stomach-less king to the same straight line.

The two of them seemed to be in a panic and dashed toward each other.

The two statues of heroes were chasing after them closely.

The ‘Wings of Destruction’, on the other hand, was looking down from above, ready to attack at any time.

Seeing that the two of them were about to hit each other brutally, and that their heads were bleeding, the statues of heroes behind them crushed them into two pieces of meat that were as thin as cicada wings.


Meng Chao and the Wolf King ignited their last spiritual energy and pushed the flames of war to the maximum. Countless flames and electric arcs were released around them, igniting the high-density bone powder that was floating in the air and fully mixed with oxygen.


Immediately, the entire ‘Museum of fossils’was drowned by an ocean of colorful, splendid light.

It was as if the aurora in the high magnetic latitude, which was originally located at the north and south poles of the planet, had penetrated through the space slits and become the main melody that swept across the battlefield.

Every piece of bone powder that was less than 0.1 millimeters in diameter instantly released all the energy and the bestial aura that had been sealed for thousands of years. They turned into tiny fireballs that were covered in electric arcs, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws, they jumped up and down, roaring with half hunger and half fury. Then, they gathered together and turned into an unstoppable tide, searching for any target that could be devoured and destroyed.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King had long been prepared. The moment the dust explosion occurred, they had curled their bodies to the maximum.

They had also mobilized all the remaining liquid-like metal materials in their spiritual energy and totem armors to form a solid shield above their heads, which had canceled out the destructive power of the spiritual energy tide to the greatest extent.

In the tactical thinking circuits of ‘fist’, ‘stomach-less King’, and ‘Broken Wings’, there was no such scenario as ‘dust explosion’input at all. Naturally, the corresponding solutions were not stored.

The damage, impact, and shock they suffered were a hundred times higher than that of Meng Chao and the Wolf King.

The first to bear the brunt was the ‘Broken Wings’that was suspended in midair.

He was enveloped by raging flames and Thunderbolts. His originally gorgeous and sharp black feathers were blown all over the sky. He had gone from a majestic Falcon to a chicken that had lost its feathers.

On the bodies of the ‘fist’and the ‘stomach-less King’, layers of ripples were blown out by the shock waves, stripping away the crystal-like, glittering, and colorful texture, the killing machines that seemed to be condensed from liquid metal turned into clay statues.

However, they didn’t stop attacking.

The dust explosion wasn’t enough to make the two killing statues made of legendary heroes lose their combat ability completely.

Since the thought circuit didn’t store the corresponding battle scenes and solutions, the attack didn’t make them lose their combat ability and mobility completely. Moreover, the target’s life magnetic field hadn’t been destroyed yet.

They faithfully and rigidly followed the predetermined attack path and continued to move forward.

However, the dust explosion had seriously interfered with their ability to scan and analyze the surrounding environment.

The spiritual magnetic storm caused by the dust explosion had greatly restricted their ability to deduce the overall situation of the complex battlefield, and even their imagination that did not exist in the first place.

They couldn’t imagine how Meng Chao and the Wolf King would react to the dust explosion.

They couldn’t tell that Meng Chao and the Wolf King weren’t shocked by the dust explosion at all, and they weren’t frozen in place.

Instead, they used the shock wave caused by the dust explosion to roll out of their attack route.

Thus, the “Fist”continued to slide across the distance of death like a burning armored train.

It slammed into the stomach of the stomach-less king.

Thousands of years ago in the Earth era, the ancient people had thought of a very interesting question.

If the strongest spear attacked the strongest shield, what would happen?

Now, the answer was revealed.

From the stomach of the stomach-less king came a deafening, earth-shattering sound.

The loud sound even temporarily suppressed the sound of the dust explosion.

However, 0.1 seconds later, accompanied by the “Stomach-less King”‘s muffled roar, a sharp and ear-piercing sound of air leakage came from his stomach, just like the largest mining engineering machine in Dragon City, a siren sounded.

The stomach of the “Stomach-less king”, which seemed to have absolute defense, shriveled at a visible speed like a hot air balloon that had a hole burned.

The situation of the “Fist”was not much better.

This killing statue, which completely simulated the founder of the Bloody Hoof clan and had absolute power of the fist, exploded the stomach of the “Stomach-less king”, but at the same time, it also suffered the rebound of the absolute defense, and it staggered and fell out.

Not only did the fierce flames on his body disappear, but even his right arm, which was a peerless weapon comparable to the cannon of the dragon city train, was unnaturally bent at several angles, like a derailed train that was broken into seven or eight sections.

The two killing statues were actually mutually destructive!

Of course, the liquid metal-like substances that made up the killing statues had extremely strong self-healing and healing abilities.

Whether it was the stomach-less King’s constantly deflating belly or the “Fist”that was bent at seven or eight angles, the arm that seemed to have all its bones broken, they were all in an indescribable state, the extremely weird “Metal squirming”sound gradually returned to its original state.

Unfortunately, Meng Chao and the Wolf King would not give them even 0.1 seconds more!