One-click Training System Instantly Millions-Chapter 29: Be a good person in the next life

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Ten minutes later, a large amount of items appeared on the open space in front of Su Lang.

There are a lot of fierce beast materials, not only wind wolves, but also other F-class fierce beasts.

In addition to the medicinal materials and minerals, the most precious one is the Tier 5 main medicine that Tengbao and others have just obtained.

"Bring these things."

Su Lang waved his hand, "Hurry up."

"Yes Yes!"

The two big men of the Broken Axe Hunting Group hurriedly said yes, and then put everything on a cart.

"Good job, I hope you can be good people in your next life."

Su Lang nodded indifferently, and then slowly pulled out Senhan's Tang Sword.

"Do not!"

The two big men were shocked physically and mentally, and looked desperate.

"Ghost month, plunder!"

The light of the knife flickered, converging into its sheath.

Immediately, Su Lang pushed the cart and walked towards the entrance of the barrier.

Yes, he just wants to sell these things!

Although selling these things will inevitably bear risks, compared with the income of nearly a thousand gold coins, this risk is simply not enough.

What's more, as long as the strength is strong, no trouble can't be solved! ?

A few hours later, it was late at night, and Su Lang hid the cart in a hidden woods. After making sure that he would not be found, he walked towards the entrance of the barrier.

A big man was guarding the entrance, and when he saw Su Lang, he just nodded slightly and let Su Lang in.

Once again through the long and narrow passage, Su Lang came to the tower hall and found a window to purchase materials and treasures of heaven, material and earth.

But just as Su Lang passed by, a man suddenly ran over and blocked him with a smile on his face.

"Eh heh, hello!"

This man looks like a profiteer, and he doesn't sell it. "Looking at you with a murderous look, what you have to deal with may not be right.

Oops, don't rush to deny it, I see you a lot, I can't read it wrong, let's put it straight, I am from Yinbaolou.

We collect and sell all kinds of fierce animal materials, natural materials and treasures. The key is to only make transactions, and do not ask a word about the others, and will never reveal customer privacy.

The headquarters of our Yinbaolou is in Dongshan big stronghold. We have done business in more than a dozen strongholds around, and our reputation is absolutely trustworthy! "

Su Lang's expression moved.

Soon after searching in his memory, he really found information about the hidden treasure pavilion.

However, because the front door didn't go out, he just heard his parents talk about it once, if it weren't for this hidden treasure pavilion's presence in front of him, he couldn't remember it.

"Hmm... how do you call it? What is the price?"

Although Su Lang is not afraid of trouble, if he can get rid of the beginning and the end, it is naturally better.

"Hey, you can call me old money."

Seeing Su Lang's interest, Lao Qian smiled brighter, "The price we bought is 80% of the gate tower hall, and we will receive the goods at home to ensure that there will be no worries."

"80%? That's OK."

Su Lang nodded faintly, "My things are worth close to a thousand gold coins. Prepare yourself."

"More than a thousand gold coins? No problem!"

The old Qian smiled and nodded, "Let's go, the goods are outside the city, right? When I go to inspect the goods, I will return to the city and give you money if there is no problem."

Seeing that Old Qian agreed so easily, Su Lang was even more relieved.

Soon, the two went out of the city to the hidden woods and found the cart.

"Oh, there are also Tier 5 main medicines, not bad, not bad!"

The old money looked at the materials on the cart proficiently, and finally said: "These things are worth 900 gold coins, giving you 720 gold coins."

Su Lang frowned, this was one or two hundred gold coins less than expected.

Seeing that Su Lang hesitated, Old Qian said, "It looks like you are trading with us for the first time, and you have 750 gold coins for Tier 5 main medicine, how about?"


Su Lang nodded, he didn't want to get too much ink.

"Okay, then return to the city to trade."

When the deal is concluded, the old money also smiles, "Just put these things here, and I will arrange for someone to receive them."

"Then go."

Su Lang nodded in satisfaction. Although the price was a bit less, the service at Yinbaoge was indeed quite good.

Soon, the two entered the barrier. Old Qian went to the tower hall to take 7 low-grade spirit stones and 50 gold coins and hand them to Su Lang.

"I have been here, looking forward to the next transaction!"

Lao Qian stretched out his hand and shook Su Lang, then turned around and went busy.