Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love-Chapter 98: After The First Time (3)

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Chapter 98: After The First Time (3)

I was standing on my hands because I have an important dinner appointment tomorrow.

“Eun-ha, do you really need to go this far?”

Han-gyeol, who was holding my calves, asked me.

“Ugh...! I have to...! I need to show my pretty side to your mother...!”

The dinner appointment mentioned by our parents at the graduation ceremony was set.

Now that we’re officially living together, it’s only natural to have a family dinner.

Unfortunately, my dad and Han-gyeol’s father are too busy to attend.

“I don’t see what standing on your hands at home has to do with any of this.”

“They say it helps reduce swelling in the calves...! Ugh...it’s tough.”

“Do you want to rest for a bit? Should I help you down?”

“Yes...! Help me down...!”

Han-gyeol slowly lowered my calves to the floor.

I lay there, exhausted, gasping for breath.

“Should I get you some water?”

“No... I’m okay...”

“You don’t need to do this; my mom will think you’re pretty no matter what. You’re pretty as is.”

“Oh no...! Han-gyeol, you’ve already earned a lot of points with my mom, but I haven’t!”

My mom has already accepted Han-gyeol.

Now it’s my turn to be accepted by his mother.

“I might just ask your mom to give you to me.”

“I’ve thought about it, but it seems like you are overdoing it. Pass!”

“So, you thought about it?”

“Of course.”

If I had a son like Han-gyeol, I’d be so disappointed. To think, a son I raised for nearly 20 years, wanting to leave home to live with his girlfriend.

I even worried it might lead to mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts.

“So, what does Han-gyeol’s mom think...? What kind of daughter-in-law does she want?”

“You know, any mother would love to have a daughter-in-law like Eun-ha.”

“Tell me the facts, not just nice words! A quiet daughter-in-law? Or one who’s assertive? Which is better?”

“I don’t really know my mom’s taste that well. But Eun-ha is loved wherever she goes, you know?”

“That’s nice to hear, but—”

Han-gyeol put his hand on my head and tousled my hair.

“This will ruin my hair.”

“You don’t need to try so hard, you’re lovely enough as it is. To me, you’re the loveliest person I’ve ever seen.”

Han-gyeol always says nice things to me. Hearing his affectionate voice always makes my cheeks turn red.


“I love it so much—!”


I pounced on Han-gyeol, who was sitting down, and pushed him to the floor.

I peppered his cheek with kisses, overwhelmed with happiness.

It’s all because Han-gyeol is too adorable!

“I love Han-gyeol so much too—!”

“I’m only adorable to Eun-ha.”

“Right~ I wish you were only adorable to me. To keep other girls from eyeing you. Maybe I should have left a more visible hickey.”

“Absolutely not—! Eun-ha. There’s already a very noticeable hickey on my chest.”

“That’s because you left one on me too, so it’s only fair~”

When we were together, I left a vivid hickey on Han-gyeol’s chest.

Of course, Han-gyeol did the same to me, and the mark is still there on my body.

“I’m speechless. Have you picked out what you’re wearing tomorrow?”

“Yeah, of course. I’m going for something neat! What about you, Han-gyeol?”

“I was thinking of dressing neatly too.”

“That’ll look great.”

“You always say I look good no matter what I wear.”

“But you really do look great.”

I lay down next to Han-gyeol, and we shared a moment of happiness, facing each other.

“Eun-ha, you look beautiful in anything.”

“Really? When do you think I look prettiest?”

“I have a very clear answer to that question.”

“What is it?”

“When you wear nothing at all.”


I sat up abruptly and yelled at Han-gyeol.

With his innocent smile, Han-gyeol really is... sometimes he’s incredibly bold.

It seems I’ve started to become like him without realizing it...

“Then get up quickly.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I want to show you a pretty side of me...!”

I find myself wanting Han-gyeol all the time.

“Goodness... I must go see this right away~”


Han-gyeol got up and hoisted me over his shoulder.

Even entering the room felt blissfully happy.


“Eun-ha~ If you’re ready, let’s go.”

“Okay~ heading out now.”

Dressed neatly, my mom and I headed to a nearby family restaurant.

Han-gyeol and his mother had already arrived when we got to the meeting place.

“Oh, you’re already here.”

“We just arrived~”

After my mom and Han-gyeol’s mother exchanged greetings, I also bowed politely.


“Hello, Eun-ha~ I’ve only seen you in your school uniform, but you look very pretty in your casual clothes too.”

“Th-thank you!”

I felt good about making the effort!

Han-gyeol’s mother was as gracious with her compliments as Han-gyeol.


Han-gyeol also bowed to my mom.


My mom smiled brightly and waved at Han-gyeol.

“Shall we go inside?”

“Yes, let’s talk more inside.”

“There’s so much to talk about. Hehe...”

Mom and Han-gyeol’s mother smiled and went inside.

We sat down, ordered from the menu, and started with small talk.

The real conversation began once the food arrived.

“Has our son been causing any trouble at work? He’s just turned twenty, so I imagine he’s been quite error-prone starting out in society~”

“Not at all~ He’s been so helpful. If it were up to me, I’d hire him at the company right away, but the kids should enjoy their college life too~”

“Though their majors are different, they seem to be having fun since they go to the same university.”

“Thanks to Han-gyeol, Eun-ha has been studying harder too~ It’s so pleasing to see them positively influence each other.”

“I think so too~ They complement each other’s weaknesses and take care of each other well.”

Han-gyeol and I listened intently to our mothers’ conversation.

It was a bit difficult to jump into their dialogue, but the atmosphere was very pleasant.

“How should the kids find an apartment?”

“Since they’ll be living together, I think it’s best they look for it themselves, but maybe an adult should help out too. What do you two think?”

As soon as my Mom asked, Han-gyeol promptly replied.

“It might be a bit difficult for us to handle everything from searching to signing the lease. We’d need to gather family registry documents and it’s our first time dealing with real estate contracts. Plus, there’s the risk of rental fraud.”

Our moms smiled proudly at Han-gyeol’s response.

“How mature you are, Han-gyeol! You’re not at the age to worry about family registries and rental scams. It’s reassuring to see you so grown-up.”

“It’s all thanks to Eun-ha. Having a wonderful girlfriend like her, he’s growing emotionally too.”

“Shall we start looking for the apartment then? Let’s set a day to go see some places with the kids.”

“That sounds good. We’ll let the kids pick their furniture too.”

The meal continued in a cheerful atmosphere. Both parents quickly grew closer through praises for their children.

As we were wrapping up, Han-gyeol’s mother turned to me and said,

“If my son ever does something wrong, make sure to tell me, okay?”

“Oh, no—! Han-gyeol is so good to me, I don’t think that will be necessary—!”

“Really? I didn’t know my son was such a kind person.”

“From what I see, Han-gyeol is incredibly kind and thoughtful. He’s also very responsible.”

Han-gyeol looked a bit embarrassed by my mom’s praise.

“I’m a little embarrassed, but thank you.”

With Han-gyeol’s blush, our dinner came to an end.

“We’ll see each other again if there’s a chance. You said you were heading to Busan the week after next, right?”

“Yes. It would be nice to have the kids’ father join us for a meal next time.”

“That would be good. We’ll see you next time then. Take care. Eun-ha, you’re staying a bit longer with Han-gyeol, aren’t you?”

At my mom’s words, I nodded.

“Yeah. Planning to spend a bit more time on our date.”

“Alright, do that. See you next time, Han-gyeol?”

“Yes. Take care.”


Once the tension-filled dinner was over, I felt my legs go weak.

I almost slumped to the floor, but Han-gyeol caught me.

“Feeling a bit more relaxed now?”

“Yeah. I’m relieved. Now it really feels like we’re living together.”

“That was always going to happen, wasn’t it?”

“Now it really hits home. Let’s live beautifully together!”

“Yes. Let’s make a beautiful life together.”

I was spending my twenties much happier than I had ever dreamed.

“I love you, Han-gyeol~”

“I love you too~”

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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