Playboy CEO Has a Baby-Chapter 513 Iโ€™m Back

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CHAPTER 513 ๐˜ง๐“‡๐’†๐—ฒ๐“Œ๐™š๐™—๐“ทo๐˜ท๐’†๐˜ญ.๐œ๐š˜๐’Ž

Ning Xiaozhi found her cousins' expression to be priceless. She was so grateful that her camera was always ready. She got a chance take a photo of it for future purposes.

Ye Chaoxiang was amused but forced himself to keep his poker face. He cast Ning Xiaozhi a questioning glance when their eyes remained longer on him.

"Darling, is there anything weird with my... whole appearance, especially my face?" He whispered to her.

"Don't mind them. They will come back I'm a few seconds," she waved her hands Luke it was nothing.

It is nothing actually. This was not the first time they were acting that way.

"Ahem! Forgive our manners, Ye Chaoxiang," Ning Yi quickly snapped back to reality.

"Yes. But quick question though..." Hao Yingjie paused as he eyes moved to and from from the couple before them. "Does mother knows that you are engaged to him?"

Ning Xiaozhi let out a defeated sigh. She bit her lips and shook her head. "This is the reason I agreed to come back. This and to out an end to whatever control she thinks she has over my life," she said.

"If she was to know that you already have him, she should be happy... Right?" Ning Li Qiang assumed.

"I am clueless. She already knows of your arrival and has even invited Mr Han and his son over for lunch this afternoon," Ning Yi informed them of what they will meet at the Ning mansion.

"Brother Yi, I really don't want to marry anyone apart from my fiance, Chaoxiang. You guys have to help me talk her out of this, please," she pleaded.

The three men felt a tight grip in their heart seeing how desperate and scared she was. They all knew Mrs Ning. She is a very stubborn and selfish woman.

Yes, selfish. Very selfish.

She does things that would benefit her at the cost of another person or even people. Sometimes they even wondered how that woman ended up with Mr Ning.

That man is selfless and reasonable. How he never speaks when she is doing all these was puzzling. But that is another traits. He kind of has a weak will to refuse.

Their marriage was not an arrranged one. He chose her, wooed her, dated her and married her. So why can't they let their only child the only female child of the Ning family to marry for love and choice?

"We will do what we can. But your fiance also has to be ready for whatever might happen," Ning Yi assured her.

"There is no need to worry though. From what I heard about Ye Chaoxiang, he has a strong will of his own," Hao Yingjie added while staring straight eyed at Ye Chaoxiang.

"I will deal with whatever comes my way. As far as Xiaozhi ends up with me which she will," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Then, let's get rolling," Ning Li Qiang shook his car keys as if telling them their ride is set.

"Wait," Ning Xiaozhi quickly stopped them before they could leave. They stopped in their tracks as returned their attention to her.

"What's the problem? Are you having cold feet?" Ning Yi asked with a worried expression.

"No. It is just that... that.." she began to fidget. She elbowed Ye Chaoxiang as if telling him to talk.

Ye Chaoxiang was comfysed at first but then he revered they had not told them one thing. Since the three cousins are on their side, it is only right for them to know.

"Ahem! One last thing though... I or rather we have a child," he told them with a non-bothered face.

Another wave of shock washed over the cousins. They looked from Ye Chaoxiang to their little princess. Then from her face to her stomach.

"Y-You are pregnant?" Ning Li Qiang managed to asked.

"I wish I was but no. We have a cute little adopted daughter. She is six. Do you think she will mind?"

When she said, she, Ning Xiaozhi was referring to her mother. They were bringing two cases that they wanted her to bear with. Would it make it harder or easier?

"Mind? Tch. I don't think she will mind, little Iris. She will be surprised and then outraged," Hao Yingjie said in sacarsm.

"So in other words, things might not be so sweet if it would have been. But let's just go now. Anymore minute wasted and she will send an army to pick us all up," Ning Yi told.

The drive to the Ning mansion was an hour plus and all through, there was silence. A tensed one at that. Especially when Ning Li Qiang's car drove into the compound's premises of the mansion.

Ning Yi and Hao Yingjie were the first to step out from the car in front of them. Then they followed suit. The cousin's were about to help take out their luggage but Ning Xiaozhi stopped them.

"I don't want her to think I have time to spare for her. Besides, Chaoxiang's men will be here to take care of the luggage. Let's go," she said before taking the first leading step to the door.

The rest of them exchanged glances and shrugged then quickly followed her. Before Ning Xiaozhi got to knock in the door, it was pulled open and a slightly aged face greeted her.

"Welcome home, young miss," the man spike in a polite manner as he bowed.

"Jianyu. It has been a long time. How have you been?" Ning Xiaozhi asked with a straight face.

"I am as you left us, young miss. Only slightly older if I might add," he answered.

"Hmm. Let's go in. She must have been waiting," Ning Xiaozhi grabbed Ye Chaoxiang's hand and walked into the house with him.

Just as expected, Her parents were in the lively living room and they were not alone. Mr Han and his son were present too.

"Greetings parents and... whoever you two are? I'm back and I came with your son-in-law."