Poison God's Heritage-Chapter 104 The Wrong Foot

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Chapter 104: The Wrong Foot

I began writing some inscriptions on the grass blade, though the difference in experience was great, as the maker of this formation was far beyond my current level, I'm a good student, and I could put two and two together, to make a small change to the overall function of the grass blade.

Though the maker of this formation had set the rules and laws of his formation, my slight change could alter the overall function of the grass blade.

Once I was done and felt satisfied with my work, I held the glowing piece of green grass blade in my hand, smiled then threw it forward.

I was sitting in the middle of the garden of this house, and everywhere were numerous formations erect to protect everything and anything, as I have said the maker of the formation was crazy enough to even inscribe large swaths of grass, but thankfully he didn't inscribe every blade of grass and was satisfied with just the corners of each garden.

And thanks to that, I had a safe spot in the middle of the garden where I could work, and now, I threw the piece of grass right into one of the four corners of the garden.

Immediately, the formation lit up, and my heart thumped loud, I feared that my work would fail if the formation decided that the piece of grass I threw at it was hostile.

But my fears were unfounded, the piece of grass easily went through the formation, and its task started. The masterful inscriptions of the maker of these formations began shimmering and harmonizing with my piece of grass, and soon the formation crumbled.

"Yes! Success!" I held a fist up, satisfied with my success. Not only was I able to disable the formation, now I have even more material to study.

I went toward the fallen remains of the formation and started noting all of the new inscriptions that weren't part of the herb, this reminds me of the time I was crafting X, but sadly, the inscriptions here are too complex to be understood with trial and error, and they were just too numerous, I'll definitely need an Inscription Book of this caliber to be able to understand this, or, I'll need to spend a good deal of time to slowly figure out each and every inscription. But I doubt that monkey will allow it, nor would this small world.

I have a slowly compelling feeling that I'm in the house of someone else and I'm unwanted. It's a strange feeling, it's like being invited to someone's apartment, but then you could clearly feel that his wife doesn't like the sight of you, and you just want to leave.


At first, it was slight, but now the feeling is growing with every passing moment. I'm sure after a time, it will be unbearable, so I don't have the luxury to understand all the inscriptions here, and I'm better off noting all of them.

And so I did.

I wrote every new inscription symbol, every formation, their diagram, and how they were set up. Though I was only focused on one piece of garden, I knew that all of the formations here were based on something like the grass formation here, I could even see the resemblance on the formations on the walls, streets, and even windows were quite similar to the one I was inspecting, and they all seem to have only a small change between them to change the aftereffects of the formation.

I was tired after a while, my mental health was at risk if I were to continue studying these formations, and even with so many Soul Strengthening Pills, I was still feeling suffocated with the amount of knowledge I was stuffing down my brain.

I needed to take a breather and come back to this, but I can't take long, the feeling of oppression from this Lower Celestial Realm is getting more and more powerful.

Looking around, it seems that I have risked my life getting into this city without even looking for any treasures or findings. A forgotten city like this would definitely have some good stuff, but it's fully barricaded with formations that the thought of trying to pry something from this place is absurd.

I can't go empty-handed though, I already got some ceremonial swords, and house utensils, though they could be worth fortunes in the country of Zhou, here they were nothing more than just tools. Decorations and worthless items, not to mention the other cultivators would have obtained similar stuff.

I looked at the three-story pagoda in front of me, its door was locked tight and it also had a formation on it, but now that I can understand a bit of these formations I won't need to destroy the formation.

I went to the pagoda's front door, pulled my brush, and added just a couple of inscriptions. I didn't need to make the formation block me, I wanted it to admit me as the owner of this very house and just changing a few symbols shouldn't be that hard. Though for anyone who didn't get the same luck as I did with that incomplete grass blade, they'll never understand the secret to manipulate this simple formation and will need to forcefully breakthrough it.

The door opened and I was able to see the inside of the house, only to be bummed even more. The whole house seemed to have been cleaned out. I sighed, there was nothing here for me.

I went to the second story and noticed the same thing, there was nothing left not even chairs or tables, the whole place was empty, there was nothing but walls inside and out with nothing of value.

Once I arrived at the top of the pagoda, however, I saw something different.

The whole story was empty with the exception of the center, there was a small table that had an oil lamp, with a lit wick.


The oil lamp looked extraordinary, especially the purple flame that looked like it had been lit from time immemorial.

"Snuff it out!"

I heard the word was more like a command of someone on a higher realm commanding an ant.

This was the same person who spoke those words a few days ago and was the same person that was using his divine sense on me. He was rude, and just because he was rude…

I turned and left the room.