President, Our Egg Is Lost-Chapter Thirteen: Don’t guess at what’s on the president’s mind

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Chapter Thirteen: Don’t guess at what’s on the president’s mind

Ji XiaoYu stepped into the HongSheng Building and saw Liu WeiRen sitting at the security desk, yawning with his mouth wide open.

It seemed that he really did run out of luck today, running into this nasty guy on duty.

Ji XiaoYu forced down the worries in his heart and went forward, trying to paste a bright smile on his face, “Liu Ge, good morning!”

Liu WeiRen glanced at him sidelong, then said darkly, “Delivering orders on this day, business is good.”

Ji XiaoYu replied, “Liu Ge, I’m not here for a delivery today, I’m here to report to your security department.”

“What, coming to report to our security department? What sort of joke is this!” Liu WeiRen made an expression of disgust, then swung his hand as if shooing a fly, “Go, go, go, don’t wander around here. What do you think HongSheng is, as if a guy like you could get in!”

Furious, Ji XiaoYu wanted to punch this guy up high onto the wall and turn him into a mural. However, fighting him would definitely have a bad effect on his job. So, forced to endure, he said, “Liu Ge, I’m not kidding. If you don’t believe me, ask the man in charge of the security department. He should know that I’m supposed to report.”

“The man in charge of the security department?” Liu WeiRen snorted a few times, “So can you say our boss’s name? What’s the phone number?”

“Uh ……I don’t know that stuff.” Ji XiaoYu was suddenly tongue-tied. When the “secret agreement” was signed that day, Cheng YuTang didn’t mention it. He hadn’t thought to ask about it either. So, he had no choice but to put that guy’s name forward first, “It was arranged by your Cheng Zong.”

“Cheng Zong? You really know how to open your mouth, kid. Why didn’t you say Papa Xi personally promoted you? Knowing nothing and daring to bluff and lie, are you treating your Liu Ge like an idiot?!” Liu WeiRen mocked, then his face went cold and he patted the baton hanging from his waist, “Alright, get out of here, don’t force Laozi to get rough.”

Who could tolerate this? This pheasant spirit couldn’t tolerate it! Ji XiaoYu wasn’t in a good mood already, but now he was completely enraged. He rolled up his sleeves and said, “Come on, you can try taking on this little master!”

“What are you doing?!” As the two sides were rattling their sabers, some person suddenly strode over and cried out.

Ji XiaoYu took a look, it was Liang ShaoGang.

Liang ShaoGang stood between Liu WeiRen and Ji XiaoYu. He frowned and said, “What’s going on?”

Liu WeiRen put his fists on his hips and swore, “This kid said that he was to report to our security department. It’s so ridiculous you can’t laugh. Who knows if he’s trying to sneak in like a dog to get the chickens, I think this guy who was fucked by a dog really deserves a spanking!”

“I’m telling the truth! I’m not a thief either!” Ji XiaoYu angrily said, “You were fucked by a dog. You’re the kind who really has guts but who will beat who isn’t clear yet!”

Liu WeiRen’s face went black and he swung his fist to beat him, but Liang ShaoGang grabbed his arm. “Big Liu, the captain is going to punish you for this. Calm down first, let’s get the situation straight.”

Several employees in the lobby looked over. Liu WeiRen also didn’t dare to make things so big that he couldn’t make up for it. He spat on the ground, shaking off Liang ShaoGang’s hand, and said, “Fine, you figure it out, Laozi won’t do anything more!”

Liang ShaoGang stretched out a finger towards Ji XiaoYu, “You, come with me.”

Ji XiaoYu didn’t hold back his huff. Then, he followed Liang ShaoGang through the lobby and out the back door, into a quiet, uninhabited garden.

“Liu WeiRen’s skill is among the best on our security team. If it wasn’t for me happening to pass through the lobby, I’m afraid you’d be going to the hospital right now, kid.” Liang ShaoGang said with a stern face, “Be honest, what’s going on? If you dare to make something up, don’t blame me for serving you his share.”

Ji XiaoYu originally had fire in his belly, but he couldn’t help but laugh when he heard this sentence. “Liang Ge, Liu WeiRen can’t defeat me. Both of you added up couldn’t.”

“What’d you say?”

Seeing that Liang ShaoGang’s face sank, he wanted to move on to the real issue. So Ji XiaoYu quickly made a gesture as if he were begging for mercy, saying, “Liang Ge, I really came here to report to you all, not to make trouble. You can call the person in charge of your security department. It’ll be clear when you ask.”

If the phone call didn’t work, he’d have to bring out his ultimate weapon.

Liang ShaoGang asked in doubt, “You know our boss?”

“I don’t know him, but he probably knows me.” Ji XiaoYu extended his hand, “Liang Ge, please just ask. If I’m lying, I’ll just stand here and you can beat me, I promise not to fight back!”

“Fuck, this kid really thinks highly of himself,” Liang ShaoGang swore, which was rare for him. But, he took out his phone from his trouser pocket and pulled up the number titled “Captain Yang” and dialed it in front of Ji XiaoYu.

After a few seconds, the call connected.

“Captain Yang, excuse me for disturbing you early on the morning of the big holiday…… It’s like this, just now a young man named Ji XiaoYu came over and said that he was reporting to our security department. Do you know about this?…….I don’t know. Ah, fucking little bastard actually dared to bluff Laozi……. Captain Yang, I’m not cursing at you, don’t get mad…… What? There is such a person?……. Ok, I got it.”

Ji XiaoYu’s mood oscillated with Liang ShaoGang’s tone of voice and he was sweating buckets.

Finally, Liang ShaoGang hung up the phone and put it back in his pants pocket. He turned his head toward Ji XiaoYu, “Let’s go.”

“Where to?” Ji XiaoYu asked with an alert look.

“Go to report in.”

“Wow, really?!”

Three minutes later, Ji XiaoYu followed Liang ShaoGang into an office with the sign “Safety and Security Department” on the ground floor of Block A. The area was quite large and hung on the wall were many security uniforms, while on the shelf were batons, explosion-proof shields, and other security equipment. But, there was no one in the office at the moment.

“Have a seat.” Liang ShaoGang pointed to a chair and said, “Captain Yang will come over later to give you the entry procedure.”

Ji XiaoYu cheered, “Great!”

Liang ShaoGang still looked at him with suspicion, “You just said that you don’t know our Captain Yang, so how did you get this job?”

Ji XiaoYu replied cheerfully, “I accidentally showed my skill in front of your Cheng Zong when I came on a delivery last week. He said there was a staffing shortage in the building security department and asked me if I want to change jobs. I just said yes.”

Liang ShaoGang: “…….”

This was really the most ridiculous sentence he’d heard all year. If the captain hadn’t given him a positive answer on the phone just now, he was afraid that he would have thought this boy was tricking them like Liu WeiRen had.

How can Cheng Zong suddenly care about the personnel situation of our security department and personally recruit someone? It’s just too unreasonable.

Liang ShaoGang wasn’t willing to randomly speculate about Cheng Zong’s intentions, so he instead asked, “Do you really know GongFu? Looking at your appearance, you haven’t been a soldier before, right?”

Ji XiaoYu said, “No, I’ve practiced my own ancestral GongFu at home. Liang Ge, are all the people in the security department military veterans? How can you tell that I’ve never been a soldier?”

“Oh yes, high-level or special forces veterans. Everyone has similar experience and strong discipline and therefore are easy to manage.” Liang ShaoGang answered naturally, “A person who came out of the army, how can there be one with such tender flesh and fair skin as you?”

Ji XiaoYu: “……..”

Alright, seems Liang Ge’s manner of speaking is really honest.

Liang ShaoGang also asked, “What is the origin of your family’s ancestral GongFu, is it from the Southern school or the Northern?” 𝙛𝐫e𝚎wℯ𝗯𝒏𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄o𝚖

Ji XiaoYu didn’t know what the Southern and Northern schools were, so he said shamelessly: It’s made up of both, the founder gathered both together into one.”

“……..” Liang ShaoGang’s mouth twitched in anger, “So powerful, can Liang Ge ask you for advice someday?”

No wonder Liu WeiRen was so angry that he wanted to hit him. This kid is so arrogant, he deserves a bit of a beating.

Ji XiaoYu didn’t recognize the sarcasm in Liang ShaoGang’s tone, so he simply replied, “Okay, no problem!”

“Where’s the newcomer?”

There was suddenly a voice from outside, followed by a man in his 30s or 40s. He was tall and burly, with a square-jawed face. He was wearing a black T-shirt and camouflage pants, with a cigarette in his mouth; he looked a bit like a ruffian.

Liang ShaoGang immediately got up and snapped his heels together. He saluted cleanly and said, “Hello, Captain!”

Yang YiPeng waved his hand, then took a drag of the cigarette and breathed the smoke out. He shifted his eyes to the side and his casual gaze showed a bit sharpness and inquiry, “You are Ji XiaoYu?”

Ji XiaoYu, with his little white teeth flashing, revealed his trademark sweet smile: “Yes, hello, Captain.”

Yang YiPeng suddenly sucked in air like he had a toothache and said in disbelief, “You’ve been a security guard before?”

Ji Xiao Yu replied very honestly, “No, I used to make deliveries at a little restaurant on Screw Street.”

“…….” Yang YiPeng looked at Ji XiaoYu with his brow furrowed, as if he suspected he was joking, “I say, Ji ShaoYe, can you take a job in a different department? Our security department is full of a bunch of rough men. The work is also the most exhausting and difficult. If you’re out of shape, you’ll get into an accident and get hurt. The money you’d earn here isn’t more than any of the rest of the company. I’m afraid this isn’t suitable for you.”

A week ago, Cheng YuTang did say that there would be a new person reporting to the security department, but he didn’t say when he would come, so Yang YiPeng put the matter aside for the time being.

But today, Yang YiPeng had just got off a shift and, when Liang ShaoGang called just now, he was still asleep. He couldn’t react at first. But after he sorted it out mentally, he immediately rushed over from home.

However, the newcomer was fair and tender, just like a greenhouse flower, completely inconsistent with the heroic, tough guy he previously pictured, so Captain Yang was very disillusioned.

Ji ShaoYe? This form of address is new. Ji XiaoYu was puzzled and helplessly replied in honesty, “I also want to make a lot of money easily, but I can’t do any other kind of work here. I have no other option than to be a security guard.”

Liang ShaoGang’s eyelids trembled and he sighed in his heart, this kid looks pretty clever, but sometimes a person can choke themselves on their own words. Yang YiPeng had always been proud of his work, so what he had said just now was only a self-deprecating remark. If anyone else belittled the security department, then they would be touching Captain Yang’s inverse scale.

Sure enough, the veins in Yang YiPeng’s forehead throbbed. He wanted to get angry but he held himself back, smiling and saying, “It doesn’t matter what you can or can’t do. Don’t you know Cheng Zong? Just let him rearrange it.”

Ji XiaoYu didn’t pick up anything from his tone. He really thought it over and, after a while, he shook his head with regret and said, “That doesn’t seem good. I agreed with him to be a security guard. It’s a little wrong to change jobs before you even do it. I’d like to be a security guard for a while. I’m not afraid of hard work or dangerous things. I want to do well so I can get a raise through a promotion.” 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

Just like when Boss Li gave me a raise.

Yang YiPeng bit his cigarette butt and smirked, ambiguously muttering, “It’s really rare for someone who came in through the back door to talk as if he has principles, ah.”

“Captain, what’d you say?” Ji XiaoYu didn’t hear it clearly.

“Nothing.” Yang YiPeng threw the cigarette butt on the floor and stamped it out. “I wish you good fortune through an early promotion.”

Ji XiaoYu mimicked Liang ShaoGang’s previous posture and saluted crookedly, “Thank you, Captain, I’ll work hard!”

Yang YiPeng: “……..”

Liang ShaoGang: “……..”

Yang YiPeng was quite speechless. He didn’t know if Ji XiaoYu was really silly or pretending to be really stupid. He also didn’t understand how the upright Cheng Zong, who had always been clear between business and pleasure, could suddenly let someone in the back door. And now he was stuck with such an unreliable guy coming in.

Forget it, don’t guess at what’s on the president’s mind. I’m just the captain of the security department, not qualified to question and interfere with Cheng YuTang’s decisions

HongSheng was entirely the Cheng Family’s business. If it was Cheng Zong’s will to put a person into the security department to be a flower vase, then he would just go along.


1. Papa Xi (习大大): probably obvious, but a nickname for Xi JiPing

2. Fucked by a dog (狗日): slang for contemptible, lousy, literally fucked/spawned by a dog

3. 不知天高地厚: to not know the immensity of heaven and earth aka to think highly of themselves, to be ignorant, to think they know everything

4. ShaoYe (少爷): young master, son of the boss, honorific for child

5. Inverse scale (逆鳞): term for a special, crescent-shaped scale on a dragon’s neck; when touched, the dragon will go into an unstoppable rage; slang for the untouchable point for an individual

6. flower vase (花瓶): figuratively just a pretty face

and so the new arc begins~~