Real Man-Chapter 352:

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Chapter 352:

Chapter 352

The expression on Park Chul-hong’s face was not very good as he received a phone call in front of the factory site.

“Yes, sir. Yes, yes. I understand. Thank you.”

He hung up the phone and let out a deep sigh.

Yoo-hyun asked him.

“What did the manager say?”

“He said he’s coming here for an inspection. Sigh, I wish he would just leave us alone.”

Lately, the manager had not called Park Chul-hong or visited the factory.

Thanks to that, Park Chul-hong had been having a great time.

But now, out of the blue, and on the day of the inspection, he said he would show up. It was enough to make his heart sink.

However, there was nothing for him to worry about.

Yoo-hyun expressed his thoughts and tried to comfort Park Chul-hong.

“Don’t worry. He might help us, but he won’t interfere.”

“I just hope he doesn’t stick his nose in our business.”

Still, Park Chul-hong shook his head nervously.

His fear of the manager was clearly evident.


A blue van drove up to the road leading to the Yeontae business site.

There were two people from the Mokpo business site in the car.

The man sitting in the passenger seat looked at the side mirror and said.

“Manager Min, the manager’s car is following us.”

“Haha. The supervisor came today and now the manager too. The Yeontae guys must be dying today.”

Min Dal-gi, who was holding the steering wheel, laughed. The man sitting next to him, Ma Jong-hyun, sneered.

“We should take this opportunity to suck up to the manager and rip them off. They’ve been losing their edge lately.”

“They’re still meeting the quota, aren’t they? And honestly, the defective products we sent them were all garbage.”

“They’re just trying to survive. Even a kid in the neighborhood can fix one or two cars a day, no matter how bad they are.”

“That’s true. Then should we go after their attendance this time?”

“Puhaha. That sounds good. Let’s make them unable to take any vacation.”

Ma Jong-hyun shrugged his shoulders while they arrived at the factory.

He looked at the scene in front of him with a dumbfounded expression and clicked his tongue.

“What? Look at them. They set up a soccer field?”

“They’ve really lost their spirit.”

Min Dal-gi snickered along with him.


Yoo-hyun looked at the man who got out of the passenger seat of the van.

His angular jaw and dark skin gave him a strong impression.

He walked over to Park Chul-hong, who was frozen with fear, and smirked.

“Supervisor Park, you look well.”

“Hello, Supervisor Ma.”

“A soccer field and a bench. If someone saw this, they would think this is a playground, not a factory. Hehe.”

Min Dal-gi, who stood next to Ma Jong-hyun, waved the file in his hand and snorted.

“Everyone else is working hard to death, but it seems like you have nothing to do here. We’ll have to give you a good shake today. Haha.”

“Yeah. We’ve been too lenient with you. That’s why you don’t work and slack off.”

Ma Jong-hyun and Min Dal-gi pressured them back and forth.

Park Chul-hong and the other team members bowed their heads as if they had committed a great sin.

They probably did that to end the inspection quickly, but it didn’t look very good to Yoo-hyun’s eyes.

‘It would be much better to just take it once.’

It seemed like that would be the case.

The production staff from the Mokpo business site had no authority to inspect them.

They were just lackeys who took over the annoying tasks of the inspection team.

Yet, why were they afraid of them?

The anxiety that they would be finished if they fell behind more here was gripping the Yeontae business site team members.

The Mokpo business site staff knew that and bullied them.

He could clearly picture the next situation in his head without seeing it.

The state of the factory, the cleanliness, the dress code, the attendance.

They would find any excuse to intimidate them, and then demand a price for letting them off.

What should he do?

He thought for a moment and decided to compromise with them.

He would help them if the team members stepped up, but there was no reason to start a fight by himself.

As long as they didn’t touch him first.

He nodded his head as he sorted out his thoughts.

That was when Ma Jong-hyun, who was walking with a heavy load on his back, noticed Yoo-hyun and raised his eyebrows.

“Oh my, is this kid a newbie? He looks so clumsy.”

“Hello. I’m Han Yoo-hyun. Nice to meet you.”

Yoo-hyun hid his inner feelings and politely reached out his hand.

Then Ma Jong-hyun laughed mockingly and said.

“Huh, well. This kid knows some manners at least.”

“That’s right. He must have been scared a lot after being demoted. Haha.”

Min Dal-gi, who was next to him, flattered Ma Jong-hyun like a sycophant.

From their words, it seemed like the group strategy room’s influence had not reached the Mokpo business site yet.

It meant that there was nothing to bother him in his rest if he just established a proper relationship with the Mokpo business site.

That was exactly what Yoo-hyun wanted, so a smile naturally formed on his lips.

At that moment, Ma Jong-hyun suddenly frowned and growled.

“What? How dare you smirk in front of me?”


“How can you smile when you’re a newbie?”


Is he a psycho?

Yoo-hyun looked at Ma Jong-hyun, who was furious, and laughed incredulously.

It was clearly a good atmosphere until a moment ago, but he changed abruptly for no reason.

He looked around and saw that the team members were bowing their heads as if they were used to it.

Just by looking at this, he could guess how much this guy had mistreated them here.


Yoo-hyun lifted his lips and met Ma Jong-hyun’s gaze head-on.

Compromise didn’t mean he had to stay still.

Listening to him after biting down hard on the bit was also a way of compromise.

It was when Yuhyun finally decided to step up.


Lee Youngnam, the manager, got out of the car that was parked close behind the van.

He had a thick wooden cane in his hand, which he never used before.

As he approached, Ma Jonghyun, the deputy manager, greeted him with a friendly smile.

“Hello, Manager Lee.”

“Ma Deputy, long time no see.”

Manager Lee’s eyes met Yuhyun’s for a moment, and he spat out a harsh voice that was unlike him.

His deep frown showed his displeasure clearly.

Ma Jonghyun acted as if he didn’t care about that and teased him.

“I was going to say hello to you, but I couldn’t because of the work at Yeontae factory.”

“What are you talking about? Did you miss the deadline? Just do it on time.”

“No. That’s not what I mean. If this goes on, Hansung Electronics’ support for Yeontae village will…”

Ma Jonghyun was confused by the unexpected reaction and stuttered.

“Stop talking nonsense and get out of here. Don’t bother the people who are working hard.”

But Manager Lee snapped at him instead.

He acted very differently from before.

He didn’t curse or belittle the workers at Yeontae factory on behalf of the auditors.

He didn’t beg for more resources for Yeontae factory either.

It wasn’t the atmosphere to treat him with a big reward as before.

Ma Jonghyun expressed his resentment openly.

“Why are you doing this, Manager Lee? I feel hurt by our relationship.”

“Our relationship? What are you talking about? Just go away.”

“Last time, you clearly told me to step on those Yeontae bastards when they crawled up…”

“Who crawled up?”

Then, the cane that Manager Lee was holding flew towards him.

The tip of the cane almost grazed his face, and Ma Jonghyun flinched and backed away.

That’s when Bae Yongseok appeared and grabbed his back.

“Manager Lee, I got him.”

“What the hell. What are you doing?”

Ma Jonghyun shouted in surprise, and Manager Lee raised his cane high and ran towards him.

His eyes showed his intention to smash his head with the cane.

“What am I doing? It’s all because of you useless bastards.”

“Mi, Min Deputy.”

Ma Jonghyun, who was tightly held, kicked Min Dalgi’s butt with his foot in a hurry.

It meant to do something about it.



But Mandalki ran away in fear of the fierce cane attack by Director Lee Young-nam.


Team Leader Ma Jong-hyun, who had barely shaken off Bae Yong-seok’s arm, shouted loudly.

“Damn it. That crazy old man.”

“Oh, you finally reveal your evil mask.”

Regardless of his words, Director Lee Young-nam swung his cane down.


Team Leader Ma Jong-hyun, who was retreating from the violent attack, hit his hip on the ground.


Rolling on the ground to dodge another attack, he quickly got into the car.

“Get lost.”

But Director Lee Young-nam’s momentum did not stop.


He even ran after the minivan that was reversing and swung his cane at it.

Yoo-hyun felt like he finally understood why the team members were afraid of Director Lee Young-nam.

Looking at the minivan that was going down the winding narrow road in reverse, Yoo-hyun whispered to Team Leader Park Chul-hong.

“Director Lee is really fierce.”


Team Leader Park Chul-hong just opened his mouth without saying anything.

The other team members were the same.

A moment later.

Director Lee Young-nam sat on a bench in front of the construction site and drank ice water with a smug smile.

It was ice water that Jo Gi-jeong had prepared for him.

Kang Jong-ho fanned him from the side, and Team Leader Park Chul-hong waited for Director Lee Young-nam’s words with a polite attitude.

The people who were bad at socializing were also looking out for themselves at this time.

They looked more tense than when they faced the audit, and Yoo-hyun barely held back his laughter.

The power of one cane strike was truly amazing.

Director Lee Young-nam was still breathing heavily as if he had not calmed down yet.

Everyone was looking at his mouth, so Yoo-hyun stepped forward.

He did not want to waste time in this stifling situation.

It was not Yoo-hyun’s style.

“Director Lee, thank you for your care in many ways.”

“What did I do?”

“You must have been tired from traveling far, but you came to the factory right away.”

They came by a truck, and they all had mud on their sneakers as if they had rolled somewhere outside the village.

From that, he could tell that they had been somewhere outside the village.

Yoo-hyun said casually, as if expressing his concern.

It was also an expression of his intention to continue the bond that was created at the drinking party.

Then Director Lee Young-nam nodded his head with a meaningful expression.

For some reason, Bae Yong-hwan and Bae Yong-seok had the same expression.

Director Lee Young-nam, who briefly met eyes with Bae Yong-hwan, turned his gaze back to Yoo-hyun.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“Sure. Go ahead. Anything.”

“What are you going to do from now on? You have a clear plan, right?”

As soon as Lee Young-nam, the manager, asked this question, the eyes of Bae Yong-hwan and Bae Yong-seok turned to Yoo-hyun.

The half-moon gang also looked at Yoo-hyun in unison.

Yoo-hyun knew very well why they all sent him worried glances.

The problem was surprisingly simple.

Today’s action by Manager Lee Young-nam was satisfying, but it caused a glitch in the gratitude.

No matter how weak the people who came to thank them today were, there was a definite possibility that the Yeontae factory would suffer damage from their words.

The problem started with the fact that they had to deliver goods to the Mokpo factory in a few days.

It was a tangled situation in many ways, but Yoo-hyun had a sure solution.

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