Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 120

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'Is this your way of breaking up with me?' asked a soft voice inside of Wang Chao's head. He immediately froze when he heard her words, but it more than just the words that she spoke, he could hear the undercurrents of her heartbreak and unease.

'What?!' he demanded, unable to contain his rage. He knew she didn't mean it, that she knew there was no place in this world that she could hide from him, let alone have him break up with her. But he didn't understand what was going on.

'So it wasn't your idea to lock us out?' came the soft voice again. He could practically feel the need seeping into his muscles and bones, demanding that he fixed whatever she needed him to fix.

Not caring about the group in front of him that was trying to learn how to use their powers, he turned around and searched the training hall for Liu Wei. "Si Wang!" he yelled and saw the desired effect. He had not called that name for years, as he did not need the consequences of calling Liu Wei that name. It was essentially a death sentence for whoever was on the other end.

'Give me a second,' he said 'I'm sending Liu Wei out now to let you in.' He felt more than heard her agreement and her need to be near them again.

Liu Wei rushed up to Wang Chao's side as he was having the conversation with Li Dai Lu, waiting for whatever orders would come with calling him that name. He was more than willing to become Death if it meant keeping her. 𝚋𝚎dnov𝚎𝚕.𝚌om

"Someone is keeping Li Dai Lu and the others out. You should explain to everyone why that is a bad idea," growled Wang Chao. Liu Wei nodded and quickly grabbed a parka before leaving the training hall. He would be more than happy to fulfill that order.

Liu Wei could feel the darkness rushing through him at the very thought that she was locked out of the base and saw red when he thought about those who thought it would be a good idea.

Leaving Wang Chao to handle the particulars, he concentrated on getting to his Sweetheart as fast as he could. God help whoever was in his way.

Pulling out his gun from the holster on the small of his back, he checked the chamber and the magazine to make sure that it was fully loaded. He didn't know how many people stood between them, but if the bullets weren't enough, he would be more than happy to rip out their still-beating hearts.


"What is going on?!?" shouted Rear Admiral Zhou Gang Jia as he approached Wang Chao who had walked away from the group he had been training.

"Maybe I should ask you, Rear Admiral," replied Wang Chao, his voice turning cold as he looked at the man approaching him.

"I have no idea what you mean," answered the other man coming right up to Wang Chao's face. "I know that you and Liu Wei are supposed to be teaching the others how to use their powers, but now Liu Wei is gone and you are not continuing the lesson," he continued. The Rear Admiral was not happy. It had taken him a few hours to understand how important these powers were but now that he did, he didn't want any more delays in the training.

"You really don't know?" asked Wang Chao as he put one hand in his pocket and the other one quietly tapped against his thigh. The smile that was forming on his face was not one of comfort.

"Just spit it out Captain," snapped Zhou Gang Jia, honestly not knowing what would have set this man off, but at the same time, not caring.

"It's General," replied Wang Chao, "And it is a higher ranking than yours, Rear Admiral, so I suggest you can the attitude and speak to me like you would one of your superiors." Wang Chao had never really cared about his rank. As far as he was concerned, it was nothing more than a headache. But that didn't mean that he would be willing to put up with someone disrespecting his rank.

Let alone disrespecting his woman.

Zhou Gang Jia was taken aback when he heard Wang Chao's words. In his head, he was always that Captain that he had commanded for years, not someone that outranked him. Not to mention, he was the highest rank at this base right now. There were several other officers here that he conferred with, but they were still of a lower rank than he was.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Sir," he got out through gritted teeth. It literally choked him to have to call the man in front of him Sir.

"Was it you that put out the order not to let Li Dai Lu, Liu Yu Zeng, or Chen Zi Han into the base?" Wang Chao asked, his stance seemingly relaxed.

"They are civilians, we cannot accept every civilian that wants to stay here," he said waiving his hand in the air like it was none of his concern if those people were allowed on the base or not.

"I see," said Wang Chao as he studied the man in front of him. This man was not who or what he remembered and for the tenth time, he wondered if he made the correct decision to go and rescue him a month ago. "Then we have reached an impasse," he continued, looking at his fingernails. "Not only am I now considered a civilian, but you have taken it on yourself to lock my wife out of her current home."

"Wife?!?" screeched Zhou Gang Jia. "I thought she was with Liu Wei," he admitted.

"That doesn't really matter, now does it?" Wang Chao said. Everything in him was just begging to be released inside this man's mind and killing him after finding out his deep, dark secrets.

'I got her,' came a low voice from inside his head and Wang Chao was able to relax a fraction, his mind no longer calling for the Rear Admiral's death after knowing that Li Dai Lu was safe.

'Is she ok?' he asked, needing to know the answer more than his next breath.

'She is fine. Cold, but fine,' he reassured him. Letting out a sigh of relief, Wang Chao grunted.

'I'll be there as soon as I'm done with this. Make sure to get her some hot chocolate,' he said and felt Liu Wei roll his eyes.

'I am more than aware of how to take care of our Queen,' he said before closing off the connection between the two men.

"I'm afraid that you will probably need to put a new team out in the guard house. I can only imagine that the old one is all dead by now," said Wang Chao out loud as he looked at the man in front of him. "Liu Wei isn't known for cleaning up his messes when he is in a hurry, so they might need to bring some things to clean up the blood and bodies."

"What?!" yelled Zhou Gang Jia. "How could he kill members of the Country K military?!"

"Because there is no longer a Country K military and they were between him and my wife," said Wang Chao calmly, pointing out the facts that the Rear Admiral refused to understand.

"There will always be a Country K military," came the response. Wang Chao could only ignore the man, refusing to get into another argument over the same fact again and again.

"Fix what you screwed up or we will be leaving tomorrow and no one will be around to teach your men anything," threatened Wang Chao, done with everything. He would not stand here when his little girl was waiting for him in their apartment. He could practically feel how much she needed everyone around her right now.

"You will stop!" yelled Zhou Gang Jia as Wang Chao strolled out of the hall, not caring about anyone or anything that was not Li Dai Lu and his brothers.

"I hope you make a smart decision," he replied as he waves his hand in goodbye.

He managed to make it out of the hall and into the stairway before something grabbed the back of his shirt, forcing him to stop.

Spinning around on the narrow step, he glared down at the woman in front of him. "Never touch me again," he snarled. He hated being touched in general, but now that they had their Queen in their lives, he hated being touched by anyone else that much more.

"You have to help us," pleaded Zhao Jia Li. "You are the only one that can. I can promise you that Daddy will leave you and your family alone if you just help us."

"Do you really think that I give a flying fuck about you or your father?" Wang Chao snapped as he ripped her hand off of his body. "I didn't care about him before the end of the world and I care even less about him now."

"It's not the end of the world! It's just a power outage," she insisted grabbing at his arm again, refusing to let go. "And you know how Daddy is, he won't stand by if you could have helped me but refused."

"Sure," said Wang Chao nodding his head, his entire being now focused on the person coming down the stairs. "Then I will start caring once you can actually get in contact with your father."

"But Daddy—" she continued.

"Is she calling you Daddy? Or is a woman at her age still referring to her father as Daddy? Because either way, as much as I don't kink shame, I don't approve," came a voice that sounded like an angel behind him.

Once again spinning around, he reached for his little girl behind him. "There is no way in Hell she is calling me Daddy," he assured her as he growled deep into her ear. "But I might make an exception for you," he promised.