Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 128

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We left through the front door and there was not a single soul around. I wasn't sure if that was because my plan was just that successful, or if the remaining people at the naval base were paying homage to their new queen and couldn't be bothered with anything else. Either way, it made life easier for us.

I honestly debated whether or not we should leave the gate open. I mean, it was easier on us if we did, just so we didn't have to find some way to get over it. But on the flip side, if we kept it open, we were offering the people up on a silver platter to whoever came through before they woke up.

"She is thinking too hard," joked Wang Chao. "Liu Yu Zeng, whatever it was that you did before, do it again before smoke starts to come out of her ears."

"Ha ha, everyone's a comic," I grumbled as I stuck out my tongue.

"Don't overthink things," suggested Liu Wei, "We are here to help you worry about the small details and the big if you let us. You are not alone," he whispered as he laid a kiss on my temple. "And you are going to have to let me do what my brother did to you, it's not fair that he is the only one of us that can put that look on your face."

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, the infuriating man quicken his pace to go walk beside Wang Chao. I glared at the two as Liu Yu Zeng and Chen Zi Han came up beside me.

"So I have to do it again?" asked Liu Yu Zeng with a decided smirk on his face. I liked it when he was a shit disturber for others… being on the receiving end did not make me as happy.

"Keep your tongue in your mouth," I grumbled. I would let Liu Wei and Wang Chao figure out the whole gate situation and where we were going from here. I knew that Wang Chao always had a plan, but for the most part, he was always willing to defer to me. In this case, though, I was more than willing to take the back seat.

Speaking about back seats I took out the black SUV from my space and placed it just on the other side of the gates. Since I didn't know if we were opening them or not, I figured this was the best option.


Sitting in the back seat of the SUV I glared at all four men, really not impressed. This would probably be the last time I let Wang Chao and Liu Wei come up with the plan.

"At least we are out of the base," said Wang Chao from where he sat in the front passenger seat. Sure, because that excused everything.

"Yeah, well, we could have just opened the frigging gates," I said with my arms crossed against my chest. I was placed between Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng in the back seat, and while I admit that I was feeling very safe, I was not happy in the least.

"But you were worried that if we opened the gates, we would have no way to close them, leaving everyone vulnerable when they wake up," Wang Chao pointed out. Sometimes arguing with him was like arguing with myself since he knew everything that was going on in my head. It would be nice if he could turn that power off. "Sorry, I can't," he said, not looking the least bit sorry.

"I understand that," I snarled, "But that was no reason to throw me over the fucking gate! That thing was 6 feet high!" By the end of my rant, my decibel level might have been on par with a dog whistle, but I really didn't care. Liu Wei literally tossed me, as in threw me, sent me flying over, however you want to describe it, he threw me up and over the gates, assuming that Wang Chao or Chen Zi Han would catch me on the other side.

Have I mentioned the fact that these gates were completely solid? So you couldn't see through them?!? Yeah, Liu Wei tossed me over a solid gate and assumed that there was someone on the other side to catch me. I would have much rather have left the entire base to their own devices that go through that.

Did I mention that they THREW me over the fucking gate?!?

I stretched my neck back and forth, hearing the different cracks and pops that resulted. I think I needed to take up meditation or something because that was not ok!

"Does that mean I am the only one not on your shit list?" asked Liu Yu Zeng as he leaned forward to look at me. He had his trademark smirk on his face as he brought his face right to mine.

I raised my eyebrow at him and with my index finger, I poked at him in the head. "I was pissed at you first!" He simply shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his seat.

"Yes, but at least I didn't throw you in the air," he said, pointing out the latest reason why I was pissed at the guys. "All I did was lick you like you licked Wang Chao. What was it you said? You lick it it's yours? Well, I guess that makes you mine," he said with a satisfied on his face. I studied the man beside me and noticed that he seemed a lot more relaxed like there wasn't as much tension around him as there was before.

Huh, maybe he needed to lick me as much as I get the need to lick the boys. And maybe that simple, weird act goes a long way to releasing the built-up tension of not actually knowing what was going on.

Completely on impulse, I leaned over and licked the man on the neck. "Tit for tat," I said as if my actions didn't mean anything at all, but I looked into his eyes as he turned to look at me, and tried to push everything that I was feeling towards him. I wanted him to feel secure, that I was as committed to him as he was to me. That I loved his goofy side, his serious side, and even his psychotic side.

I saw him searching my face for the meaning of my actions and I saw the moment that he understood. His eyes widened before his signature smirk was back on his face. Nodding, he turned away from me and looked out of the window, but even in the dark, I could see the tips of his ears turn red.

No one else said a word as we made our way down the snow-covered streets and to wherever we were going next. Happy, safe, and content, I closed my eyes and laid my head on Liu Wei's shoulder.

"Take out a blanket," I heard him say as he rested his lips against my temple. Doing what he asked, I found my biggest, fluffiest, comfiest black blanket and took it out. Handing it over to him, I was not surprised when he draped it over us and shifted as much as he could in the back seat with his seat belt on in order to get into a comfortable position.

Once he had finished arranging himself, I laid back down. Letting out a long breath, I closed my eyes. "Please don't toss me over a gate again," I asked, my bottom lip coming out in a pout.

"I make no promises," he chucked as he ran his fingers through my hair. "I will do whatever I can to keep you safe."

I guess I couldn't argue with that. A small smile on my face at his answer, I allowed myself to doze off to the feeling of his hands in my hair and his arm around me.

--- 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

"Lucky bastard," hissed Liu Wei as he felt Li Dai Lu become soft in his arms. Not wanting to disturb her sleep, he readjusted the blanket to make sure she was well covered. The air in the SUV was warm and they were all wearing their heavy winter gear, but he knew that she always liked being under a blanket, even if it was in the middle of summer.

His brother simply turned his head to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "You just wish you thought of it first," he said, as he adjusted the blanket on his end. "Sorry," he continued as he adjusted his statement. "I'm sure that you thought about it first, you were just too slow in the execution."

Liu Wei rolled his eyes, not willing to get into an argument when the object of their discussion was sleeping peacefully on his chest. "Yeah, yeah," he admitted. There was a bit of a hollow feeling in his chest as he watched his Queen licking his little brother.

The more he thought about it, the tighter his chest became until he could hardly take a breath. He knew that licking was not actually a declaration of love and commitment, but he also knew that she always calmed down after she licked a person. And so far, it was only his little brother and Wang Chao who had received it.

Did that mean that she only liked them? What happened if she didn't like him in the same way? Was he destined to be the one on the outside looking in?