Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 141

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Wang Chao looked down at the man in front of him. He had enjoyed working with him. Li Yi Ming had always been professional and competent when it came to his missions. He completed them on time and with a high rate of success. In fact, his team was one of the most sought-after teams in the Navy, used for all sorts of missions from rescue to assassinations.

He had heard rumors about a messy private life, but as far as Wang Chao was concerned, as long as that mess didn't impact or come to work, it was none of his business. He was their commander, not their babysitter. If Li Yi Ming wanted to screw a bunch of women and then disappear, as long as everyone was willing, then it was no concern of his.

But then he crossed Wang Chao's bottom line. He had shot at his team, including his little girl, and no one would walk away with that sin unscathed.

It didn't help his temper that Li Dai Lu had managed to close herself off from him. She had even managed to do it in such a way that he couldn't feel anything coming from her, that soothing presence that he had come to rely on was just gone.

That was strike number 2 against the man in front of him. And for a man that did not agree with giving second chances, the fact that Li Yi Ming was able to still be breathing was a miracle in and of itself.

Then, even after all that crap, instead of making the smart decision to keep his head down and play least in sight, he called his little girl a princess in a derogatory way. Well... strike three, he was dead. Even if he chose the smarter option of leaving this building Wang Chao would still hunt him down and offer his heart to his little girl.

Wang Chao felt his lip trying to flex into a snarl, but he fought to hold it back. Keeping his ice-cold persona was hard when every cell in his body was demanding retribution. But sometimes he also enjoyed playing with his food before he killed it.

"I'm sorry, Sir," said Li Yi Ming standing up and saluting him. "It was wrong of me to address you in such a manner and I will not do it again."

Wang Chao just stared at the man, wondering where the misstep in communication happened.

"I don't remember the General asking for an apology," said Liu Wei and he adjusted his glasses. "I believe he asked you to make a choice."

"But—" stammered Li Yi Ming as he looked back and forth between the two men. "I said that I wanted to stay here. Me and my team could be helpful to you."

Wang Chao nodded his head like the man had made a good point. "Your team might be beneficial, but you are not. So chose before I chose for you," he growled looking at the smaller man. Even standing right in front of him Li Yi Ming was smaller than him in both height and muscle mass.

When Wang Chao said that the team might still be beneficial the Vice-Captain behind Li Yi Ming straightened a look of surprise and hope on his face. Wang Chao simply raised his eyebrow at the man. He couldn't remember his name, but sometimes that was more of a good thing than a bad.

"You have two seconds," he snapped returning his gaze to Li Yi Ming just in time to watch the man visibly swallow in fear.


"I'll leave, but I am taking my men with me," growled Li Yi Ming as he took a step forward and practically into Wang Chao's chest. His face took on an almost demonic snarl to it as he allowed his anger to take over.

Wang Chao snorted, completely unimpressed. "Everyone has the ability to make their own decisions," he said calmly as if this man that killed people with his bare hands meant little to him. And he did. There was no way Wang Chao considered him a threat to his safety. However, he was not willing to take a chance with Li Dai Lu's safety so the man needed to die.

"Those that want to follow you can, those that don't…"

Wang Chao watched as five others followed Li Yi Ming around the cramped apartment to gather their supplies and then quickly left. He turned his gaze to Liu Wei. No words were needed between the two men. Liu Wei nodded his head and quietly followed after the six men. As to however many men actually managed to leave the building? Well, that was up to Death.

The remaining eight men stood still in the apartment, their gaze never leaving Wang Chao, especially after they watched him send Liu Wei away. They knew what Liu Wei's ability was and they let out a slight sigh of relief that they were not among the stupid ones that decided to leave.

"What is your name?" asked Wang Chao as he returned to his seat and looked at the Vice-Captain in front of him.

"Cao Mu Chen," he said, coming to attention. Wang Chao nodded his head as he crossed his legs and tilted his head towards the chair that Li Yi Ming just vacated. Taking his seat, Cao Mu Chen waited until the remaining seven members of his team came to stand behind him. Whatever came next, they would face it together like they always did.

"Li Yi Ming was not wrong," started Wang Chao as he looked over the men standing in front of him. He was impressed that they stood strong as a team, that was a big point in favor of Cao Mu Chen. "There are benefits for bringing you guys in."

When none of the men even twitched in front of him, his opinion of them rose even more. This was the behavior and demeanor of men that were considered some of the best of Country K's military force. They were not as well known as the Infantry Specialized Teams as they were still a new development in the Navy, but they had managed to carve out a place for themselves even after all that adversity. 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝙤𝙢

"But, if you want that to happen, then you will have to go through one final test before being accepted. And I warn you, this test will not be easy," said Wang Chao as he rolled his shoulders, trying to reduce the tension in them. The longer he went without being able to feel his little girl inside his head, the more on-edged he became.

"Understood, Sir," said Cao Mu Chen as he looked over his shoulder to his men to get their opinion on the matter. "What are our options?"

Wang Chao smiled. It was so much better to deal with a smart person than a person that thought they were smart. "Your options are simple; leave, die, or pass the test."

"And if we fail this test?" asked the man just to the right of Cao Mu Chen.

"Then you are left with option A or B," answered Wang Chao with a shrug of his shoulders. Not willing to waste any more time with these people when he had some groveling to do upstairs, Wang Chao turned around and strolled towards the door. Liu Wei would meet him at home when he was done. "When you have made a decision, come upstairs to the penthouse."

Leaving the men to make up their own minds, Wang Chao waited for the apartment door to close behind him before he rushed down the hall, almost at a full sprint. He took the steps three at a time to get to his floor as fast as he could, and the woman that he hoped would still be there.


I was leaning over the coffee table studying a map of City J with Liu Yu Zeng to see where we might want to go next when the front door burst open scaring the crap out of me.

ASee, that door was apparently easy to kick in…

Calling on my pink flame, ready to confront the intruder, I was taken completely off guard as a blurred mass flew across the room and wrapped itself around my lower body, resting his head on my stomach.

"I am sorry," he said, not even sounding the least bit out of breath. I tried to hide my smile as I felt Wang Chao's arms gripping me tightly around my hips. I wanted to stay mad at this man, but this move was so unlike anything I ever thought that I would see from him that I wanted to know where we went wrong.

Because clearly, he was not willing to let me go.

I let out a soft sigh as I tentatively ran my fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. "Clearly we got our wires crossed and there is nothing I hate more than a misunderstanding that seems to drag on forever. So, tell me what was going through your mind."

I could feel him shudder as he continued to tighten his arms to the point where I was about to lose my balance. Seeing my predicament, Liu Yu Zeng walked up behind me silently, offering me his support so I didn't fall. However, he didn't let out a single sound, not willing to take this moment away from me and Wang Chao.

"I am sorry," came the heartbreaking voice. "Please don't keep me out, I can't take not knowing what is going on in your head."