Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 146

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*cough… reader discretion is advised. I will put in a page break when the low-key smutty stuff is over*

My mind was lost in a swirl of pleasure and sin, sucked deep into the world of lust that Liu Yu Zeng and Chen Zi Han had created for the three of us. I kept my eyes closed, too weak to open them, but all the sensations seemed to be enhanced by the darkness and I could feel their breath playing across my skin like the lightest of breezes.

I could feel Chen Zi Han's fingers glide across my body, from my rib cage, that he was practically able to span with a single hand, up to just under my breasts, wringing another moan from me. The sound was eaten up by Liu Yu Zeng as he continued his assault on my lips, not giving me a second to breathe, let alone think. I felt Chen Zi Han pulling the sweater over my head, causing Liu Yu Zeng to break off the kiss just long enough for it to pass my mouth before he descended on my swollen lips one more time. I heard the sound of my sweater falling to the floor and I was left in just my pajama pants and a sports bra.

Chen Zi Han returned his attention to my body and the jerk that he was, allowed his hands to just brush my needy breasts before sinking down my stomach--- I gasped, wanting his hands to continue south, but just like my breasts, he merely teased me with the possibilities. His hand just skinned the part of me that was throbbing, demanding to get the same attention as the rest of my body, and then he moved his hands back up and away from where I needed them.

I could feel my temper and my need rise as both men continued to tease and taunt me beneath my clothes, making me dripping but then refusing to so much as touch me in the way that I needed to be touched.

I was sure that if my brain was at full working capacity, I would be making my wants and needs damn clear. But as it was, I was completely helpless in the whirlwind of emotions that they invoked by their touches. And I was loving every minute of it.

While Chen Zi Han's hands were gently playing with my front, Liu Yu Zeng's hands were doing the exact opposite with my back. His fingers gripped each cheek of my ass, almost pulling them apart in their need to dig deep into my flesh. I heard him groan, this time into my mouth, as he pulled me closer to him, locking Chen Zi Han's hands between our bodies. But since his hand was right over top of the pulsing part of my body that was weeping for attention, I was not complaining in the least.

My hips started to move on their own, first pressing into Chen Zi Han and then arching into Liu Yu Zeng, trying to catch something that was elusive to me up until now. But the more pressure I was able to put on my front, the better I felt and the more frantic I became.

I ripped my mouth from Liu Yu Zeng's and tilted my head back to rest against Chen Zi Han's chest as the two continued, never once stopping their worshiping of my body.

But since he could not longer access my lips, Liu Yu Zeng changed his attack to the front of my neck and collarbone, laying small nips across my flesh that was the perfect balance between pleasure and pain. I leaned back even more into Chen Zi Han which ended up trapping his hand even more against where I wanted him to be. He moved a single finger past my lips and into my wetness just as Liu Yu Zeng bit my breast hard. The sensation between the two caused me to explode, seeing stars before my legs turned weak and I collapsed. The only reason why I was still upright was because I was still sandwiched between the two men as they whispered sweet nothings into my ears as I slowly came back down to earth.

I shuddered one more time before Chen Zi Han cautiously stepped back, giving me only enough room to see if my legs would hold up. They started to shake, but before anything could happen to me, Liu Yu Zeng scooped me up into his arms and took me back to our room. 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦


Gently laying me down in the middle of the bed, Liu Yu Zeng quickly followed me, not allowing his touch to leave me for a second. Gently leaning his head down to lick the bite that he gave me, I couldn't help but groan in enjoyment.

"Now you are mine, you know that, right?" he asked softly, a rare note of vulnerability in his voice that caught me off guard. Looking down at my joker, I stroked his soft hair as he rested his head on my breast right beside his bite mark.

"And you are mine," I promised him in return, completely confident that this dangerous man was as much a part of me as I was a part of him.

Completely content, both mentally and physically, I closed myself and allowed myself a quick nap before my next meeting in the afternoon.


Liu Yu Zeng didn't know when he had fallen asleep or even if he was even asleep right now. The last thing that he remembered was resting his head on Li Dai Lu's chest and her gently playing in his hair and then the next thing he knew, he was in a different place that felt both familiar and strange at the same time.

He looked around and saw a wide field with mountains in the background that pulled at a part of him that he didn't even know. Turning to one side, he saw there was a whole forest of trees, the height of which he has never seen before. Spinning to the other side, he saw a beautiful, pristine lake with a dock stretching out from the shore into the water, and a pergola standing proud and tall in the picturesque setting.

When a cold breeze blew off the water, Liu Yu Zeng could feel his body breaking out into goosebumps. Looking down, expecting to see himself still wearing his sweatpants and T-shirt he was when he first fell asleep, he was stunned to see that his outfit had completely changed.

Where his legs were once covered by grey sweatpants, there were now black silk pants that reminded him of a warrior's pants that he had once seen in a book of ancient warfare. A gold belt encased his waist, but his stomach and chest were completely bare except for a leather strap that bisected his torso. A set of gold arm bands fit snugly on his upper bicep and he could see gold armor padding on his shoulders.

On his left arm hung a giant shield, feeling like so much a part of him that he didn't even register the weight of it at first. He held a bow in his right hand and the slight weight on his back made him think that he might be carrying a quiver of arrows on his back.

Now that he was paying more attention to himself rather than his environment, he could feel a helmet that almost completely engulfed his face, leaving only two vertical lines for him to see out of. He was not able to actually see it, but by the feeling, he thought it was very similar to a helmet of one of the greatest empires to even have existed in the world.

The longer he stood here, the more comfortable he felt, like he had managed to come home after a long time away. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air, he let it go, allowing his body to just relax in a way that he had never experienced before.

The wind blew again, carrying a voice with it so faint that he couldn't make out what they were saying. Looking around, he saw a figure in the pergola that he didn't notice before. However, even at this distance, he knew exactly who it was.

"Li Dai Lu," he breathed under his breath as he started running towards the woman. The shoes on his feet left prints in the grass.

Rushing up to the woman that he considered to be his, he found himself sinking to one knee. Crossing his hands over the knee that wasn't on the ground, he bent over, bowing to the woman before him. Even though he had never been in this position before, his body had completely taken over and performed the ritual without any input from him.

"Why did you leave me?" came the heartbreaking question from the woman in front of him. He knew in his bones that it was Li Dai Lu, her words and pain part of the ongoing nightmare that witnessed the other night. But as much as it was her, she looked vastly different. Her white dress, gold accessories, and a tiara were something that he had never even thought about seeing her in, and yet, he knew that this was who she truly was deep down inside.

"Why did you leave me?" she cried again, and this time he could see the sparkle of tears in her eyes as she tried to retain her composure.

"I was called," he felt himself saying. But that was not true. There was no way that he would be willing to leave her after just finding her a few months ago. He fought with every cell in his body, but a feeling of helplessness washed over him as he realized that he was nothing more than a spectator.