Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 182 What Will You Sacrifice?

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"We will help you, but we won't be leaving for at least a day or two," I said as soon as the messenger entered our home. It would talk me at least a day to figure out supplies and all that crap. Hopefully we will be able to do some hunting of our own on our way to City Y.

The messenger looked worried, but cautiously nodded his head. "You don't agree?" I asked raising my eyebrow. He glanced at Wang Chao as if he didn't know if he should speak to me or not. "Let me make all of our lives easier, shall I?" I said, crossing my legs in front of me and resting my arms on the armrests. With two giants standing on guard behind me, I was sure that I would be able to get my point across.

"Unless Wang Chao is speaking, you don't need to worry about him. I understand that he was an important person in the military. But here, he is my General. Do you understand? If decisions need to be made, if orders are given, it will be done through me. If I am not present, it will then be handled by one of my men."

I stared at the man in front of me and watched as he gulped. This time his eyes darted to Liu Wei. "Major?" he asked in a hesitant voice. Liu Wei didn't answer him, didn't even bother to blink.

"Do you understand?" I asked. "Because if you don't, we will be more than happy to stay here."

"You will be dead if you stay here," said the 2nd Lieutenant as he stood up straight, this time looking at me. "The only way to stop this horde from attacking your base is to stop them at City Y."

I chuckled at his naivety. Did he really think that that was the way the world still worked? I scratch your back, you scratch mine? That idea would quickly disperse when they saw what was actually coming for them. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if people snuck out the back door once they saw the zombies, trying to save their own lives.

"Sure, you keep thinking that," I said with a wave of my hand. "We will be leaving in two days. Tell whoever you need to. But remember, this base is mine. The people in it? Mine. They will only listen to my orders so you might want to show me the very basics of respect before I decide that you are not worth the trouble."

No longer caring, I stood up and walked over to the kitchen, letting the men figure things out on their own.


"Do you understand where you went wrong?" asked Wang Chao from where he was sitting on the couch. With Li Dai Lu gone, Liu Wei and Chen Zi Han took their usual seats and the four of them stared at the messenger who had not left yet.

"No, Sir," admitted Xun Qian Guo as he looked at the men in front of him. Two of them he didn't know, but he recognized the bloodthirsty aura that they had, similar to those that had spent decades in war zones. Combined with the General and the Major, there should be no problem once they arrived at the Sanctuary.

"You don't seem to understand the landmine you just stepped on," said Liu Yu Zeng as he pulled out a cigarette but didn't light it. "She is the commander of this base. She can be considered a Full General if you will, someone that even the General must listen to. If you disrespect her like that again, you will find yourself on the menu faster than you can blink."

Xun Qian Guo swallowed. "Yes, Sir," he said saluting. They didn't have many women in their Sanctuary, and those that were were not high up in terms of power. They simply did not have to ability to stand toe to toe with the men. And that was fine. That was what they were there for. To protect those that couldn't protect themselves.

He just assumed that that was the same here at this place too.

"Never assume anything," said Wang Chao before nodding towards the door and dismissing the soldier.

"So, we can expect you by the end of the week? It will take at least a day to travel. There are a lot of zombies between the two cities right now," said the messenger dragging his feet. Liu Wei cocked his head and looked at the man for the first time since he arrived at their base. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝙤𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝙤𝙢

"You want to travel with us," he said, coming to the correct conclusion. A light blush spread over the face of the soldier in front of them. He opened his mouth a few times, but no words came out.

"I was lucky to get here the first time," he admitted after a few minutes. "And I thought that there was safety in numbers."

Liu Yu Zeng leaned forward and looked at the man up and down. He could see the light rips in the heavy uniform material that was meant to protect the person. "Did you confront them or run?" he asked as he leaned back.

"I ran," came the stuttered response, this time the blush was because of how ashamed he was for running. "I thought that my message was more important."

The four men nodded their heads in approval. If he had tried to fight the zombies then they would have sent him out to fend for himself. Since he proved that he had some level of intelligence, then they would allow him to go back with them. "Ask Ren Rou Xuan for a place to stay until we are ready to get going. Then send him up here."

This time, the messenger saluted Wang Chao and the rest of the men before turning around and leaving the penthouse.

"Princess is not going to be happy," remarked Chen Zi Han as soon as the door closed behind the outsider.

"No, she is not," agreed Liu Yu Zeng as he let out a breath, the unlit cigarette twirling in his fingers as he rubbed it back and forth.

"She is scared," said Liu Wei. He knew that the others could feel what she was feeling, but he was the only one who knew why she was scared.

"You need to step it up," grumbled Liu Yu Zeng looking at his older brother.

"I would, if you told me how," snapped Liu Wei back, not happy that he was the only one without a direct link to his Queen.

"That's the problem, we can't," came the reply as the two brothers squared off. "You will understand. I just don't know what is taking you so long."

"Why is she scared?" asked Wang Chao as he looked at his second in command, completely changing the subject. It was pointless to harp on something that had to come from him. If he was not willing to claim their woman, then he could continue to sit on the sideline.

"You don't know?" asked Liu Wei partly sarcastic and partly surprised.

"I can hear whispers, but nothing definite."

"Then I can't tell you," said Liu Wei, a feeling of happiness blowing through him. Now he shared something with her that was just for the two of them. "She will tell you when she wants you to know."

Liu Wei and Wang Chao just stared at each other for a few minutes, neither one willing to take a step back. "Fine," said Wang Chao, willing to concede. "Then we will have to figure out what needs to happen in the next two days, who we are taking and who we are leaving. Let's make this a bit easier on her, shall we?"

The four men grunted in agreement before they stood up and got to work.

Plans needed to be made and people and supplies needed to be divided. But no matter how much they trusted their men when it came to obeying orders and their loyalty to the unit, it was a different story when it came to Li Dai Lu and the sanctuary that she had built.

This was her home, just like the ranch. And they would kill whoever they needed to to make sure that she could come back here and have it be the same. The rules would be reinforced and Step One taken into account on all matters.

There was a gentle knock on the door as the men were starting on their own tasks. Opening the door, Liu Wei looked at the man standing before him. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I want to go with you," came the gruff reply.

"Why? Your unit is here," pointed out Liu Wei.

"I heard the rumors," said the other man, not willing to meet Liu Wei's gaze. "I need to go to City Y."

"Again, I ask why?"

"I am hoping that my brother and his family are there. If they are, I want to bring them back with me."

"And if they aren't? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the possibility of them being there?"

"Then at least I know I tried."

"Fine, you can come. I'll let Li Dai Lu know."

"Thank you," breathed the other man as if Liu Wei had just offered him the world on a silver platter.

"You are a good man, Feng Dong Yang. Don't make me regret it."