Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 191 Welcome Home, Brother

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(This chapter will contain some... heavy petting? Read at your own risk. NSFW)

"I'm joking," I said as I looked up at Liu Yu Zeng. It would have crushed me if any of the guys had said that to me, especially knowing that they did have someone out there waiting for them. I shouldn't have said it to them. "And I have no idea. It feels like the same thing that was watching me when we entered City J for the first time, but I can't figure out for the life of me why it would be here in City Y. Especially given all the time that has passed."

"Still, I don't like it," growled Chen Zi Han as he came up behind me, pressing me closer to Liu Yu Zeng. I reached up to put my hands on Liu Yu Zeng's chest and I could feel his heartbeat vibrating against my palms.

"You feel that?" Liu Yu Zeng whispered to me as he nibbled on the outer shell of my ear. "That beats for you. But I will not share you, present company excluded. So if I find this person who is following you, I will rip them limb from limb and carve out their heat so that we can put it on our mantel at home. Do you understand, Sweetness?" he purred as he glided his tongue up my neck, only to press the gentlest of kisses behind my ear.

I hummed, my eyes closed. I couldn't even form a thought at the moment, let alone a sentence.

"He might give you the heart, but I will give you their eyes. If they want to watch, let them watch what we will be doing to you. Let them be eaten alive with jealousy as we eat you."

I couldn't figure out how we go to this point where I wanted both men to take me here and now, forget the cold and the audience. I could feel the fire in my blood threaten to consume me as they continued to make bloody promises against my stalker.

The two stepped back and I swayed forward and backward, unable to support myself. Before my brain could restart and process what was going on, two more bodies surrounded me in their scent. "Wang Chao, Liu Wei," I moaned as I felt one man pressing up against my back, clear evidence of his desire pinned between us.

I wriggled, trying to feel it better, but the man in front of me held me securely in place.

"My brother promised you its heart, his second, its eyes. What can I promise you to show you how much you mean to me? Should I take out the heart of the next man to become obsessed with you? Or is that only following in my brother's steps?" whispered Liu Wei as he pinned me against the solid wall that was Wang Chao.

"You do seem to have a thing about collecting men," growled Wang Chao as he gently nipped my neck. I shook my head.

"There was no one before you four," I groaned, completely overstimulated, but I needed more, I wanted… more.

"Maybe not in this life, but what about the one before that?" demanded Liu Wei as he licked and nipped at my collarbone.

"Never in that life either," I replied, not even registering what I was saying.

"And your first life?" asked Wang Chao. I shook my head no as Liu Wei grabbed my ass and pull me up against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as Wang Chao bridged the small gap that formed between us, allowing me to lean against his chest, my head draped back over his shoulder.

"No one touched you here?" asked Liu Wei as his hands gripped my ass tighter, causing the cheeks to pull apart. I shook my head no.

"What about here?" asked Wang Chao as he slide his hands between me and Liu Wei to be able to reach down into the elastic waist of my pants. I moaned and shook my head again. Every nerve in my body was reaching out to them, screaming their desire to never stop.

"So you never felt this?" demanded Liu Wei as he pulled me even closer, trapping Wang Chao's hand even more between our bodies as he glided my core up and down his hardness. I moan, my hips starting to move on their own.

"No one ever felt this?" snarled Wang Chao as he pulled me back far enough to allow his fingers to dip into my wetness, my warmth. It was enough to set me off. Almost biting off my tongue in order to not scream my release, I saw stars behind my eyes.

"No one ever tasted this?" continued Wang Chao as he extracted his fingers from my throbbing center and brought them to his lips, tasting my essence. I shook my head no. Trying to catch my breath, I missed Liu Wei's movement as his mouth clamped down at the spot where my neck met my shoulder.

I screamed one more time as another release hit me and I blacked out.


Wang Chao watched as Liu Wei bit Li Dai Lu. "Finally," he breathed as he pulled Li Dai Lu out of Liu Wei's arms after he released his grip on her neck. "Let's get you two to the RV before you pass out too," said Wang Chao as he placed his treasure against his chest. Liu Wei looked at him in confusion. 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝘮

"I'm not going to pass out," he snorted in disdain. "That was mind-blowing, but there are still a lot of things to be done." He adjusted the gloves on his hands, wishing that he had taken them off before just so he could have her smell on his hands.

"Yes, there are a lot of things to be done," agreed Wang Chao as he carried Li Dai Lu over to the RV. Chen Zi Han opened the door and the four men entered. Gently laying their woman down on the bed, he gestured for Liu Wei to go in next.

"Seriously guy, I am fine. And there are still supplies to organize and men to look after," argued Liu Wei not willing to get into bed. There was nothing that he wanted more than to curl up behind her after that and just hold her in his arms until his heart finished its rapid beating, but he needed to prove that he was just as important as the other three.

After all, he was the only one without a link to her.

"Liu Yu Zeng with supervise the guys, Wang Chao will deal with the supplies and I will stay in here," said Chen Zi Han as he sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.

"I don't understand," said Liu Wei as a rush of dizziness hit him. Swaying for a second, he didn't stand a chance as Wang Chao pushed him down onto the bed.

"You will. And welcome home, brother," said the other man as darkness engulfed Liu Wei.


'Welcome home,' said the voice in the darkness as Liu Wei forced his eyes open. Looking up, he saw a blue and lavender sky with two moons shining in the middle of the day. Not moving, Liu Wei took stock of how he was feeling. If this was enemy territory, then he needed to make sure that he could move fast and accurately.

'This is not enemy territory,' growled the voice. 'Didn't you hear me? This is home. Or one part of it.'

Liu Wei ignored the voice. Until he could figure out where he was, it was enemy territory.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel cool grass under his back, tickling and itching him all at the same time. That meant that he was no longer in the black military-issued sweater that he had on before. He could feel the same feeling on his legs and arms. Was he naked?

Liu Wei flexed his fingers and noticed that his right hand was gripped on something so hard that it felt like an extension of his arm. He slowly turned his head, hoping that no enemy would notice the subtle movements, and cracked open his eyes. His arm was bare except for a gold wrist cuff that started at his wrist and went halfway up his forearm. In his hand, he was gripping a long wooden stick.

Trying to raise the weapon, he noticed that one end was much heavier than the other like there was a blade of some kind. Why would his enemies arm him like this? Why give him gold wrist cuffs? 'Because there are no enemies. Now open your eyes and go to her before it is too late!' snapped the voice.

'Her? Her who?' scoffed Liu Wei as he turned to the other side to see his left arm had the same golden cuff. But his arm was resting on what looked to be the back of a large iron plate, held in place by two leather straps. Lifting up his left arm, he was surprised at how light the plate seemed. Like he was as used to the weight of the plate as he was to the weapon in his other hand.

'Your goddess. Your queen. The reason why you wake up every morning and the reason why you take every breath.'