Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 220 30 Minutes

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(NSFW ish)

Liu Yu Zeng ripped open the door, almost panting with rage. He was close, so close… and yet, this fucker thought that this would be a good time to start banging on the door?!? Growling under his breath, he stared down at the person in front of him.

"Wang Chao and the rest of you have been invited to attend a meeting with the Major General and the rest of the teams," she said, seemingly unaware of how close she was coming to dying. In fact, Liu Yu Zeng couldn't think of a single reason to keep her alive.

Then again, with all of his blood flowing to his cock, there was not much left to support his brain function.

Yang Meng Yao continued to look up at him and smiled, blinking her eyes. "Do you have something in your eyes? I could take them out for you," said Liu Yu Zeng, his teeth gritted and a slightly psychotic look appeared on his face.

The woman looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you have something in your eyes that is the reason why you keep blinking at me like that, I can simply remove your eyes, and your problem is gone. Or, I can remove your head, and then my problem is gone. Do you have a preference?" he asked, not noticing his older brother coming up behind him.

Yang Meng Yao continued blinking as her mind worked through what Liu Yu Zeng had said. When she saw Liu Wei coming up behind him, she smiled brightly. "Liu Wei!" she said as if seeing her savior. "I am here to invite you to the base meeting."

Liu Wei grunted, "When is it?"

"In about 30 minutes," she answered. "Is Wang Chao around?"

"Wang Chao is currently occupied," he said in a tone of voice that she had never heard before.

"Is everything ok? Is there any way that I can help?" she volunteered as she tried to step into the RV.

"You can help by leaving," growled Liu Yu Zeng after realizing that they could have done a lot in the 30 minutes before the meeting started but this cockblocker decided that now was a good time to bother them.

Yang Meng Yao's smile turned a bit strained as she looked to Liu Wei for support. "He is correct in this matter," said Liu Wei stiffly as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "And next time, I suggest leaving the message outside of the door. The constant knocking is getting a bit… upsetting."

Liu Wei tried to keep a semi-professional appearance, but he was ready to pop this woman's head off like an unwanted pimple. 30 minutes… they could have had a whole 30 minutes with Li Dai Lu pinned between himself and Wang Chao.

And while it had never entered his mind before, he couldn't get it out of his head now. The feeling of her pinned under him, completely helpless… he shuddered.

They needed to hurry up and get this zombie tide over and done with so that they could be on the road before one of them died for perpetual blue balls. "We will be there on time," he said through gritted teeth before he slammed the thin door between him and the other woman.

30 fucking minutes.


It was 10:30 in the morning and we were stuck at the same conference table as we had been for the past three days. I yawned. I might have had a fantastic wake-up call this morning, but it also drained me so much that I just wanted to crawl back into bed and go to sleep.

My guys on the other hand. I had to cringe slightly when I thought about what we were about to do before we were so rudely interrupted. Don't get me wrong, I would have been more than happy to continue with what we were doing once the unwelcome visitor left, but it just wasn't the same.

We weren't looking for a quickie and having a clock ticking over our heads was not the most romantic way I wanted my first time.

So we all took a cold shower and tried to make ourselves more presentable, but that didn't change just how pissed off the boyos were. And I think everyone in the room understood just how thin the ice was that they were standing on.

Of course, you do have the idiots.

"Are you really eating carrot cake for breakfast?" asked Yang Meng Yao as she stared at me from across the table. Li Shoi Ming wrinkled his nose as if it was the most disgusting thing that he had ever seen. But then again, seeing as he is sitting next to Yang Meng Yao, I didn't put much stock in his tastes.

"Didn't you know?" I asked her innocently. "Carrot cake is not really so much of a cake as it is a muffin. And everyone knows that muffins are very much a breakfast food." I took a giant bite of the carrot cake smothered in cream cheese frosting, letting my teeth hit the metal progs before pulling the fork out of my mouth.

The men around me snickered, but unfortunately, Yang Meng Yao was not done ruining my morning. "Still, you have to take into account your figure," she said with a sniff. This time I had to burst out laughing.

"Bless your heart. I am fighting zombies enough that these few calories mean nothing. Maybe you should try it? Then again, I guess running away does burn about the same amount."

There was silence in the room as we stared at each other.

There was a quote that a scholar always said in the historical online novels that I loved to read. It went something like 'a gentleman never argues with a woman or a child'. They always say it in a hoity manner as if arguing with a woman was so far beneath them that it was simply a waste of time.

See me, I always figured that the man who came up with that saying was right. A gentleman should never argue with a woman because they don't stand a chance at winning. And instead of looking stupid by having someone that was considered to be 'lesser' than them hand them their asses, it was just better to keep their mouths shut.

The men in this room? They were the smart ones that didn't get involved.

"She is simply trying to help you. You could be more grateful," said Li Shoi Ming as he glared at me. I guess there is always at least one dumb one in any crowd.

"Sure," I said with a bright smile as I took out a second piece of carrot cake just to spite them.

"I meant to ask, are you a space user?" asked one of the leaders from City D. He leaned forward to be able to look at me.

"I am," I said with a nod. "I don't have a lot of space, just enough to keep me in cakes and coffee for a while."

He nodded his head as if he understood. "We have a team member that has a space too. He said that it was only about 30x30, but everything little bit helps when you are collecting supplies." My eyes lit up when he mentioned supplies and I leaned around Wang Chao to talk to the team leader more.

"Supplies are important," I said nodding my head like a bobblehead toy. "Have you been able to find a lot?"

He frowned. "Not so much. Most of the stores have been picked over, but we have enough to last us a short time."

"Have you tried raiding houses?" I asked, almost crawling over Wang Chao to get closer to the other man. "I find that there are a lot of supplies in a house that many people overlook."

The other man slowly nodded his head. "I never considered looking in homes, but it would make sense."

Once again, I nodded. It was so nice to be able to talk supplies with someone. Wang Chao wrapped his arms around my waist to prevent me from going any further before putting me back in my chair. He nodded to the team leader from City D. "Wang Chao," he said as he held out his hand. be𝚍no𝚟𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

"Bai Long Qiang, City D, Team A. But I guess that there is no longer a City D, so maybe I need to stop saying that," he said with a sad smile. Wang Chao nodded his head in understanding.

"The city might not exist, but your memories of it do," said Wang Chao. Bai Long Qiang simply nodded. "Well, I might not exist much longer if we can't defeat this horde that is coming."

"What did you say your name was?" I asked, doing a double take at the man. My reaction was enough to cause my men to tense up.