Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 252 Created For You

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I had no idea where we were going next. In fact, I really couldn't think of any place I have gone lately that wasn't a direct result of outside influence. I still knew what had to be done. "Let's just get out of this place first and then we can figure it out later," I said with a smile. I gripped the steering wheel between my hands as Cerberus started.

"I am going to assume that if you are able to talk to me that means that you can also drive yourself," I continued as I watched the four men taking off through the tunnel. The whines of the motorcycle engines were quickly overshadowed by Cerberus.

"I can," he agreed. "But I will leave that up to you," he continued. At this point, I was absolutely exhausted to the point of tears because let's face it, it had been a very long day. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it had been more than two days since I last slept.

I mean, I passed out after consuming the human souls and that was really the last time I closed my eyes. I don't know if it counted as sleep, but it was the closest thing to it that I've gotten. Then we killed Deng Jun Hie, escaped Sanctuary, walked through a forest, entered a scary building, got supplies, met Rip, and ran into Cerberus… yeah, it has been a really long day.

The more I thought about it, the less I could suppress my yawns. "How about I give you complete control and I will nap for a bit? Is there any way you can ask the guys where they want to go? My brain is so far gone I really don't want to make any decisions right now."

"Of course. We will figure out something. You just sleep and I will wake you up later. How does that sound?" my truck purred at me and to be honest? I didn't hate it.

"Done," I said before taking out a pillow and blanket from my space. My eyes were practically watering from exhaustion. The seat slowly lowered itself and I curled up and snuggled under the blanket. Content, I close my heavy eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Liu Wei followed Chen Zi Han out of the tunnel and into the darkness of night when a voice he didn't recognize sounded inside of his helmet. "Li Dai Lu is sleeping. She has asked for you to figure out where to go next, but she is too tired to deal with anything right now," it said.

"Who are you?" demanded Chen Zi Han slamming on the brakes of his motorcycle causing it to raise its rear wheel. The rest of the guys came to a stop around him. The truck that Li Dai Lu was in shot in front of them at a fast speed, but not so fast that Liu Wei was worried about her safety.

Wait, if she was sleeping, who the fuck was driving?

"Any idea where she wants to go?" asked a second unknown voice through the helmet headset.

"Why does he get her? Isn't she supposed to be riding with me?" came a third voice.

"You wish," answered a fourth voice that sounded vaguely familiar even though Liu Wei couldn't put his finger on where he had heard it before. "I can always get this asshole off and take her instead."

There was a snort coming across the mic next. "You wish," said the first voice. "You know I am safer than all of you."

"Might as well have wagged your tail when she called you beautiful," snarled the third voice.

"You just wish she said that about you," came the first one and the men could hear the self-satisfaction in his voice.

"None of this matters," came a fifth voice. "We go where she wants us to."

"Mmm," agree the second voice. "Our riders have fucked things up too many times, they shouldn't have a say in the matter. Where does she want to go?"

"All I could get was home," admitted the first voice.

"Anyone know where that is?" asked the fifth voice. When there was no response after a few minutes, the fifth voice growled. "Hey, flesh bags, we're talking to you!"

"Flesh bags?" repeated Wang Chao, his voice dropping a few octaves as he took on a malevolent tone. "Are you really speaking to us right now?"

"Who else is there? We know the Queen wants to go home, we just can't figure out which one she is talking about. That is where you four come in," sneered the fifth voice. "Just my luck that I am stuck with the dumb one."

Liu Wei raised an eyebrow when a voice came inside of his head. 'Where does she want to go? Where is her home?'

Liu Wei shook his head confused. It wasn't the same voice from the darkness that he had heard before, he had killed that one. This voice was new and sounded like the one that was complaining that Li Dai Lu wasn't riding with him. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗o𝚟𝚎𝚕.org

'Hurry up, the rest won't make the right decision. Where is home?'

'Her ranch,' replied Liu Wei after pausing for a second. If the voice only want what was best for Li Dai Lu, he would cooperate.

'Where is that?' asked the voice softening when Liu Wei answered him.

'Just outside of City A,' replied the man. 'Now, is there a name I can call you? Because I can't keep calling you third voice.'

There was a pause as the voice inside Liu Wei's head as the voice was debating on how to answer. 'You can call me Reaper,' it said after a few seconds. 'Pleased to meet you, Liu Wei.'

'Do I even want to know how you know my name? Or how you can speak inside of my head?'

'Would you be willing to accept the fact that the scientists fucked up?' suggested Reaper with a smirk.

'I am sure that they did, but that doesn't answer my question,' rebutted Liu Wei.

'I know your name because I was created just for you.'