Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 36

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"Alright, no point thinking about a dead man," said Liu Wei trying to lighten the mood. "Moving on to spirit, what exactly does that mean?"

I quickly held up a hand, stopping Wang Chao from giving him firsthand experience with a spirit user. "Yes, yes, yes, you are all-powerful and all-knowing, but please keep it to yourself for right now. We don't need to traumatize Wei or me anymore than I have already been," I said, trying to stop whatever was going to happen between the two guys.

"A spirit user has several advantages. They are psychic so they can read minds… and no, I am not trying to think too much about that right now… They can control time by making it stop for those that they want to and can use their voice to command people… or to entrap them in one way or another," I said, remembering exactly how we found out about that particular power. I wish it was because he stopped time, but I am not that lucky.

Yes, he did read my mind on an occasion that I would have preferred he didn't. Then, based on what I was thinking, he changed his voice into this smooth, silky tone that held a low baritone quality to it as he said exactly what was on my mind at that particular point. Between the two powers, I was gladly entrapped, wanting it all to just wash over me.

Use your imagination cause I'm pretty sure that you are right, I am just not admitting jack-.

And it is probably a good thing that he is not a womanizer, cause that power would be deadly in the wrong hands.

"So, now that we got a general idea, let's see what you got," I said to Liu Wei smiling. "Keep in mind that the power is literally part of your genetic makeup, it is as much a part of you as your arms or legs. So, at first, you might need to concentrate on what you want to happen, and then, just like breathing, it will happen without a thought."

We ran through the basic elements, starting with fire and earth. Things exploded when it came to air and water. Fucker.

An hour later I was regretting every aspect of my life. I was making a formal complaint to whoever handed out genetic powers. It was not fair that they both got three of them. Maybe I should take the vaccine and see if I could pick up another mutation or two.

"No," interjected Wang Chao as he and Liu Wei were attempting to destroy my poor field all over again with their battle between lightning and air, and water. Cause yeah, Liu Wei's control over air and water was completely ridiculous. Really not impressed right now.

"No what?" I asked distracted about the benefits of taking the vaccine to level up.

"You are not taking the vaccine just because you only have two powers. Technically isn't having your own space a type of power?" He said as he continued to rain lightning down on his best friend. On a side note, power users don't seem to react when hit with lightning. Huh.

"My space seems different than those with the space power," I said as I watched the two. "Might have something to do with my transmigration. But for the most part, being a space user was not considered to be a power because they really couldn't do anything with it. It was not offensive or defensive. You just put things in there instead of carrying them. In terms of powers it is so far down the totem pole that it isn't even considered," I continued as I watched Liu Wei create a mini hurricane in his hands. For someone that just got their powers, Wang Chao and Liu Wei made me question a lot of things that I thought I knew. "And if any of my crops are destroyed by your playing, I will kill both of you in your sleep."

Liu Wei immediately dissipated the hurricane-force winds and rain into nothing more than a spring breeze and a gentle mist to water the aforementioned crops. I might keep him around just for that. Not only would it save on the water bill, but I would be guaranteed better saturation as some of my crops needed less water than others.

Wang Chao chuckled and put his hand on Liu Wei's shoulder. "She is already planning on putting you to work watering her crops. I would run if I were you."

Liu Wei smiled back at him and whatever he was thinking caused Wang Chao to wipe the smile off of his face. "I'm sure I can be useful too," he grumbled under his breath.

I needed to remember that I had a mind reader around and act accordingly. My brain was scary enough for me some days, I didn't want to scare him off too. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝗻𝐨𝘃𝗲𝐥.𝗼𝗿𝐠

"No worries, Little One," he said, this time looking at me with a smirk of his own back on his face. "I don't scare that easily."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," I replied waving my hands in surrender. "There are people at my gate. I assume that you had something to do with that?" I asked then my cell phone alerted me that there was someone at my front gate.

At Wang Chao's nod, I unlocked the still very much electronic locks to the front gate and let his men enter. The three of us made our way to the front to wait for them. "Regret selling this place to me now?" I asked Wang Chao, curious. I could never imagine wanting to part with this place and I wondered if, now that he had spent more time here, he thought that too.

"No," he said, his eyes locked on the long driveway. "Not even a little."

I smiled and nodded my head happily at his response. There was a small part of me that was worried about what would have happened if he had said yes. Liu Wei let out a low laugh that did something to my insides… not a great thing with the frigging mind reader beside me, but I couldn't control my reactions.

"I think he is very happy to have sold you this place," he said, his voice low and husky as he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist, interlocking his fingers over my stomach. "After all, if we hadn't sold it, then you would never have bought it, and life would be very much different."

Liu Wei knew just how different their life would have been if they had never met her, and he would thank each and every deity that he needed to that this time around they found her… before it was too late.