Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 51 [Bonus ]

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I sat down at the kitchen island and paused. Music… why didn't I think about music?!? I normally did my best thinking to music. I would need to get my hands on whatever this world considered music.

Liu Wei and Wang Chao entered the kitchen a few minutes after me and I turned to glare at the men. "One of you, find a way for me to get my hands on music," I snapped, cranky that I had forgotten about music! That would have been a much simpler way of cutting through the silence than filling up my place with people.

Liu Wei pulled out his phone and started to work his magic. "Anything in particular?" He asked, looking at me, trying to figure out my mood. Good luck with that Boyo, I was still trying to figure out my mood.

"Not a clue. I didn't have music in my second life, and I doubt that the music here is the same as it was back in my old world. Just get me everything you can get your hands on; pop, classical, heavy metal, bluegrass… I really don't care. Just music."

With his assignment in hand and me not attempting to kill him, Liu Wei quickly left the room to get what I asked for. "And if needed, something to play it on! And headphones!" I yelled after his retreating figure.

He waved his hand as he quickly left the house. A few minutes later, I heard his car starting and then peeling out of the driveway. I didn't know what he had planned, but here's hoping he could do what I needed him to do.

"He'll get it done, he is the best at this," said Wang Chao as he took the stool beside me and sat down.

"He's the best at getting music?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. Shaking my head, I took out the paper and pens from my space and got to work.

"No, he's the best at finding what is needed and bringing it back."

"Let's hope that extends to finding his family because this is not going to be easy," I grumbled, sorting through my memories about what I picked up and what was in my space or spread out around the ranch. "Tell him to add maps to that list of things I want ASAP," I grumbled. Thinking that I was going to be staying here at the ranch, having maps on hand was not even a consideration.

"Ok, maps," said Wang Chao as he took out his cell phone and started texting. "What kind do you need?"

"Every map and map book that he can get his hands on. From roads to city to country, whatever he can find, we need. It is rare to find a hard copy of a map. With everything on our phones, most people don't bother with them anymore. But we won't be able to access GPS, so even if our cells aren't fried, the map function will be useless," I explained, pulling out a purple pen and starting my list. "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow," said Wang Chao and he turned his attention back to me.

"Alright," I said, cracking my neck. I handed him another blank piece of paper and a red pen. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝘭.𝘯𝑒𝑡

"On that list, write suggestions on how to keep OUR electronic equipment safe. I was planning on just throwing everything into my space, but that isn't going to work now that I am not going to be here. You want me with you… figure out how to keep my stuff safe in the meantime."

Leaving him with that task, I continued going through everything that I would need to take and writing it down so I wouldn't forget. "And how many supplies do I need to leave for the men staying here?" I asked as an afterthought.

"Enough for 75 men, but they do have their own supplies and can hunt in the mountain if needed," said Wang Chao and he got to work on his own list.

Nodding my head, I asked, "Anyone that can look after the fields and animals." Wang Chao let out a grunt and I took that as a yes.

"Alright," I said.

Two hours later, it was just approaching noon, when I stood up and stretched. "I assume that you were smart enough to take care of the RVs the way that I would?" I asked, turning to look at the man that had not left my side.

He nodded his head and took out a fresh piece of paper. "Ok, then we will need enough of the RVs to be able to house the majority of the forces that you want to bring. We'll also take my day and night SUV, the off-roading ATVs… we'll put one in front of the convoy and another at the end. I assume that you can handle that part."

The smart man nodded his head and continued to write down everything that I was saying. Watching him, a bonified prince of City A doing this just to make me feel more in control, I felt my shoulders relax. I could do this, and they would be at my side supporting me.

Turning around, I left the kitchen and proceeded to go to the basement where my extended pantry, fridges, and freezers were located. With a wave of my arm, I took all the supplies into my space, leaving the food that was in the kitchen and the solder's sections to those that were remaining. As Wang Chao said, they could still hunt prey in the mountains.

Leaving the house, I did the same to the smaller ATVs, only taking 5 just in case, and half of the weapons and ammo on the ranch. I had not planned to take everything as the men staying back to look after my place would need some way of defending it, but at the same time, I knew that we would need them more.

I then went back into the house, with a faithful puppy dog following me, to collect the basic necessities and clothes that I would need for at least a year. I was hoping to be gone for only a month and a half, but one thing I learned fast was never to assume that things would go the way you planned.

If you had plans A, B, C, or even D… make sure they had backup plans all the way down to Z.

Hearing a soft meow, I reached down to pick up Hades. "You want to come with me, Sweetie? Or are you going to stay here at home?"

When the purring intensified and he started rubbing his head against my chin, I realized that I would have to grab all the cat food before we left. Chuckling to myself, I turned to Wang Chao, still holding the black puffball in my arms.

"When Liu Wei gets back with everything I asked for, we'll figure out at least 6 different routes and then head out in the morning," I said with an assurance that I did not necessarily feel.

Wang Chao grunted and looked down at his phone. "He should be back in the next three hours."

I smiled and rubbed Hades against my face. "Alright then… you go away, I'm going to take a nap until he is back."

Giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, Wang Chao left my bedroom and I curled up under the covers and fell asleep, my mind still whirling about what I was going to do next.