Rebirth of a Farming Wife-Chapter 143 - All is Well

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Chapter 143 All is Well

Translator: 549690339

Han Yu spent two days with Su Wenyue, managing all the affairs at home, and the time for him to take office had arrived. Before leaving, he gave Su Wenyue endless reminders and instructions, to the point that even Su Wenyue grew somewhat annoyed. When did the previously reticent man turn into a nagging housewife?

“You better hurry on your way, stop fussing. Rest assured, everything at home will be fine with Xiao Xi taking care of it. Besides, you’ll only be away for a few days, not that long. There really is no need for this.”

“You ungrateful little girl, can’t you see I’m doing this for your own good!” Han Yu, feeling a bit annoyed, ruffled Su Wenyue’s hair before mounting his horse and leaving for the military camp.

After Han Yu left, the tooth shop woman came with the people Han Yu had selected for Su Wenyue. They had already been trained over the past few days and were now respectfully standing in front of Su Wenyue, greeting her with bows. Their manners were barely passable, but they seemed capable enough, and Su Wenyue knew that Han Yu had picked them according to her preferences.

Having met with them, Su Wenyue left them in Xiao Xi’s charge to be assigned their duties.

“Miss, guess who’s here?”

Su Wenyue was squinting her eyes, lost in thought, when Xiao Xi entered cheerfully and spoke to her. Before she could finish, Su Hengxuan and an old woman appeared behind her.

“Second Brother, what brings you here?”

Indeed, it was a pleasant surprise. A radiant smile spread across Su Wenyue’s face immediately.

“For your first time traveling so far, Mother is very worried. She sent me to see how you are, and I also brought Grandma Chen with me to take care of you and the baby. How’s the baby doing?” Su Wenxuan curiously gazed at Su Wenyue’s stomach, as though trying to see something there, but it was too soon; the child wasn’t even two months along and there was no sign of a bump. Su Wenyue’s stomach looked no different from usual, which disappointed Su Wenxuan, and he withdrew his gaze.

“The baby’s doing well. The doctor said that the child is healthy and, with proper care, I’m sure to give birth to a plump and fair baby.” Su Wenyue gently touched her stomach, her face full of maternal tenderness, causing mixed feelings in Su Hengxuan’s heart.

“My younger sister has finally grown up, and now you’ll soon be a mother too,” Su Hengxuan remarked.

“If Second Brother is envious, marry a sister-in-law for me soon. Mother always worries about your marriage. You’re not getting any younger!” Su Wenyue thought of how Mother fretted over Second Brother’s marital affairs and offered her advice.

Hearing Su Wenyue, Su Wenxuan shuddered and gave her a constipated look, “I can’t stand it, when did you get possessed by Mother, speaking in such an old-fashioned, bossy way. You haven’t gotten stupid from the pregnancy, have you? Be careful or your husband might not want you anymore, and don’t come crying later.”

“Oh, so you, daring to make up stories about me, are the one who’s turned foolish!” Pregnant women are not to be trifled with. Su Hengxuan carelessly let his mischievous side show, immediately infuriating Su Wenyue. This led to a chase around the room with Su Hengxuan not daring to retaliate or run away – after all, how could he if he accidentally hurt the baby?!

After their playful banter, the siblings turned to more serious matters, and Su Hengxuan handed a book to Su Wenyue.

“What is this?”

“Just open it and you’ll see,” said Su Hengxuan, his lips curling into a smile, indicating that Su Wenyue should look for herself.

“Still playing mysterious,” grumbled Su Wenyue under her breath. After flipping through the book for a couple of pages, her face lit up with delight.

“Second Brother, you really have far-reaching connections. Where did you get this information? It’s exactly what I need. Being a newcomer and unfamiliar with my surroundings, I have to find my way step by step. With this, my work will be much easier.”

The book turned out to be a detailed record of the officials and notables of Xinye County, including their hobbies and even some private and secret details of themselves, their wives, and concubines.

“What do you think I brought this book for? When have I ever done something pointless? Learn from it,” he advised.

Criticize you, and you puff up with anger; Su Wenyue pursed her lips in thought, but considering how helpful the book was to her, she held back any offensive remarks. Instead, she praised Su Hengxuan with a chuckle, making him beam with pride, all his efforts to obtain the book not having been in vain.

Han Yu would be gone for several days – and as they say, the beginning is always the hardest. In the camp, he had to lead his men and build good relationships with his colleagues, none of which were easy tasks. Having no prior experience and lacking a notable background made his job much harder than just training as the lowest rank soldier every day. Nevertheless, none of these challenges could deter Han Yu; without such abilities, he couldn’t dream of future success or aspire to become Prime Minister.

On his rare holiday, Han Yu returned home exhausted and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, not waking until the next day.

Su Wenyue looked at Han Yu with affection. In just a few days, he had become noticeably darker and thinner. She wondered how tired he must have been last night to fall asleep like that – even after days of hunting in the mountains, Han Yu had never been so worn out before.

“Wife, at first, things were a bit hectic, and I had many matters requiring my attention. It will gradually get better. Have you been well at home these past days? Did you take good care of yourself as I instructed?” Han Yu was concerned that his wife might feel he had neglected her, so he explained why he hadn’t been back for so many days. It wasn’t for lack of desire but for sheer lack of time, being so tired that he’d fall asleep immediately.

Su Wenyue, who would occasionally act spoiled and unreasonable as a bit of fun, was not to be underestimated when it came to offering Han Yu the care and understanding he truly needed. She showed absolute understanding and support.

“I’ve been quite well. A couple of days ago, Second Brother came, brought an old woman to help with childbirth, and also brought lots of food and supplements. And this!” Su Wenyue presented the book like a treasure, passing it to Han Yu. The book was as useful to him as it was to her.

Indeed, Han Yu’s face showed the same joy upon opening the book as Su Wenyue had when she first saw it. With this information, he could make more accurate judgments about these people in the future.

“Second Brother-in-law really dotes on his younger sister. Even with the Su Family’s current means, it would have taken considerable effort and resources to compile this book. It looks like just a book, but the information within is not only hard to find through various channels, but also difficult to verify. He delivered it so timely, he must have started preparing it quite a while ago.” Though Han Yu disliked seeing the two siblings so affectionate with each other, he had to admit his brother-in-law was exceptionally good to his wife.

Elated, Su Wenyue said, “Of course, you did marry the Su Family’s most treasured. Not just my Second Brother, but Father, Mother, and my big brother adore me the most, and Grandfather too. He adored me the most. Speaking of which, it was Grandfather who decided on our marriage. I wonder how Father and Grandfather are getting on in Chang’an.”