Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss-Chapter 375 - 349: Messing with Things (Thanks to Kateliu for the added Jade Pi)

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Chapter 375: Chapter 349: Messing with Things (Thanks to Kateliu for the added Jade Pi)

“Aren’t you angry?” Yu Mingxi asked.

“Truthfully, I was angry at first, but if everything is done out of emotion, we would definitely lose more than we gain. It’s better to step back calmly and analyze the root of the problem. After all, my work is to find a reasonable explanation in abnormal reactions.”

Until now, apart from confronting Ming Lang, Xiao Qian has never lost control of her emotions. Successful people are those who are harsh on themselves. Anyone would feel anger when treated unfairly.

This also involves the psychological issues of high and low self-esteem. When a person’s capabilities fall short of their dignity, any slight comment may make them feel looked down upon, as if the world is against them. But when an individual’s capability reaches a certain level, their self-control becomes much stronger.

Take Xiao Qian for example, in her world, no one can trample on her. Therefore, she doesn’t care about minor provocations. The only person she considers an equal, is Ming Lang. So, she only reveals normal human emotions in front of him.

After Xiao Qian’s analysis, Ming Xi admitted her defeat.

“I can’t believe I was reprimanded by someone so much younger than me… You are the only one in this family who can persuade me.”

These words were true, Ming Xi’s status at home was definitely equal to the sum of the three brats combined.

While there are many brothers in the Yu Family, few have daughters. When Ming Xi was born, she was showered with love and protected by her three brothers. Throughout her upbringing, she encountered almost no setbacks from her family, except for the bumps on her road to love…

Xiao Qian also thought about Ming Xi’s past life. The twins of the Yu Family remained single their entire lives in their previous life. Like Ming Lang, Ming Xi chose to be single, not knowing if it’s because she hadn’t met the right person or not. But from her first impression of Ming Xi, she felt that, though not particularly good, it wasn’t bad either.

Compared to brainless fools, Xiao Qian preferred to play with smart people. Ming Xi’s intelligence was definitely not low, which was evident from the way she handled situations.

“When we were at the hotel, you told me that I would eventually fall for you. Did you see through everything even then?”

“Not really… I hadn’t communicated with my mother at that time, so my analysis of you wasn’t comprehensive. But based on my intuition, I felt that I could help you.”

“Help me? How can you help me?” Ming Xi said mockingly, “I feel that I’m living too well, with no worries about food or clothing, a stable job and a successful career. I already have everything 1 could want.”

At the age of 25, she achieved what most people need decades to accumulate. As an actress with an illustrious family background, Ming Xi knew she occupied the right time, place, and people. She could do things on stage that others couldn’t achieve in a lifetime. She should be content. If she said she wasn’t living well, anyone who heard her would think she was putting on airs.

“You must need the gift I gave you badly.” Xiao Qian blinked her eyes.

“Oh? Let’s hear it, what do I need? I can’t think of anything I lack.”

In fact, it’s not that she doesn’t desire anything. It’s just that what she wants, she can never have.

“You’re lacking sleep. From your dark circles, it looks like you haven’t slept well for several days. Do you want to sleep? Can I help you?”

“You?” Ming Xi looked at Xiao Qian and shook her head, “Only taking medication can help me sleep for a while, but the medicine hasn’t been working lately. I don’t even bother taking it. The moment I lie down, I feel more alert. My mind is full of things, but when I get up, I can’t do anything. It’s the same during the day. If I’m not required to be on stage, I could sit at home all day, too drowsy to do anything.”

“When did you develop this problem? How come I didn’t know about it?” Ming Lang remembered that when Ming Xi was still at home, she used to sleep the most.

“That’s true. Back when our father made us run in the morning, he didn’t scold you for not getting up. The youngest one wanted to sleep in, but father woke him up and gave him a beating.” Big Brother still remembered this. Third Brother with insomnia? That sounded unbelievable.

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Xiao Qian gave Ming Lang a funny look, and Ming Lang sighed.

“I’ve told you before, I’ve never had any status in this family. I suspect I was picked up from a trash can.”

When the once sleep deity of the Yu Family, the Third one, claimed that she had severe insomnia, Big Brother and Youngest Brother simply did not believe it.

Yet, Xiao Qian responded professionally.

“I believe you must have had your health checked to rule out the possibility of physical illnesses causing your insomnia. But sleep medication won’t cure the condition. It merely controls the symptoms at the nerve endings. Regardless of whether it’s strong or weak sleep medication, it enforces sleep by further suppressing the nervous system. Long-term use is not good for the body.”

“I know that, but without it, I can’t sleep at all.” Ming Xi had tried many ways, but she just couldn’t fall asleep.

The agony of sleeplessness can only be truly understood by those who have experienced it firsthand. Many modern people experience sleep disturbances, particularly those under significant stress. Insomnia can lead to various diseases and may even cause depression and anxiety disorders.

“A healthy adult who stays awake for 72 consecutive hours can experience hallucinations. You look like you’re about there. Unlike your aunt’s deliberate sleep deprivation, you need outside intervention to reach a state of rest. I can help.”

“Different from aunt?” Big Brother immediately caught onto the key point. Xiao Qian gave Ming Lang a glance, and Ming Lang immediately put his arm around Big Brother’s shoulder and pulled him into the study room.

“Let’s have a drink, and leave Qian Bao alone with Xiao Xi for a while.”

“What are you two up to?” Big Brother immediately knew there was a secret between Ming Lang and Xiao Qian.

“What could it be? Come on, I know where the old man hid the booze. Let’s drink it all before he gets back.”

Ming Xi’s bedroom in the Yu Family home was among the largest, and kept clean and tidy despite her infrequent visits. The air was filled with a faint floral fragrance.

Upon returning to her bedroom, Ming Xi habitually took a round. The lantern flowers on the windowsill were about to bloom. The last time she returned, they were just small plants.

“You just mentioned that my aunt also has insomnia?” Ming Xi sat on the bed, with Xiao Qian sitting on the chair in front of her desk.

“Yes, her insomnia is due to outside intervention, plus her own obsessiveness, which is why she can’t sleep.”

For the “grand present” Xiao Qian gave her aunt, it took almost a month of silent phone calls every night. It wasn’t easy for her!

“Is the outside intervention you?” Ming Xi asked directly.

Xiao Qian lowered her head, pretending to rub her eyes, “My contact lenses… are quite uncomfortable.”

“Avoiding the question?”