Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 332 - 329: Experimenting with Stand Arrow

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Chapter 332: Chapter 329: Experimenting with Stand Arrow

"So this is the reason you come to me in the middle of the night?"

Stark, with dark circles under his eyes, looked at Fang Mo, his face full of resentment: "Can't you talk about it tomorrow morning? Do you know how long it's been since I properly spent time with Pepper?"

"Step out of your comfort zone, okay?"

Fang Mo directly asked a soul-searching question: "You are the famous Iron Man, the first superhero in the world to admit his identity. How can you sleep when the Earth is so weak?"

"What do you think I was doing before?"

Stark, not to be outdone, defended himself: "Honestly, I have exhausted my wits and efforts for the Earth, okay?"

"Exhausted your wits and efforts to create anti-magic armor?"

Fang Mo asked, tilting his head.

"Uh... that was just an accident..."

Stark, with a somewhat evasive gaze and stuttering speech, said: "I was just curious about magic, and besides, you shouldn't be afraid of that stuff, right? Although it sounds depressing, I have no doubt you could dismantle those toys with your bare hands..."

"Yes, after all, science is just too inferior."

Fang Mo waved his hand and said: "Women fear marrying the wrong man, men fear choosing the wrong profession. You're just like that, obviously magic is powerful, but you insist on studying some scientific heresy..."

"Sorry for studying scientific heresy then."

Stark said: "Since I was young, I received a good modern education. My mind is filled with the arrangement of atoms, the power and specifications of reactors, the alloy proportions of armor, the latest nanotechnology, and how to find a scientifically effective way to protect the human world..."

"Okay, okay, you industrial guys really have a peculiar way of doing things."

Fang Mo, with a headache, waved his hand and then took out something and threw it to the other person: "Stop talking about those things I don't understand. Here are a few interesting items for you, go find a place to study them..."


Stark instinctively caught the item and then examined it.

It looked like an irregularly shaped grey-black metal block, about the size of a ping pong ball, heavy and cold to the touch, with an inexplicable square slot in the middle.

"What is this?"

Stark looked at the metal block in his hand with some confusion: "A magic medium?"

"No, this is your favorite technological creation."

Fang Mo shook his head: "Theoretically, it can create a powerful energy field, strong enough to decompose any known material into the most basic atomic dust. Its creator called it... the Atomic Flintstone."

"Atomic Flintstone?"

Stark's face also showed a surprised expression: "So alien technology has developed to this extent? Fury never mentioned this to me..."

"This is not alien technology."

Fang Mo shook his head: "At least in this part of the Milky Way, there is no such outrageous black technology."

"Then why are you giving it to me?"

Stark, hearing this, also seemed a bit confused: "Do you know? The feeling you're giving me now is very much like some folk rumors, saying that the devil imparted forbidden knowledge to Einstein, and humanity thus developed nuclear weapons that could annihilate itself..."

"How could that be?"

Fang Mo chuckled and shook his head: "I just think your armor is too shabby, always sneakily researching anti-Hulk, anti-Thor armors, and in the end, getting counteracted by whoever you target... As your personal doctor, I really couldn't stand it anymore, so I decided to provide you with some black technology from a foreign land."

While saying this, Fang Mo took out something like a sword from his bosom.

"So what is this thing?"

Stark looked at the silver-white blade in Fang Mo's hand: "A lightsaber from Star Wars? It doesn't quite look like it..."

"Oh, a quantum sword."

Fang Mo said: "Of course, like the Atomic Flintstone, it's in an uncharged state."


Hearing this, Stark suddenly realized something. He looked up at Fang Mo and asked hesitantly: "It wouldn't just be that you don't know how to charge them, right?"


Fang Mo immediately retorted: "I can destroy the world with a flick of my hand... I don't need such trash. I'm lending it to you out of pity because you're too weak. If you don't appreciate it, forget it.."

"Wait, why is the lamppost made of emerald?"

Stark asked curiously.

"Because it's convenient for the villagers to gather around and watch you." Fang Mo said: "This is called killing one to warn a hundred, to show them what happens to a crook."

"What nonsense is this? I'm not a crook..."

Stark could not understand Fang Mo's words and shook his head, saying, "So you just want me to help you charge this thing up, but meanwhile, I can study its internal structure, right?"

"That's just a small part of it."

Fang Mo said, "After you deal with these things, I have another task for you, but that will need to be researched in Vathalheim."

"Alright then."

Stark nodded, "It seems I've got busy work ahead..."

"Tony, why haven't you come back yet?"

However, before Stark could finish speaking, a voice came from the villa, followed by the door being pushed open. Rocket Raccoon walked out, "You... Walter? Fang Mo? What are you doing here?"

"Holy crap!?"

Fang Mo was stunned at this scene, "Rocket? This... holy moly, you two are actually here having a secret meeting at night, this is too explosive, I have to tell all the Avengers and the Father Worriers..."

"Can't your thoughts be a bit more normal?"

Finally, Stark couldn't listen anymore and said with a hand to his forehead, "I just think this Rocket fellow... he's a scientific genius, so I plan to talk to him about the next development of the armor, especially since that Thanos guy has lost many subordinates here, he will definitely invade Earth, right?"

"So you two are just discussing the armor?"

Fang Mo asked.

"What else?" This time Rocket Raccoon spoke up, "If you don't believe it, you can come in and see. I was just designing the weapon part. I think the armor needs to be powerful, preferably with my exclusive design of a hadron weapon..."

"So the two of you are up all night in the villa researching the armor?"

After hearing Rocket Raccoon's words, Fang Mo turned to Stark and said in almost the same words, "Can't the matter of the armor wait till tomorrow morning? Do you know how long it's been since you properly spent time with Pepper?"


Stark also seemed a bit guilty, "She should understand, right?"

"I'm not a woman, why are you asking me?"

Fang Mo retorted.

"You also have a girlfriend, right? Maybe we can share some insights about relationships." Stark said this and turned to walk into the villa, "Since you're here, don't just stand at the door. I also need to analyze the composition of this black technology..."

Actually, to tell the truth.

Men's friendships are really simple.

Sometimes women may think they are cheating or having affairs, but in reality? Men just secretly gather to play video games, eat skewers, drink beer, or hang out at internet cafes...

Just like the current situation in Stark's villa.

Fang Mo pulled out some high-tech gadgets, and then Stark and Rocket Raccoon tirelessly studied them.

Because the timeline has reached the time of Avengers 2, although Ultron was not born because of this, Tony Stark also came into contact with nanotechnology. Together with some interstellar equipment brought by Rocket Raccoon, the two of them managed to disassemble the atomic flint and the shell of the nano sword.

Then, like children who found new toys, they started studying the intricate structure inside.

Soon it was the next morning.

As Fang Mo expected, Stark, addicted to studying high-tech, canceled all his plans and went straight to Stark Tower with a bunch of equipment.

He immersed himself in research for most of the week.

During this period, Fang Mo also took out the Lamberton energy crystal.

Originally, Stark was already overwhelmed, but seeing the Lamberton energy crystal gave him even more headaches. Even with the help of Rocket Raccoon and JARVIS, he still felt overwhelmed.

So, it wasn't long before Stark also called Dr. Banner.

Seeing everyone busy, Fang Mo also actively placed the Sword of Supreme Intelligence on the ground, letting it work with JARVIS to help everyone.

Stark and Banner were very interested in the Supreme Intelligence. After all, it's artificial intelligence, and research on artificial intelligence has always been very popular on Earth. JARVIS is also Stark's creation, but it's far inferior to the Supreme Intelligence, like comparing a baby to a titan.

Under the relentless efforts of several people.

Stark finally managed to break through the technological barriers, creating a weakened version of the atomic flint and the quantum sword.

It's called a weakened version due to material limitations.

According to them, the atomic flint and quantum sword contain many materials unknown to Earth. Stark tried to replicate them, but with little success, so he had to use alloys he developed as a substitute, resulting in lower output power.

But even so, the Iron Man armor equipped with new weapons was still incredibly powerful.

According to Stark, if he was well-prepared, he could solo the Battle of New York.

As for the original quantum sword and atomic flint.

Stark and the Supreme Intelligence jointly designed a device for wireless charging, though the power loss was high. But Fang Mo wouldn't care about that. He could now summon lightning, so why worry about electricity bills?

"Hmm, not bad at all."

Fang Mo was pleased with the atomic flint in his hand: "Is there a test field or something? I want to test the power of this thing..."

"You're not telling me you're going to hold it in your hand, are you?"

Seeing this, Stark immediately said: "I know your defense is high, but this is atomic level..."

However, before Stark could finish speaking, Fang Mo already swung his hand forward, and an invisible disintegration field burst out, turning everything in front of him, including the floor, mechanical arms, console, armor parts, and even the nearby walls, into ashes.

Then a lot of dust spread, making the entire lab smoky.

"Damn... A mini cremator?"

Fang Mo was a bit surprised looking at the atomic flint in his hand: "This thing is quite something. No need for manual cremation when killing people in the future, just one button and it turns into bone powder, fire-free and low carbon, even an environmentalist girl would applaud."

"You're alright with this?"

After seeing this scene, Stark was also a bit incredulous.

"Oh, sorry, I'm not made of atoms." Fang Mo casually made up a line: "I'm made of fun."

In fact, Fang Mo had just been attacked. At the moment he activated the Atomic Flint, a disintegration force field enveloped his arm. However, it seemed that the damage was not real and was directly blocked by his armor and defense. Steve just turned red, but in reality, not even half a heart of health was lost.

"I feel like every word you say, every action you take, is overturning science."

Seeing the messy laboratory, Stark rubbed his forehead with a headache: "So, you turned my newly made chip into powder. How do we continue our research now?"

"Oh, it's simple."

Fang Mo casually raised his hand, and the next second, a green light flashed. Everything that had turned to dust rapidly rewound and quickly returned to its original state.

"What kind of bizarre sorcery is this..."

Unlike the people of Team Rocket, this was Stark's first time witnessing time magic, and he was completely stunned.

"See? This is the real desecration of science."

Fang Mo said proudly, hands on his hips.

"Mr. Fang Mo." Jarvis's electronic voice suddenly chimed in: "I guess what you mean is blaspheming science."

"It doesn't matter."

Fang Mo waved his hand indifferently and then conveniently put away the Atomic Flint and the Quantum Sword: "But since this thing is already charged, it's time for us to set off..."

"Set off?"

Stark was surprised: "Where to?"

"Vanaheim." Fang Mo looked at Stark: "What, do you need some time to go out and gather supplies?"

"I personally don't have a problem, think of it as a vacation or something."

Stark rubbed his temple: "But I think I need to go find Pepper first. Otherwise, the Stark family line might end with me..."

"Right, I need to go out too."

Rocket Raccoon raised his little paw: "I want to visit the zoo."

"Dr. Banner, would you like to join me?" Stark invited Banner: "We're going to a boring world with no sunlight, so it's best to prepare in advance."

"I don't need to."

Hearing Stark's suggestion, Banner smiled awkwardly: "Rather, I feel at peace only when I'm here. Hulk has never been as quiet as he is now... It's a really great feeling."

"That's fine then, as long as you're happy."

Stark shrugged his shoulders and quickly left with Rocket Raccoon.

Dr. Banner, ever the diligent one, continued his research on the Lamberton energy crystal even after their departure, clearly enjoying the atmosphere.

Fang Mo didn't disturb him.

Instead, he began to organize his and Steve's backpacks.

As mentioned before, Steve had unlocked a super-large backpack module, and now his storage capacity was frighteningly high. Fang Mo himself had a storage space inside his body with a side length of over a hundred meters.

Regularly clearing out trash was thus important.

Items like andesite, diorite, leather boots, and so forth, of course, needed to be discarded.

However, while Fang Mo was clearing out the trash, he noticed an arrow in his storage space.

Seeing this arrow, Fang Mo paused.

It was the Stand Arrow he brought from the JOJO world. Fang Mo had tried to use the arrow on himself and Steve, but whether he targeted himself or Steve, it only showed a message of insufficient permissions, leaving Fang Mo puzzled. He later forgot about the arrow.

Now, seeing the arrow again, various ideas suddenly popped into Fang Mo's mind.


Fang Mo looked at the Stand Arrow in his hand and then at Bruce Banner, not far away. His eyes shifted, and soon a pleased smile appeared on his face as he walked towards Banner.

"Hi, Dr. Banner."

Fang Mo cheerfully approached him: "Busy?"

"Yes, Fang Mo."

Banner, quite amiable, pushed his glasses and said, "This crystal you brought out is special. I detected, aside from the control circuit, a large amount of aluminosilicate structure and a special carbon molecule structure... It's made from carbon atoms and a new element, a substance different from anything we know. It doesn't appear on the periodic table, truly amazing."

"Okay, okay, let's put aside these technological things."

Fang Mo really didn't want to listen to this, so he pulled Banner aside: "I have a new experiment that I need your cooperation with."

"What experiment?"

Banner asked, looking puzzled.

"This." Fang Mo waved the Stand Arrow in his hand: "Can you use this to prick your finger... or anywhere else?"

"What are you doing?"

Banner was startled after hearing this: "Studying sorcery? Or do you want to extract my blood?"

"This, actually, I was planning to use it on Tony." Fang Mo said: "You can understand it as a way to enhance the body, but it has some risks, so can you help me test it? You have Hulk inside you... I think you should be able to withstand the side effects."

"Some kind of body enhancement magic formula?"

Banner thought for a moment and asked, "But there might be a small risk, but it won't endanger life... Can I understand it that way?"


Fang Mo smiled and nodded: "That's what it means."

"I don't mind," said Dr. Banner, taking off his glasses, "but I'm afraid Hulk might come out..."

"It's okay, he won't dare."

Fang Mo put his hand on Banner's shoulder: "Don't worry, just a little pain, and if worse comes to worst, I still have the magic to reverse time, right?"

"Okay then."

Banner didn't think much about it. After all, he was either not there or had transformed into Hulk when Fang Mo lost his temper, so he didn't know how unreliable Fang Mo could be.

So, he gently scratched his hand with the bug arrow.

However, to his surprise.

The cut on his hand suddenly split open violently, and then countless green fluids spurted out like crazy, this bizarre scene scared Banner to the ground.

In mid-air, the green fluid piled up more and more, eventually forming a huge figure.

"This... Hulk?"

Dr. Banner, seeing this scene, couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What the hell!?"

"Don't panic, this is your Stand," Fang Mo said. "It's the projection of your psychic energy. Calm down and try to control it with your will."

"Is this the small risk you mentioned?"

Banner said a bit frantically: "My goodness, before Hulk had to use my body to come out, now he can jump out on his own..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Mo suddenly plunged the Manyullyn Sword into the ground.

"I told you to control it."


Banner swallowed and then shifted his attention to the mid-air, trying hard to control the green figure hovering there.

However, strangely, the Hulk in the mid-air suddenly turned around and glared at Dr. Banner.


Banner was startled by this.

But the Hulk just glared at Banner and didn't punch him. Instead, he looked around, seemingly confused about his current situation.

Seeing this, Banner seemed to relax a bit.

Under Fang Mo's guidance, he began to slowly explore the method of controlling Stand.

This exploration took a whole day.

After some probing, Fang Mo also discovered the attributes of Banner's Stand.

Actually, from the Hulk's physique, it was clear that this was undoubtedly a close-range attack type stand, similar to Star Platinum, the kind that punches the enemy directly.

However, unlike the stands in JOJO, the Hulk was not very obedient.

He had a bad relationship with Banner, always throwing tantrums and being disobedient. Everything had to be negotiated, and at the same time, this guy seemed to be a physical entity, even Jarvis's camera could see him.

Actually, even Fang Mo himself didn't expect that Banner would directly use the Hulk as a stand, but after thinking about it, it made some sense. After all, the Hulk is another personality of Banner, and their relationship at the mental level is probably very complex, so it seems reasonable for him to become a stand.

And while Banner was practicing controlling the stand, Tony Stark also came back.

He seemed in a good mood, with a faint smile on his lips, but when he saw Banner and the Hulk, his smile immediately froze.

And at that moment, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

"You're finally back."

Fang Mo's voice, ghost-like, came from behind: "Come on, let me join in."

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