Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 491: [Sponsored] : Ultron New Body (2)

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Chapter 491: [Sponsored] Chapter 488: Ultron New Body (2)

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Shin! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

[System Notification: A new module feature detected. Research to gain download permissions.]


Hearing this sudden system notification, to be honest, Fang Mo was also startled for a moment.

However, it wasn't the first time that the system had unexpectedly popped up like this, so Fang Mo was somewhat used to it by now. He quickly began to recall his recent actions, intending to first study the download permissions for this module and then consider drawing lottery layers.

Of course, there was no need to think too deeply about it.

After all, Fang Mo had just done one thing.

That is, using the Hogyoku, he helped Ultron regain a new body.


Fang Mo pondered for a moment, then quickly looked up at Ultron in the Regeneration Cradle: "So, Ultron, how are you feeling now?"

"I feel very good."

Ultron had already calmed down from his initial excitement, but he still looked quite happy: "I feel that my computational power has been greatly enhanced. Not only that, but the bionic cell sensors have also given me sensations closer to those of humans. I can only say... this feeling is indeed very strange."

"Is that so?"

Fang Mo asked: "Then, is there any part of your development... that printed out abnormally?"

"It seems not at the moment."

Ultron thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head: "The sensors on my body are working well, and the programs are running very stably."


Fang Mo showed a skeptical expression: "Then let me check."


Ultron was stunned: "Check what?"

"Of course, to check whether your development is normal." As Fang Mo spoke, he reached out towards Ultron's body and started fiddling around: "Don't move for a moment..."


Ultron seemed a bit confused by this action.

Almost instinctively, he felt a resistance inside.

Currently, after obtaining a new body, Ultron had evolved into a being that straddles the line between human and machine, and the human part of him was very much against this kind of behavior.

But just as Ultron wanted to refuse Fang Mo.

For some reason, his thoughts suddenly underwent a strange change.

Ultron looked at Fang Mo in front of him, suddenly feeling that Fang Mo had put in so much effort and materials to give him this new body, which seemed not easy.

From the Ancient One's words, it wasn't hard to know that materials like Uru and the Crystal Matrix are incredibly rare, and Ultron felt that Fang Mo had immediately provided such a vast amount of materials for him right after acknowledging him as the master, which really surprised him. And to think that Ultron's acknowledgment of Fang Mo as master was entirely reluctant, and he might even betray Fang Mo in the future...

Fang Mo must be aware of this point.

Yet he still treated Ultron without any reservations.

"...This is truly foolish."

Thinking this, Ultron subconsciously said a word, unsure whether he was referring to Fang Mo or himself.


Fang Mo was currently all about the new module and didn't quite understand what was going on with Ultron all of a sudden. Hearing this remark, he was also stunned: "What did you say?"

"Heh, nothing..."

Ultron smiled, but did not continue further.

In his view, Fang Mo wanting to check his body might also be out of concern.

As an artificial intelligence, Ultron indeed never experienced this kind of feeling. After all, others are worried about their potential to destroy the world. Even its creator, Stark, was very hostile towards it. However, Fang Mo's actions made Ultron feel somewhat surprised, as no one had ever treated it this way before.

To be honest, Ultron wasn't sure what was happening.

Perhaps it was the influence of the new body, which was equipped with nano-biomimetic cells, almost indistinguishable from humans. So, could this be the emotion humans refer to as being moved? Or something else?

Thinking this, the resistance in Ultron's heart gradually disappeared.

What he didn't know was that inside his body, the crystalline matrix circuit board that constituted his brain... was currently emitting a faint enchanted glow, the power of a loyalty enchantment.

Soon, Fang Mo's research work came to an end.

And while he was testing the hardness of the other party's skin, the electronic sound rang again.

[System Prompt: "Concept of Granting Life" researched. You have gained download access to a new module.]

[System Prompt: Living Enchantment Module download starting.]

[System Prompt: Living Enchantment Module download complete. Load now?]


Fang Mo was momentarily stunned upon hearing the system prompt.

The name of the module sounded familiar, but he didn't remember playing it.

If he remembered correctly, the Living Enchantment should be a small module. Just by the name, one could tell it was an enchantment-type module, probably adding a new enchantment property to the MC world called Living.

This so-called Living property was likely to make weapons "alive."

Or to say, give weapons their own consciousness.

Fang Mo remembered clearly that he had never played this module, but he still had a vague memory of it.

Thinking it over, Fang Mo suspected that he might have glanced at this module while looking for others on the MC encyclopedia. Because its content and settings were interesting, he casually memorized it, unfortunately dying before he had a chance to actually play it.

Living property, as the name suggests.

This enchantment allows tools and armor to grow.

Through continuous use in the game, these tools can gain experience, then gradually upgrade, and each upgrade likely improves the tool's strength to a certain extent.

This was somewhat similar to Tinkers' Construct tools.

However, the most interesting part of this module was that these life-granted weapons could continuously communicate with the player through a dialogue box.

The author did quite a good job on some details of this module.

These tools were not just simple dialogue templates; they had their own personalities, like being cowardly, arrogant, demonic, etc.

For example.

A weapon with a proud personality would type in the public chat after the player defeats an enemy.

It would say that as long as the player was with it, there was nothing they couldn't overcome, and it would type something like "Wahaha" to express its pride.

And for something like armor.

When it blocked a lot of damage for the player, causing its durability to decrease to a certain limit, it would also speak to the player. Of course, this was somewhat melancholic, probably something like "My friend, I can no longer accompany you on your adventures, please don't forget me..."

Although this was just a monologue.

But in the lonely world of MC, having something that could accompany oneself felt quite nice.

And how should I put it...

All of the above are just in-game effects.

You know, Fang Mo currently has the ability to realize this magic... and to some extent, sanctify some items, so he quickly became curious.

What would happen if Living Enchantment was used on objects in the real world?

Directly create a magical life?

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