Regressor Instruction Manual-Chapter 40: Contract

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Chapter 40: Contract

This was, by no means, a bad story.

In the end, I was offered a contract with a sum that totaled 150 million won.

The currency here summed up to having 1,500 gold as down payment and an annual salary of 700 gold. The annual salary in itself was a whopping 70 million won in Hanwha. I still didn’t know how much evaluation the newcomers to this place got, but I honestly felt like I got a significantly heftier sum than most of them did.

However, even with this tempting bribe, I knew that they did not genuinely want to recruit me. There could have been many reasons, but the main thing I could think of was that my potential was way below average. Compared to my companions, I was seen as the weaker one that needed to be carried everywhere he went.

My chosen job as an alchemist, along with my low magic, were surely the reasons why my evaluation had lowered considerably.

I wanted to speak up but found myself frozen in place. My body suddenly felt like heavy lead, and I felt like puking the remnants of what I ate the day before.


This situation made me wonder just how much they were willing to sacrifice to have the whole team recruited. They knew the others would not agree if I weren’t a part of the recruitment.

Lee Sang-hee once again opened her mouth. I knew she sensed my uneasiness and embarrassment.

“You won’t be getting just that. I can’t explain everything right now, but there are also many welfare plans available. You can think of these as incentives, like on Earth. Typically, it is possible to use various basic insurance such as accident insurance and death insurance. You are also free to use the facilities in the guild. I will also assign you a personal coach. Ah! Even if you get married or have a child, you will be paid basic support. In fact, there are not so many people who are getting married these days…”

“Ah, that’s right. Is there any reason?”

“Perhaps it is because being in a guild exposes you to unknown dangers. The situation now may be better than the tutorial dungeon itself, but one can never be too careful. The Blue Guild mainly maintains the guild through dungeon exploration or monster hunting. Of course, as much as we go hunting, we also operate a performance system. The by-products of monsters that appear after the hunt is over are divided between the guild and the hunting party at a rate of about 40% to 60%. The exact figure is…”

“It makes sense that you are exposed to danger. Does the down payment and annual salary include the risk allowance?”

“Yeah. It’s probably a bit larger than what you imagine,” again, she answered honestly. On the other hand, I felt like quite the professional to ask questions like these.

I don’t know how long it had been since the Earth’s people have been here, but I felt like it had been a very long time. How else would they think of such long-term backups such as insurance?

‘You smart aleck.’

“As an alchemist, we will provide you with the catalysts you need as much as possible. Of course, it may be difficult to support expensive items, but…”

“Lee Sang-hee…”

“It is good to be honest.”


“This is everything that Blue Guild can offer you.”

I liked how Lee Sang-hee had chosen to present herself to me. She showed me respect and gave me ample time to process everything.

However, the elderly members sitting on either side of her were the problem. I could feel their disapproval from a mile away. These were undoubtedly the types who were openly judgmental. However, one problem still stood for them - they did not know just how emotionally attached I was to the other three.

I thought that teaming up with these people would be a short-term plan, but it turns out that I was being carried more than I thought possible.

‘Perhaps some parts of them could feel, after all.’

Did these people see too many scenarios with loss? Did they experience it themselves?

I could say for sure that they also had colleagues in the past that they fought together with, and were now dead. That must have been traumatic.

Even on Earth, seeing brothers, families, and undivided friends collapse because of their interests, the circumstances of such an adult will be the same here and there.

‘However, even if they choose to set aside emotions, my friends will not.’

Absolutely not.

There was no way Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan would agree to kick me out of the team. I could also say the same for Kim Hyunsung, who already chose to make me one of his investments.

We were closer than these elders would like to think, and we all had our individualistic interests that they would never know.

I found their open hostility ridiculous.

It was commendable that they had chosen to include me and had gone so far as to present a heftier sum as a bribe, but the lingering stares of disapproval made me feel quite bad all the same.

Not toobad, mind you.

Rather, this kind of situation exuded more pleasure than embarrassment.

‘You idiots.’

Soon enough, these elders will know to respect me and not look down on me.

They would eventually know how advantageous it would be to be on my side.

“I’m not sure, but it looks like a good deal all the same. I know you thought about this carefully.”

“Yes, of course. You won’t be disappointed.”

“Is there a noncombatant army in the Blue Guild?”

“There is.”

A beat passed before one of the elders spoke to me.

“Yes, Mr. Kiyoung. In fact, strictly speaking, alchemists are classified as noncombatants. And there will be no other guild offering such contract terms for an alchemist.”

“Ah. I see. That’s kind of weird. I thought something like alchemy magic would exist.”

“It’s not very efficient, you see. Although it is said that this type of job uses a catalyst to activate magic… Well, monster by-products are expensive. Yeonseongjin, which is often used by alchemists, is not very efficient for us.”


“If the alchemist himself has enough magic power, the story will be a little different… May I ask you how much magical stats you have?”

“I have 8.”

“Well… I don’t think it’s too high for a second job change. Maybe the growth of magical power was a little slow…”

“Yeah. It doesn’t seem like it’s rising fast compared to intellect, or when you compare it to fellow wizards.”

“Alas… I see, okay, okay.”

I could see the look in his eyes and knew what it meant. My worth went down a little lower from our brief conversation.

However, I knew he was willing to accept me because if he didn’t, he would not get Kim Hyunsung or Jung Hayan onboard as well.

“So, how is the contract turning out for you?”

Nevertheless, he had to keep up with this infuriating façade until all of our contracts were secured.

Once I glanced at the contract, I began to speak slowly.

“I do not know. I think I need to think a little more.”


“Ah. First of all, I would like to say that I find your offer very good, but I want you to give me some more time to think.”

“Ahhh. I would like you to give you an answer relatively quickly. We don’t have time left either…”

“Yeah. I will think about it as quickly as possible.”

“And I would like you to talk this over with your friends as well.”

“Yes, of course.”

At this, Lee Sang-hee began to speak once again. Her voice this time sounded urgent.

“All of these are included in the catalog and contract of the Blue Guild. If you read it while you think… It will probably help.”

“Okay, thank you. I’ll read it later.”

The truth was, I knew it would not be worth reading.

‘Everything will be reversed within a few days anyway.’

When I went outside, I saw Park Deokgu, Jung Hayan, and Kim Hyunsung waiting for me. The curious looks on their faces made me laugh.

“Did you not take any special exams?”

“What? No!”

“Actually, the treatment looks pretty good.”


“Yes, Kiyoung. Personally, I did a little bit of research, but it seems that other large guilds do not offer this level of condition. What they say is true. Even though our growth potential was not clearly seen, they were kind enough to offer us this much…”

“Yeah. They also seemed like good people, Oppa.”

“Perhaps they are gamblers in their own way. There will be pressure to successfully complete this recruitment. They are the types who think that people are precious resources.”

To be honest, didn’t look like the guys were thinking that way.

“It may be an early judgment, but what about it? It would be a little better to get solid support here than to be in a large guild.”

“If you like it, then I’m joining.”

“Me, too…”

After all, our loyal Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan would never betray me. However, it seemed to me that Kim Hyunsung already had his mind set on joining the Blue Guild.

It even felt like he was being urgent about it.

I knew he was thinking that it would be safer to have a backup than forming a personal force.

Like him, I would have made the same choice.

There were certainly advantages to forming a force personally. Not only would it move according to our will, but there were also a lot more options to choose from.

However, entering the Blue Guild also had its own set of advantages.

One could enjoy the establishments and facilities already put up by the guild. If it was Kim Hyunsung and Jung Hayan, it wouldn’t be a job for them to become the guild’s main force.

His choice was, all in all, certainly reasonable.

“Of course, there is no reason to be in a hurry. I think it would be better to talk a little more and think about it… I like this guild a little.”

Kim Hyunsung opened his mouth, careful not to show that he was feeling nervous, “I think it would be better to think about it a little more.”

“Ah… Don’t you like it?”

“No. I mean yes I do, but…”


“They could have offered us a little more money.”

“You think so?”

“Perhaps there is a way to raise the payment some more.”


If Kim Hyunsung truly valued the Blue Guild, he would have accepted the offer as fast as possible. However, it seemed like this wasn’t the case at all.

Like me, he was looking for a way to garner more power.

Kim Hyunsung blinked. He seemed to realize just how much he had exposed himself. Honestly speaking, I didn’t know what his plan was, but what he said was sound. Our party had more time to think about it.

As soon as we came out of the tutorial dungeon, there would be no setbacks in the scenarios in his head.

“What are you talking about… Oh, I think I know.”

“Yeah. There is no need to rush the contract, Mr. Hyunsung. The more you drag on, the more anxious they will be about us.”

Kim Hyunsung clearly understood what I was talking about.

“Then… You mean you can get more for us there? Actually, money doesn’t really matter that much…”


“What? Oh, right.”

“You mean… Are you thinking about going somewhere else?”

“Well, that can’t be, Oppa!”

“It’s not like that. I want to be with all of you too. Of course, I want to be with Hyunsung as well. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes. Even though this strange place has a bond… I want to go with Kiyoung, Deokgu, and Hayan.”

The atmosphere once again shifted into a cozy one.

When I looked at Kim Hyunsung again, an involuntary laugh came out of me.

‘I’ll make you make a lot of money, Hyunsung.’

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