Regressor Instruction Manual-Chapter 44: Crazy bitch (2)

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Chapter 44: Crazy bitch (2)

-Kiyoung Lee, please send a signal when you are ready.

As I raised my hand slightly, I immediately felt the eyes looking at me. On the second floor, Kim Hyun-sung, Park Deokgu, and Jung Hayan were also intently looking at me.

I was a little nervous as everyone here was so focused on what I could do, but honestly, I didn’t feel the burden of having to prove myself.

In the first place, I knew that the guild executives weren’t expecting me to do something worth their time.

“I’m ready.”

Rather, it was Jung Hayan who had me feeling unsettled. Ever since that incident with Cha Hee-ra, she hadn’t been herself.

That strangely quiet appearance had me sweating.

Next to her, Park Deokgu was sporting a displeased expression as well. Kim Hyunsung’s expression was generally unreadable.

‘I’m anxious…’

I had an inkling that I knew the reason why the madwoman had done that to me, and I didn’t like the reason at all. She probably did it to spite Jung Hayan.

Of course, it could also be a warning, but I hardly felt like this was the case.

I think I was even expected to thank her, all for not pulling the sword and beheading me for not accepting her offer right away.

I shook my head and began to focus on my magic, which was getting a little more complicated, and slowly began to draw a circle on the floor.

It was a rather complicated process, but the magic circle itself was ready.

‘It’s at least efficient.’

It not only costs less magic power, but it would definitely do the trick.

In an instant, the magic circle was completed.

From the nods I saw in the crowd, I knew they found this type of magic familiar.

“Lord, I hope you answer my voice.”

The magic circle was the one responsible for building the tower of magic. Even memorizing the chant would drain you of your magic power.

“Fire pillar.”

At my words, a pillar of fire rose up from the magical circle that I made.

This was not possible to do with my meager amount of magic power. However, with the help of a little extra effect and the magic circle, the outcome of my magic had become something more impressive than what it should have been.


I couldn’t hear the cheers of Park Deokgu, Kim Hyunusng, or Jung Hayan as I would have heard them in the past.


Clap, clap, clap.

I started to hear the sound of applause spreading throughout the venue.

It was not a bad demonstration, but of course, it was not bad enough to not be applauded for.

They’ve probably figured out by now that I was the weakest out of my entire party, but I knew for a fact that I was not automatically useless.

“Thank you.”

-Lee Ki-young’s demonstration is finished. All the VIPs, please move according to the procedure.

However, just like yesterday, these people refused to follow.

You could see distinguished guests and scouts flocking here, much like dogs answering to their master.

“I am Lee Yeon-hee, who runs the Saseong Guild. Let’s talk for a second… No, I’ll give you a business card first.”

“I’m Clan Master Jeong Jong-cheol. If you can’t excuse me…”

“This is Youngsoo Ko. Our clan is a new clan created during this time, and the conditions are somewhat insufficient, but the growth potential is better than any other clan or guild…”

“I am Park Hye-soo, the representative of the Magical Guild. I want to talk a little bit…”

It felt tiring just to respond to every single person. Each and every one of them was, after all, a valuable prospect. Whether it’s a newly created clan or a fallen guild, everyone mattered. Therefore, willingly receiving business cards and holding formal conversations was a must.

“If you don’t have a contract with the Blue Guild yet…”

“Yeah. We will look forward to seeing you all together later.”

“Our guild too!”

“Yes. Whenever the time comes, let’s have a meal together.”

“I hope to maintain a good relationship no matter which guild you go to in the future.”

“Yeah. I will try to contact you first.”

For all that I was worth, I didn’t think my responses were that bad. I knew the importance of maintaining good relations, after all.

“That was a fun demonstration.”

‘Fun? Why do I have a feeling you find it funny…’

“It seems to have changed our perception of alchemists. Hahaha.”

‘That’s a lie.’

“Thank you all. It’s a little embarrassing because this is nothing compared to my other party members.”

However, I still had to keep up with the pretense. This was, after all, how social conventions worked.

As I broke through the crowd, I could see Lee Sang-hee and the other Blue Guild executives looking down at me. All of them sported disturbed expressions.

They had just now recognized that the negotiations were twisted from the beginning.

In just a week, we learned that there were more and better opportunities in store for us from other guilds, contrary to what we were told.

If one had seen our party engage in everyday conversations, of course, they could only come to one conclusion.

‘The position of Lee Kiyoung in Kim Hyunsung’s party is higher than expected.’

“Would you mind talking for a minute? I think I have to tell you the terms of the negotiation again…”

“Of course, Lee Sang-hee. You’re more than welcome to.”

“I’ll take you inside.”

“Yes,” I tried my best not to smile too much.

Looking back, I saw Jung Hayan, Park Deokgu, and Kim Hyunsung seemingly busy talking to others.

When I entered the room where I had negotiations the last time, I honestly felt a very different atmosphere compared to the previous one. The elderly executives had now begun to pay more attention to me.


I liked the feeling of power.

“First of all, I would like to apologize for the hasty adjustment of the terms of the first negotiation. In fact, I thought the terms of the contract would be too generous for regular newcomers… Looking at the appearances you all showed at the demonstration, I thought that we have underestimated your potential.”

“Alas. Fine. Of course you can understand. It is natural to avoid investing in people who are not verified by the way of standpoint of running a group. It is an extremely reasonable judgment.”

“Ah. Thank you so much for understanding.”


“Unknowingly, you must have also received offers from several places.”

I thought there was no reason to lie. It’s a fact that they already know, that I know, and that everyone knows.

“Yeah. That’s right.”

“I don’t know what kind of proposals you received from other guilds, but our Blue Guild…”

What I was going to hear was so obvious that I no longer needed to fully listen. They would say that the amount they could afford may be insufficient, but the truth was that this was a story of growth potential.

The distinction of the Blue Guild, the special conditions that can be supported, plans for how to grow us, and how to support us; All of this, I knew I would hear time and again.

“You may feel that the amount is insufficient compared to other guilds, but the Blue Guild is still one of the named guilds in the Holy Empire. If you become a member of the Blue Guild, you will have a specific budget for the party… Oh, and it’s not just that. The Blue Guild’s executive job…”


“It’s hard to give you a specific answer yet, but I will do my best…”

“I see. May I hear more specific contract details?”

“Ah! Of course,” Lee Sang-hee looked a little happy at this.

“We offer a payment of gold and a 3,000 gold annual salary. These are the conditions we can meet. The contract period is 10 years… Salary negotiations allow renewal every year…”

“It’s 1 billion won in Korean currency.”


Compared to the Red Mercenary, this was half off the mark.

Of course, in the case of the Red Mercenary Guild, Kim Hyun-sung and Park Deokgu would not be included. It was because they knew hiring an alchemist would be very expensive.

However, one notable fact within Lee Sang-hee’s words was that the contract had extended to three years. I now knew they were genuinely interested in our growth.

If the amount you paid for the first time was already quite large, chances were, you had the potential to raise the price a little more.

This was probably true, even in the case of such a large amount such as that presented by Cha Hee-ra.

I smiled and began to speak.

“The down payment is 15,000 gold. 1.5 billion won by Hanwha. These are the terms and conditions we are looking for.”


“In addition, I would like you to provide the minimum hero-level alchemy tool support and the adjustment of the byproducts of hunting, the hero-level spellbook for Jung Hayan, and the basic hero-level equipment for Park Deokgu and Kim Hyunsung as well.”

“That… that…”

“You can think of it as an investment. Our party will grow even further. There is a reason why I am not obsessed with salary. As our growth accelerates, the Blue Guild will also grow. I know other guilds will be willing to offer the investment we seek.”

“That’s our reason…”

“If you need gold, you can simply sell the first bargaining right to the other guilds. However, for the Blue Guild, gold is not important right now. Isn’t that right?”

From Lee Sang-hee’s expression, I knew I had hit the mark.

“Guild Master.”

As expected. Of course, the Guild Master would only appear when things seemed hopelessly out of control.

Nevertheless, if you couldn’t even see the Blue Guild Master, you’d know right away that something was wrong with the current guild.

“Can someone…”

“It’s just a simple reasoning. Take it as a suggestion, if you will.”

I felt like something in the atmosphere had changed.

If there was a problem with the guild’s executive abilities, then our growth potential would also waver. It was then that I felt like I made a little mistake.

“How cheeky…”

This voice did not belong to Lee Sang-hee.

Rather, it belonged to the voice of the old man next to me. He was staring at me with overly eager eyes.


“We are not investing in you, alchemist.”

“Seolho! What have you done!”

“Our Blue Guild hasn’t collapsed to the point of being ordered around by that guy, Lee Sang-hee.”


“Isn’t this just a child who has not yet been in this place for a year? Yes, I am willing to bend, but not to someone like him.”

“Hold in your magic!”


Now I understood what being on the brink of death was like.

Perhaps it was because of the magic power of the old man who occupied the room, but my body had begun to tremble, and even breathing became a challenging task.

The thought of dying in this room kept coming into my mind.

“I told you to hold in your magic power! Seolho Lee!”

“This crap guy… I know guys like you very well. You are the type who runs wild even when you know you cannot offer anything in return. There are a lot of different people here. Do you think I haven’t seen a rat like you while living on this continent?”


“It will not be a hassle to kill people like you. Threats always flow over this continent. No one knows when and where what will happen. This place is different from Earth. Stupid kid… Do you really not know when to tread carefully? How dare you!”

‘I’m going to die,’ the thought flashed in my head. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

I didn’t really understand what the heck was happening.

‘Like a beggar… Old man…’

I wanted to run out of the door right now, but I couldn’t even move my body.

When I was at a point where I had to choose anything, anything at all to save me, I made my move.

“Do it, crazy old man.”



“Try it. If you can kill me, then kill me.”

“You dare to-!”

“Lee Seolho! Do my words really fall on flat ears?!”

Even with Lee Sang-hee’s shouting, I let insults pour out of my mouth.

“A crazy old man…”


“If I die, do you think Cha Hee-ra will let you off?!”

The old man shut his mouth at my words.