Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Chapter 59: More Information

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<The third and most effective way to increase your mental strength is to completely use up your mental strength without going over the critical limit>

<When mental strength grows back, you grow it a little more every time>

<As long as you do in moderate amount, little by little, the mental strength can add up to a lot>

'I see. So I must've grown a bit now, haven't I?' Ning asked.


Ning contemplated on what that meant for a little bit longer and went on to cultivate. With the Earthly Jade Cultivation Method, he started gathering the motes of light that were Qi from the area, and quickly forgot about time.

He only stopped cultivating towards the morning as it was time for the sun to come out. He walked outside and saw that there was still time for the sun to come out.

So instead of doing nothing, he started to gather Yin and turn it to sound in order to gather the energy for the day he had missed. He used it for a few moments. The first few seconds, it felt like it was working, but after that, the sound didn't reduce and only got louder as they kept on gathering around his body.

He stopped, wondering what had just happened. He used the Yin to Heat conversion technique to see what the problem was, but he couldn't get it to work either. He couldn't absorb the heat energy at all.

'That's weird,' he thought. 'Is something wrong with the system due to what happened yesterday?'

'Status,' he said as he decided to check what was wrong.


Name: Ning Ruogong

Energy: 256,624,372

Separated Energy-

Heat Energy: 56,421,966

Sound Energy: 190,948,858

Qi Energy: 19,253,548

Skills: Simultaneous Thinking, Beginner's Map, Intermediate Klavis Language, Candle Fire, Yin to Heat conversion technique, Night Vision I, Interdimensional Storage (Stopped Time; 75 KG), Air Cutter, Telekinesis, Water Filtration, Earthly Jade Cultivation Method, Sun God's Morning Cleansing Technique, Qi Cultivation Analysis]

'Woah, When did I collect so much Qi?' he said with a surprise. He didn't remember collecting Qi at all during the last month. Every time he cultivated, he would be capped out for the day, so there wasn't even a chance for him to collect Qi even if he wanted to.

'Wait, did I collect all of this in just 4 hours?' he said in shock. 'System, am I right?' he asked.

<Yes. You collected 19,253,548 Qi during your last cultivation session>

'I gather this much Qi and I'm still only Qi Condensation 1st realm, that's absurd. Just how strong are cultivators? They seem to be more broken than me who already thought this system was broken,' he said.

<Cultivators cannot absorb all the Qi they gather>

<They only absorb a minute amount of the Qi they gather>

<The higher the Cultivation base, the better they get at gathering the Qi>

<A good body and Cultivation technique also increases the rate at which one can gather the Qi>

'Oh, is that so?' he didn't really care what the system meant at first but then he remembered something. 'Wait a second, so the reason the villagers are cultivating so fast is not only because they have a good body, but also a good cultivation technique?' he asked.


'Pheww, thank god,' he said with a sigh of relief. 'I'm not as untalented as I thought. I just have sh**ty cards handed to me. Although, that should be fixed soon. Also, I should really get at least the beginner's Cultivation Knowledge. The basic one barely has any information aside from the bare bones ones.'

He once again looked at the status and saw how close his Qi energy was to reaching 25 million energy, and he started smiling again. 'I can double my energy cap once more when I reach 25 Million Qi, right System?' he asked.


'Huh?' Ning was a little taken aback. 'Why not? I thought I could double my cap using all sorts of different forms of energy?' he asked.

<You can only increase energy cap using energy that you can gather by yourself without the human body>

<Since special energy such as Qi, Mana, Magic Particles, Aura, etc are only applicable in specific planets and planetary systems, they cannot be used to increase energy cap>

'What? So I can never exceed by energy cap with Qi or the other energy? Well, then what can I use?' he asked.

<You can use the next energy type once you unlock it>

Ning was a little surprised to hear that. It wasn't long ago he got Qi, so he had stopped caring about unlocking the new types of energy. ' New energy? Which is?' he asked.

<Kinetic Energy>

The system said.

'Kinetic Energy?' he tried remembering what that was, ' If I remember correctly, uh… it has to do with… what was it? Motion right? How does that work?' he asked.

<You can collect energy from objects in motion relative to the body you inhabit>

'So if I can see them move, then I can absorb the energy? I don't know how that works, but that sounds nice. When do I get it then? I only recently got Qi, so it shouldn't be that close right?' he asked.

<There are 1 or more hidden requirements to complete before unlocking all other forms of Energy>

'And you're not going to tell me right? Although, it wouldn't hurt to ask. What are the requirements?' he asked.

<The requirements are hidden>

'Hah, knew it.' Ning was used to the system's antics about keeping upcoming stuff secret so he didn't bother with it.

He waited for a little bit longer as the Sun approached the horizon. He did his usual movement in accordance with the Sun God's morning Cleansing Technique and his body started glowing a little before dimming as the Qi he gathered entered his body and got rid of any Yin and Yang energies in his body, preparing him to accept the pure yang Qi from the sun.

Just, as usual, the Yang Qi entered his body and cleansed it from the inside making him a little bit stronger.

Once he was done with Body cultivation, he went to the village once again.