Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Chapter 66: Removing the Armor

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The chief got sent flying back towards the beach by the snake's tail. As soon as he landed on the beach, he immediately employed the movement technique and started running forward, back to the snake.

The snake's body was started to show signs of redness all over it from bleeding through the numerous minor cuts. It seemed to be having trouble violently moving its head too. So, it only attacked with its tails.

The chief had lost his spear sometime ago and was using his claws to fight most of the time now.

"Chief, our people are starting to get really hurt," someone said from his side while attacking the serpent.

"What?" the chief was surprised. He hadn't noticed, but at some point, his people had stopped returning to attack due to the pain running through their bodies. The chief couldn't understand why, but the demon was far stronger than he used to be.

"Tell the others to take the injured back to safety," the chief spoke to the man. However, the man didn't respond. When the chief stopped attacking and turned around to look at the man, he only saw the demon's tail in his place.

The man had been attacked while they were talking and sent far back.

"Oh, no," he was now starting to realize that the situation was more severe than ever. Previously, even with just a dozen of people, they were an equal match to the demon. The demon would hurt them a bit, and they would hurt the demon a bit.

It was an equal exchange of damage and neither truly ever won any fight. This was why they could never make the demon leave the island, and this was also why the demon couldn't make them leave the island.

But now it was different. The demon was winning and if they didn't do something quick, the only thing waiting for them would be their extinction.

"This is bad." Just as he thought that he was once more sent back flying towards the shore. This time, he could truly feel the pain from the monster's attack. It was much stronger than before.

Even then, the chief stood up and looked at the dozen or more people lying on the ground in pain. Thankfully, nobody seemed to have any bleeding going on.

"Everyone, if you can stand up, leave this place at once. The demon is stronger than before and it's too dangerous to stay here," the chief shouted. "Help them," he said to the people who could walk.

"What are we going to do now chief?" someone asked.

"This— We did not plan for this chief. The monster is too strong," someone else said.

"I know," the chief shouted in frustration. "Where is Inikaka? He should be able to help us."

They tried looking around and found him far away with Hyesi. Just as the chief was about to call him, Ning's body fell to the ground, his hand and arm totally limp. The people who saw this got scared.

"What happened? Did he get hit?" the chief shouted as he ran towards Hyesi. However, before he could even reach there, Ning's body disappeared. This just shocked him more.

"Did— Did Inikaka leave us?" the people started getting scared.

"Urghh… I'm right here," Ning shouted from the stone on top of Hyesi's hand. Leaving his human body, the mental pain that came from the different techniques was a little stronger than before.

"What is going on?" the chief asked.

"Listen up, everyone," Ning said. "Hyesi is going to throw me over to the snake. I know a way to stop it from using its defenses. You guys take the time to attack it, okay?"

"Defenses? The snake has defenses?" the chief was surprised.

"Yes, but don't worry about it. Let me take care of it. You guys just attack," Ning said. 'Sigh, I will lose a lot of energy from this,' he thought.

"Alright, I will see you guys after victory. Hyesi, Throw me," Ning said.

Hyesi stretched his arm as far back as he could, and in a smooth motion, hurled the stone directly towards the snake. A few other people were occupying the snake's attention, so it did not see the stone approach.

As soon as the stone got near the snake, Ning used the technique.


His consciousness switched places from the rock to the snake. Suddenly, the whole world got a lot bigger for Ning.

"Holy Sh*t," he thought. The snake had always been half underwater, so he couldn't its actual size. But now that he was inhabiting the snake, he could finally see that in length alone, the snake was over 40 meters long, with only a third of its body showing up out of the water.

He tried to look around him but he could see nothing. The only place he could see with was the snake's eyes and mouth. Everywhere else was a layer of hazy mist. It was the same mist he needed to get rid of.

He looked through the snake's eyes to see what it was seeing and saw the group of villagers ready with their spear, just waiting for him to order.

"DO IT," he shouted as loud as he can, using up a lot of energy to create the sound.

"AAHHHHH," everyone who could move ran towards the snake to attack, with the chief taking the charge. Aside from the injured ones who could no longer move, not a single one stayed behind.

Ning on the other hand activated the Yin to Heat conversion technique. "Ah!," his already hurting mind tinged with more pain. While the requirements for this technique were nothing compared to the Qi Cultivation Analysis, using it while having a small headache really hurt him.

He could slowly start feeling the Yin energy around the snake disappear as it turned to heat energy. So, he looked outside to see if it was working.

There he saw it. The mist started to slowly disappear as it gave way to the world around him. His plan was working.