Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Chapter 77: Night Snatcher

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'So that's what it's called. Should I get it? Probably not. They aren't very good in the ranking,' he thought.

The Whisker Hare noticed Ning standing there, watching him. So, it felt threatened and decided to attack him. It immediately jumped at him and tried to head-butt his chest.

Ning let it do that. He was way too strong to care about a Qi Condensation 1st Realm monster's physical attack. The hare didn't manage to budge Ning, let alone hurt him.

It tried a few more times, but couldn't deal any damage. In the end, it decided to run away instead. "Oh, you are leaving now? Let me take you with me just in case I don't find any other," Ning said as he was about to launch forward to grab the hare.

Suddenly, a SWISH sound came from the sky as the hare disappeared from in front of him. Ning could barely see a flicker in front of him when the hare disappeared.

Immediately he put forth his hands to stop whatever was moving. Telekinesis.

A slick, black figure holding the Whisker hare stopped in front of him. Ning was quite surprised to see its aesthetics. 'So black,' he thought. He walked forward while holding the black figure right where it was.

He reached near to realize that it was actually a bird. From the looks of it, it looked like an Eagle to him. He had tended to many in his past life, so he knew them quite well.

But, he had never seen one quite as black. In fact, he doubted if he had seen anything more black than this bird in front of him. Not crows, not buffaloes. This was a different kind of black, like the ones that were meant to hide in the night without a single reflection.

"Hmm… you are quite high on the ranking, aren't you? I wonder why that was," he tried to remember, but he didn't have any information. He quickly used the 2nd layer of the Qi Cultivation Analysis to check the bird too.

Qi Condensation 2nd Realm - Night Snatcher

"Night Snatcher, huh? Shame, I still can't remember anything about you. System, give me some information of this Night Snatcher," he ordered.

As usual, the system gave him different options for the different levels of knowledge he could buy. Unfortunately, anything above beginner's was only a wish for him.

He spent 10 million energy on the beginner's Night Snatcher knowledge and started understanding it.

Night Catcher was a very strong and gluttonous bird monster that liked to hunt its prey at night. Its dark, non-reflective black feathers made it completely hide in the darkness of the night and even a cultivator had a hard time finding it.

Adding onto that a very swift speed and frightening accuracy, it could snatch up its prey from very far away. Night Snatchers with a higher cultivation base were said to be able to turn day into night when they hunt. However, that was just a rumor.

Even more frightening rumor was that they had the blood of an ancient god and could evolve into them given sufficient cultivation base and enough resources.

However, Ning couldn't see any more information about these things.

Ning judged the size of the bird with the information in his mind and realized that it was barely a teenager in bird years. He walked up to the bird and looked at its face and the hare it was holding.

The hare was already dead with the sharp talons digging deep into its body. The bird was struggling to move, so it opened its beak and said, "Hungry. Need food. Stuck."

"What? Did I just… what?" Ning was surprised. He stopped talking and listen to the bird once more. It repeated the same things once again.

"Hungry. Food not. Stuck." Ning was sure he could hear the bird speak now. 'But why?' he was surprised. He didn't have any skills that could let him hear the birds talk.

"Do I?" he wondered and immediately opened the status page.


Name: Ning Ruogong

Energy: 26,000,000

Separated Energy-

Heat Energy: 454,000

Sound Energy: 98,000

Qi Energy: 25,448,000

Skills: Simultaneous Thinking, Intermediate Map, Omniscient Klavis Language, Candle Fire, Yin to Heat conversion technique, Night Vision I, Interdimensional Storage (Stopped Time; 112 KG), Air Cutter, Telekinesis, Yin to Sound conversion technique, Water Filtration, Earthly Jade Cultivation Method, Sun God's Morning Cleansing Technique, Qi Cultivation Analysis, Body Cultivation Analysis, Basic All Language, 2x Qi Acclimation rate]

There was nothing like a beast language skill. There was, however, a Basic All Language skill.

"Is that what is letting me understand it?" he was shocked. He had assumed that the All Language meant all human language. However, if it meant, Any Language… then things were different.

'Damn, the system wasn't lying when it said the All language skill was in discount. Such a broken ability should have cost a lot more than it actually did,' he thought.

He looked towards the Night Snatcher and asked, "You want food?"

The bird jerked its head to the side and stared dead in his eyes. "Me. Food. Hungry." The bird spoke in broken sentences. Ning couldn't tell if that was because of having a BASIC language skill or because it was actually a monster with limited intelligence and couldn't form a coherent sentence.

Ning immediately undid a little of his telekinesis and let the bird slowly fall to the ground along with its dead prey. "You can eat it here," he said.

The bird seemed to understand what he said and started ripping apart the hare and eating it. Ning sat back and looked at the barely 30 centimeters long bird.

Once the eagle finished the hare up until its bone, it stopped and looked at him. Ning felt a little weirded out by the way the bird was looking at him and asked, "Are you still hungry?"

The bird made no reaction or movement whatsoever and said as he kept on looking straight at him.

"Hungry. More Food. Need."