Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Chapter 80: Entrance

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"So, since when did you learn beast taming? I have been learning it since I was 3 years old. My father got me a crimson hamster when I was 3, and I played with it throughout my childhood. Oh, you know who my father is? He is the head of the Flying Beast company. If you guys ever need to go somewhere, just let me know. I can get you free rides around these islands."

"We actually get monsters from the forest. Most people don't know this but there are quite a lot of flying beasts in the forest. Speaking of which, how was your time in the forest today? I myself had a very nice time. You know I caught an Iron gorilla, right? It was kinda hard to get it I'm not gonna lie. If my father's people hadn't told me there were some in a certain area, then I would've never known about them."

"Speaking of which, I was actually with my father's people looking for some more beasts for his company. We found quite a few beasts. He was using bows and arrows, haha. We didn't want to kill them though. Just injure them enough to make them stop moving and take them back with us. We heal them afterward and tame them."

"Man, there was this really fast bird that I wanted to catch. I only threw an arrow at it. I think I grazed it, but It got away afterward. Damn, it was so good. I wish I knew what bird it was."

Ning felt like his ear would fall off from listening to the constant blabber from the fellow named Yacius. He wasn't even the main recipient of the talk, however.

The true people being tortured right now were the two girls that wanted absolutely nothing to do with the guy, but he just wouldn't get a clue.

At some point, one of the two girls turned to him, looked at him straight in the eye, and said," I have a boyfriend."

Ning snickered a little when he heard that. The girl was so fed up with him that she used the number 1 most effective phrase to get a boy to leave her.

Yacius turned to look at Ning with hateful eyes when he heard the snickering and then turned back to talk with the other girl. He was only talking for another minute when the girl turned to him and said, "I have a boyfriend too."

"Pfft." Ning couldn't hold in his laugh this time. "Hahaha," he laughed out loud.

Yacius got ticked off. "What are you laughing at?" he said as he came towards Ning. Ning couldn't stop laughing even as the man he was laughing at came right next to him and stared at him.

Ning still couldn't stop laughing and just laughed out louder.

"You… " Yacius was about to say something when the examiner came in with 15 different people.

"Alright, you 20 people are the ones that have passed the exam. Go stand around and I will tell you a little more about the sect." The 15 people that were brought by the examiner mingled with the rest of the 5 people.

Yacius backed off to another spot and slowly made his way to another female that had just come in.

"Mist Origin sect is the largest sect in the Starsight city. It is the strongest beast taming sect in the scattered isles and is one of the top 10 sects in the scattered isles. You will find stronger sects only on the main continent. "

"Everything in the sect costs you gold coins. Even remaining on the sect could cost you gold coins. So make sure to go get or earn some from time to time."

"You will be free to use whatever facility there is in the sect as long as you have enough gold coins for it. Every month, there will be a competition between your beasts that will decide whether you get to stay on the sect or not."

"However, you don't have to worry about that, since you know, coins."

"You will all start as Outer sect disciples that will have to share houses with the other disciples. You will be staying 5 people in one house. Inner sect disciples are 2 people in a house, and core disciples all have their own house for them," the examiner said.

"However, as a disciple of the sect, you must take part in one of the 3 different sections. Beast Care, Beast feeding, and Beast training."

"Disciples in Beast Care will take care of cleaning and making sure the Beasts in the sect remain healthy."

"Disciples in Beast Feeding will have to feed the beasts every day, Both food and water."

"Disciple in Beast Training will have to train the beasts to obey the new disciples when they come to tame them. This one is the hardest, so not everyone can choose to be in this and will have to take a separate exam for this."

"Any questions?" he asked.

One of the new disciples raised their hands and asked, "How do we promote from outer sect to inner sect?"

"Ah, good question. Like I said, every month, there is a sect-wide competition where your beasts fight. If you place in the lower half of the ranking there, you will have to pay to stay. However, on the upper half, more accurately the top 16, if you manage to land there, you will be promoted as long as you are Qi Condensation 4th realm and below 25 years of age."

"You will find out the requirements for core disciple very soon."

"Now, go in. These disciples will help make you something for your identity and show you your new place to stay," he said.

Soon the disciples started walking away, and Ning walked along with them. He was kinda sad that he would have to share the place with 4 other people but didn't care all that much about it.

Soon he was taken out of the hall and into the real grounds of the sect.

"Woah," he said as he looked at the place. The place was beyond big. There was a small slope here, and most of the buildings were there. On the lower slope, there were the sect buildings most people visited.

As they went up, there were the houses for the Outer sect, inner sect, and core disciples. And at the very top of the large hill was where the elders stayed.

Ning, along with the rest were taken to a building at the foot of the slope where he got an identification card. Apparently, he could now go in and out of the city without paying the fee at the gate.

Along with that, he got a rulebook and a… pouch.

"Is this a storage bag?" he wondered. He had heard about these things. They could store lots of items in a very small space, similar to his Interdimensional storage. He had seen them in use too but never seen the real thing itself.

<No, this is a beast pouch>

Ning wasn't expecting that. 'A beast pouch?' he tried to remember if he knew anything about it, but all that he knew about it was that it was used to store one's beasts.

"Can you tell me more about it?" he asked the system.

<Please use the shop>