Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master-Chapter 112 A Weird Talk!

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?As they finished, he got everything they made and stored these inside his storage ring. His actions didn't stir anything from the kids around, as they just were thinking about one thing only at this moment, and nothing else mattered.

"Now what?"

"Can we return to the frontline and help?"

"Are we now free to go and fight?"

Many spoke, yet William raised his hand to calm them all.

"Aren't you curious about what I asked you to make?" Out of the blue, he said these words, attracting the weird and even hostile gazes of all.

Dude… Weren't you the one who refused to tell us anything before? Why all of sudden showing this act of generosity? This was what flashed in their minds, feeling a little enraged, much fear and a great deal of doubt.

"You are the one to refuse speaking, not us," even Berry couldn't take his words and rolled up her eyes.

"Let me ask you then," all of sudden, William's attitude changed and became all friendly and open to talk, "what do you know about our enemy?"

"Is this the time for that?"

"Let's go there and see for ourselves then!"

"This isn't the right time to talk about that!"

"The scarlet kind monsters?"

A hum appeared in the place while William started to slowly walk around, acting as if he was their leader or something.

"Then let's speak while we are on the move," William said before turning around and started to run, leading the group towards the direction of the big walls.

And as he finally allowed them to move, the group's hostile and nervous attitude faded away slightly and became more lenient towards the new William.

"They are monsters with scarlet monster cores. There are lots of different types of these, and they acted furiously when smelling blood," Lang spoke about general knowledge, wanting to get done with such an unexpected pause and go to the frontline to help.

And William kept nodding from the side.

"I heard that the scarlet bears are one type of these. Although they can be considered as part of the fire typed monsters, they aren't vulnerable to water, but fire," Berry added, while giving William a weird look.

"That's true," Kong said, still lost in his good feeling about the move he just learnt from William, "I also find it weird how fire based monsters are vulnerable to fire and not immune to it!"

"That's because they aren't fire based monsters," William started to explain as if he was their teacher or something.

"If they aren't, then what are they?" Berry blinked twice before William took a deep breath.

This little detail was a common misunderstanding to most if not all of the spirit masters in this world. And it was just a mere example of how the spirit master community lacked lots of knowledge about their enemies.

Even the fundamental information about the deadly monsters, like the scarlet bears, weren't that known to the spirit masters in this world.

"They are blood based monsters," William finally said.

"Blood what?" from the side, Claine tried to bark in, expressing his doubts. Yet with a single look from both Lang and Kong, as each had their different reasons from doing so, Claine had to shut up his mouth.

"I know how brother Claine is feeling," William didn't act in any aggressive way towards Claine. For a reason, since they finished their task, William started to act like a different person.

"The news I know about these monsters are all about how they belong to the fire based ones," Lang said in doubt.

"It's not just that," finding that the other party was open to talk, Claine chimed along with his friend, "but I never heard of such type of monsters before!"

William's eyes dimmed slightly when he heard that. He knew it was impossible for such information to not be known in this world.

The blood type monsters weren't known... That was a joke!

But on a second thought, he realised that the only spirit masters able to ascertain such information would be only the strongest in this world.

And as they were mostly aloof, separating themselves from any contact with other spirit masters, so such intel about such scary kinds of monsters were destined to not circulate around.

Not knowing everything about the big players in your enemy camp? Not knowing anything at all? This was pretty damn bad indeed!

"Let me then tell you this," William knew this group of spirit masters helped him for various reasons and different motives, but loyalty wasn't one of them.

However, he held a good impression on many of them, specifically Lang, Kong, Claine, and indeed Berry.

So, he treated this as a way of expressing his thanks to them.

"In every army, generals are a necessity, correct?"


Everyone exchanged looks with each other. Their silence wasn't because they didn't know if that was true or not.

Even a kid would know the answer to that.

But they got what he wanted to say here.

If monsters were moving in such large numbers, forming monster tides and such, then from William's words, there must be leaders and generals leading them.

But how so? They never thought about it! What William said was indeed logical and made quite sense. But it was something that never crossed their minds, bringing them immense shock and disbelief when they thought about it.

By the simple words William said, their vision towards their sworn enemies changed. Instead of considering these monster tides as berserk outbreaks of bloodthirsty creatures, they saw these as movement of grand armies!

Such a simple and logical concept was quite revolutionary in their eyes. And that made them wonder why no one ever told them about such a fact before.

Even if they were still weak spirit masters, caring only about getting strong and such, then what about their stronger spirit masters? Their elders? The higher ups in the academy? Why has no one ever told them about such a fact before? ƒ𝒓e𝐞we𝚋𝙣o𝚟𝚎𝘭.co𝙢

"Sometimes, knowledge might scare the cat, or even kill it," William slowly muttered.