Return of the Unrivaled Spear Knight-Chapter 319Side Story

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Side Story Chapter 319

Lilith let out a long sigh. It seemed her sighs had gotten longer every day of the last month.


Hubalt was no longer one of the three strongest nations in Igrant. There was no emperor or pope to make order out of chaos. A single woman took on these responsibilities as the temporary leader of the empire because that was what all the countries that had fallen victim to the Second Continental War wanted.

“...I really want to give up on everything.” Lilih collapsed on the desk, her fatigue unconcealed.

The empire was deeply unsettled. She missed the good old days when she could focus on her training. The issue of repatriations was problematic enough, but she also had to resolve the conflict within Hubalt.

“Bel, you somehow manage to torture me even after your death.”

Lilith picked up a report. After losing the war against Avalon, the remnants of Hubalt's forces were coming for Hubalt’s capital.

“It’s surprising that there are still that many of them…” Lilith clenched her fists on the desk. She had no reason to fear her enemies or complain about the situation she found herself in. That was the price she had to pay as the leader of Hubalt and for relying on foreign help to drive out the rebels.

“Urgh…” Lilith frowned again as her headache flared up again.

She wasn’t afraid of the enemy’s numbers. Thirty thousand men didn’t bother her, the bigger problem was that the enemies were the followers of Bel, who sought to be as strong as possible. In fact, the enemies had five Masters, including Gyo, their commander. In contrast, the only master in Hubalt was, frankly, Lilith. Even though most of her support was from the Great Temple, the decades of imperial dominance had put the church into a steady decline. The current paladins were very weak.

“What should I do…”

One man came to Lilith’s mind. No tactic worked against him; he could turn his enemies upside down on his own and yet his enemies could never even dream about challenging him.

“I never needed you like I do now…” Lilith bemoaned.


Ororis, a city three days away from Hubalt’s capital, was taken by the rebels.

“We will win!” Gyo declared. “With our victory, we shall take back the country and drive out the ignorant, blinded paladins!”


“There are no gods in this world anymore, so what’s the fucking point of priests or paladins?”

The alliance’s counterattack, the Magic Tower and mercenaries’ participation in the war, the Battle God’s defeat… One surprise after the other had sent the rebels retreating here all the way from Avalon. Many of them had died or deserted on the way. The main reason was the defeat of Bel, the Battle God—nevertheless, the rebels were still more than thirty thousand strong. More than enough to drive out the weaklings in the capital.

“How many are left in the capital?” Gyo asked.

“Around fifteen thousand infantry and one thousand paladins remain.”

“Around sixteen thousand in total, huh? It’s said that an advantage of three to one is needed to break a siege, but…”

“Yes, we won’t have any problem. It would be different if they had Absolutes like the Masters, but the enemies only have one of them.” Gyo’s aide grinned. “They’re a bunch of nobodies.”

Gyo smirked as well. Those weaklings had been persecuted for years under the Battle God and Martial Knights’ reign. Since the paladins had been locked up in the dungeon for more than a decade, they would be like rusty swords. He doubted they could even handle common rabble on their own.

“Our forces’ morale can’t be higher right now because we have you, one of the five strongest Martial Knights.”

Gyo’s aide was right. Gyo was a skilled strategist, which was why Gyo had left in charge of Hubalt's forces while the Battle God had been away to deal with the Martial God—although he was a lot less skilled than Hawke and the two captains.

“I’ll take on Lilith Aphrodite.”

Gyo’s knights and soldiers let out thunderous shouts of joy. He told them exactly what they had been waiting for.


Three days later in the Hubalt Palace, a paladin delivered a grim report.

“…The rebels have entered the capital.”

“It’s about time we go out and greet them,” Lilith answered.

“…I’m still not sure if this is the right choice.”

Lilith had made a shocking choice. To deal with thirty thousand rebels, instead of relying on the city’s fortifications, she opened all four of its gates.

“Our people are innocent. They shouldn’t suffer because of our power struggles anymore.”

“…Yes, I’m aware.”

“The fight shall be contained to the palace. Everyone will stand by on the ramparts of the inner courtyard.”

In contrast to the outer courtyard’s ramparts, those of the inner courtyard were significantly smaller and lower. That meant that Lilith had very limited space to position her soldiers and paladins. Nevertheless, she had no other choice; if the public opinion turned against her, her new government would be dead before it even began.

“You’re a good leader, Lady Lilith. Cardinal Erman is surely happy up in heaven.”

“I’m going to win for the sake of my father and everyone else who was sacrificed.” Lilith’s voice was filled with determination.

“Do you have a plan?”

All of the paladins waited for Lilith’s answer with grim expressions.

Lilith took up her sword. “I’m thinking about challenging their commander to a duel.”

The paladins’ jaws dropped to the floor.

“A-A duel?!”

“Th-There’s no way they would accept the duel and give up their advantage of numbers!”

“They’ll accept it because they’re the Battle God’s followers.”

“But still…”

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“Everyone in the empire will be watching the fight, so I’m sure of it.”

The paladins' eyes widened. Lilith had already given up their defensive advantage. If she gambled on a duel, what would happen if the enemy tried to crush them using their superior numbers out of fear of losing the duel?

“Both sides’ goal is to take control of the country, so they can’t afford to embarrass themselves,” Lilith added.

“D-Did you choose the inner courtyard as the battlefield for this…?”

The enemy was confident. They already knew that Lilith didn’t have too many skilled individuals on her side, so it was only natural for them to try to minimize casualties.

“L-Lady Lilith, then who should be in command?”

“That’s kind of a pointless question, isn’t it? There’s no one else except for me.” Lilith quietly stepped outside the council chamber.

The paladin who asked the question averted his eyes, looking embarrassed. Lilith was currently the ruler of Hubalt, but her paladins were so lacking that they could not act without her.

“They’re coming!”

Lilith and the paladins climbed up to the rampart. They could see the rebels confidently marching toward the palace.

“How have you been?” Gyo shouted using his mana.

“Long time no see, Gyo.”

“I never imagined you would give up the walls. Or did you decide to surrender? In that case, I would like to commend you for your wise choice.”

Lilith waved her hand dismissively. “Let’s just cut to the chase. I challenge you for a duel.”

Gyo’s eyebrow furrowed. The rebels around him began to murmur among themselves.

“A duel…?”

“She’s crazy. We have no reason to accept her ridiculous challenge. We have enough numbers to wipe them out.”

“Using our numbers isn’t a good choice,” Gyo mused once he’d regained his composure. “You might have not noticed on the way, but everyone in the capital is watching us.”

“Well…” freё

“If we were in foreign lands, we wouldn’t care and could just cut them all down, but those people are the citizens of the country that we have to lead. We have to establish order in Hubalt, not make fools of ourselves. I believe it’s better to accept her challenge. Otherwise, it would look like we’re scared of the Ghost Sword. We can’t let that happen, and it isn’t what the Battle God would do.”


“Crush everything in our path. That is the Battle God’s spirit, isn’t it?”

“Then how about this, sir?”

Things were turning out as Lilith had expected… until Gyo’s aide approached him and whispered into his ear.

“That is an excellent idea,” Gyo answered. Crooked smiles came to his and his aide’s lips.

“I accept your challenge,” Gyo shouted. “Since whoever becomes the victor shall have to embrace everyone, let us not waste any lives!”

Lilith’s face brightened. Although the paladins’ faces couldn’t be seen, their reactions weren’t any different from Lilith’s.

“But!” Gyo raised his finger. “In return for accepting your challenge, I will decide how we settle the duel. I’m sure you don’t have any problems with that?”

Lilith had an uneasy premonition, but she remained outwardly calm.

“…How do you want to do this?”

“Instead of a one-on-one duel, we will have a competition of five versus five, and the victor will continue to fight until defeated or until all members of the other side have been eliminated!”

Lilith turned pale. It was clear now that Gyo already knew that she was the only one on her side who was capable of taking on the rebels right now. The competition basically meant Lilith had to defeat five Masters on her own. The last term must have been added so that he could defeat her himself at the last moment, so he would probably choose to fight in the last round.

The paladins despaired.

“I-I’m so sorry, Lady Lilith. We won’t be of much help…”

“It’s so… It’s so frustrating. Only if Sir Christian was here—if we at least had the White Lion…!”

Lilith quietly shook her head. The paladins had endured the most brutal torture, so she didn’t see any reason that they should blame themselves.

“This isn’t your fault,” she reassured them.

“But…” Despite her words, the paladins couldn’t look her in the eyes.

“I assure you that we wouldn’t even have rebels to deal with if you ended your lives in the dungeon,” a new voice interrupted. “…I may not be the White Lion, but how would you like the Black Lion in his place?”

Lilith and the paladins turned, shocked, as their uninvited guest lowered his head.

Recognizing the man’s face, Lilith stammered, “Si-Sir Cain?! How?”

“Christian told me about the secret passage from the Great Temple to the inner courtyard some time ago, and I noticed that it’s still there. I apologize for using it without permission.”

“N-No, I’m not talking about that. Why in the world did you come here?”

“Well… I was traveling around the continent and went where the roads took me. And here I am.” Cain shrugged.

He was lying. As soon as he had heard about Hubalt’s crisis, Cain had changed his destination.

Regardless of why Cain was actually here, the paladins were bursting with excitement. They were practically glowing. The Martial God’s First Knight had come to their aid!

“No, I can’t let you do that,” Lilith firmly stated. “Avalon has already provided more than enough help with our reparations. I can’t trouble the empire any more than I already have.”

Cain shook his head. “I’m already retired. My actions have nothing to do with Avalon anymore.”

Cain turned his gaze toward the rebels and drew his sword. “I’ll go first and take on three. Then you can deal with the rest of them.”

“Sir Cain…”

“I’ll try finishing four of them if I can.”

Lilith’s clenched fists trembled. “Why would you go out of your way to help Hubalt?”

“I already told you before, didn’t I? Although I’ve been living my life however I like, I’m going to live for myself from now on.”

“That’s what I don’t understand,” Lilith said. “What does Hubalt have to do with you?”

Cain smiled wryly. “…There’s a saying in the eastern regions of Igrant. I’m not sure if you heard it before.”

“What saying?”

“Misery loves company.”