Rise of The Anti God-Chapter 88: The Fearless Trio's Trick

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Luna knew Damien was probably thinking about Sofie seeing his glazed expression.

"You..." Damien couldn't understand why it seemed as if Luna wanted him and Lily to get together. But he could vaguely guess the reason.

He knew that Luna was the kind who would consider anything to make sure he gets powerful fast; of course, as long as he won't die.

But Damien never even for a second thought of using Lily just to benefit himself.

"Can't you see how much she's into you? Otherwise, with her strength, she would have thrown you off to the other side of the courtyard. Or are you just scared to tell her the truth?" Luna asked, raising one of her brows.

Damien said in a dismissive tone, "Of course, not. Why should I be scared." He continued in a low voice, "I just don't want to disappoint her."

"You think this is the end? With your perverted nature and your underhanded ways, who knows how many foolish beauties will fall prey to your claws? Tsk tsk, poor Lily, she doesn't know what's in store for her." Luna said as she shook her head, putting up a grave expression.

"Hey! It's not like I am going about seducing every beauty out there...I just felt like it. I just feel like I would regret it if I didn't do something...I don't know why, and it's not because she's a beauty. It's more like—"

"Whatever." Luna interrupted with a scoff, "I am not interested in hearing you justifying your perverted nature. But you better get used to the ways of this world. Maybe you only loved Sofie in your previous life, but in this life the more you shine, the more you will attract these ladybugs. Right now you are not an ordinary mortal, so I guess it's pretty normal if you feel like spreading your seeds in as many girls as possible. After all, powerful men have a harem because they want to increase the chances of preserving their bloodline...just like animals." Luna said in a derisive tone.

"Woah...hold your horses. I don't know what's going on in that little brain of yours, but I sure as hell am not on a mission to spread my seeds or whatever, nor do I care about any bloodline stuff. I will always love Sofie no matter what, no matter how many times I am reborn and nothing is going to change that fact." Damien said in a powerful tone.

He continued in a low voice, "But I don't know if my heart can love another with the same passion...sigh...forget it...I will just think about it later."

"Hmph, however, I had to watch the disgusting thing you two did with your mouths. How could you two even exchange saliva just to bond? No different than animals tch." Luna snorted as she wrinkled her nose.

Damien winced hearing Luna's disapproving remarks.

He said with a roguish smile, "Who knows, one day you might eat your own words."

Luna's nostrils flared, "You!! How dare you even think of blasphemous thoughts...hmph, you are beyond saving. I am going to sleep while you can keep thinking about pervy things."


Back in his villa, Damien was busy preparing his stuff for his trip to the Wailing Woodland. He planned to leave tomorrow morning with the Fearless Trio.

But tonight he had other plans in the Dark Forest. In fact, he believed that he might take up the whole night that he won't even have the time to see Valentina. This is why he had told Valentina not to wait up for him today and the coming three days.


80 km deep in the Dark Forest, a young boy was panting heavily as sweat kept tumbling down from his body.

'Phew...I hope this much should be enough. I think now I should be used to it..'

Damien looked at the skies and saw that there was barely an hour before it was dawn.

'It's already daylight huh...time to meet up with the Fearless Trio.'

Damien actually wished to see Lily once more before he leaves, in order to talk things out between them. But he decided to give her time to collect her thoughts just as he needed time as well.


Damien stepped outside the gates of his villa and saw the Fearless Trio having some discussion between them.

Luna had told him that Marcus was at the eighth level of the Earth Ethereal Realm while Leo was at the seventh level of the Earth Ethereal Realm, and Emily at the sixth level of the Earth Ethereal Realm.

They turned towards Damien, noticing his presence, as Marcus walked towards Damien and greeted him with a slight bow, "Good Morning, Sir Alchemist, we three are all set to go. I hope Sir Alchemist won't mind the route we are going to take since it would take more time to reach our destination."

Damien nodded, "I don't care which route you people take, as long as I can collect my herbs."

Damien thought that even in the worst case it couldn't be more than two days. In fact, he had no idea how long the trip was going to take since these three people only came up with the plan recently taking into account protecting Damien.

He speculated that without him, probably they would take much less time but still, that wasn't a choice for him.

The couple also came forward and greeted Damien "Greetings, Sir Alchemist Azrael. It would be our honor to protect you during this mission." Emily said as her eyes sparkled with respect.

"Yes, Sir Alchemist, we have never before taken up a mission of protecting someone as noteworthy as you. We will do our best to protect you." Leo said with a gallant smile.

They know that the person standing before them is the only alchemist in the world who could Supreme Tier Pills. So, they know how important the mission is and the person they had to protect.

Damien simply gave a low grunt as appreciation and asked, "So since I am coming along with you people, how do you all plan to sneak past those Sky Ethereal Realm beasts?"

Marcus chuckled, "It's not too hard. We know the Dark Forest inside out and we have a well-planned route to avoid most of those troublesome beasts. But in case we chance upon an ethereal beast at the Low Level Sky Ethereal Realm, we three each play a certain role. Using my Earth ethereal arts I would lure away the Sky Ethereal Realm beast, Leo would attack it from afar with his Fire ethereal arts and distract it while Emily would deal it a critical blow swiftly using her Wind ethereal arts. We know we won't be able to deal it any real damage but we could toy with the beast as long as we need. So, even if a Low Level Sky Ethereal Realm beast was guarding the herb you wanted, we could buy you enough time for you to collect it yourself. Does this sound good, Sir Alchemist?"

'Wow...if what he said is really true, then their teamwork must be superb!' Damien was inwardly impressed that these three usually tricked and escaped from even Sky Ethereal Realm beasts by mainly relying on their teamwork. He knew that if any one of them makes a slight mistake, it could result in instant death for all of them.

However he was aware that they they would only try their chances against a Low Level Sky Ethereal Realm beast. But if it were any beast more powerful than that, they would obviously won't even dare to try any tricks.

Fortunately, the flower he was looking for was rumored to be guarded by a Low Level Sky Ethereal Realm beast and as for the Crimson Berry, he had no idea but thought of some plans based on the situation.

Damien replied plainly, "Hmm, sounds okay. Let's go then."