Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster-Chapter 50 The Basement

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But to his relief and contradicting his fears, the room was empty of any creature. The candle was burning on a small round table at the western edge of the room.

Aldrich descended the short stone stairs, there were only six steps. The design of the room in such a way made it much bigger than expected.

The east wall of the room was filled with chains tied over iron pegs imbedded in the wall.

Aldrich couldn't see properly so he walked over to the round table and took the candle with him intending to use it to get a better look at the room when he noticed that the southern wall was lined with unlit torches.

Aldrich tried lighting one of the torches and it caught on fire bringing a smile to his face. Then everything became clear. Right under the light of the torch there was a metallic cage.

There was over a dozen of them lining the southern wall. Thankfully the cages were empty. The cages had small wheels attached to them under the base.

Aldrich walked over to the northern end of the room and when he passed by the center of the room he noticed a smooth depression running from the short staircase to the western end of the room.

There a huge metal gate blocked the way. The gate did not have bars instead the entire thing was made of pure metal alone. In the center of the gate there was a tiny, dirty glass window, whatever was on the other side was impossible to know due to the filthy state of the place.

This depression, the gate, the cages, the chains. This all meant something very questionable was happening here. Undoubtedly this place hid deeper secrets than it first let on.

Aldrich approached the metal gate and didn't find any handle to open it with. He just saw a half-rusted metallic wheel attached to the gate. The window was too dirty even after he cleaned it a bit, it was still hard to see anything on the other side.

Aldrich wasn't in a hurry to explore everything at once he wasn't even done with the room he was in right now. He decided to back down for now.

He turned to the northern part of the room that he was originally going to search before his attention was attracted by the gate.

The northern side of the room had no chains or cages. In contrast to the southern side. It had four massive ceiling-high cabinets. The glass display of the cabinets was quite murky and dirty but not as much as the gate's window.

The wood and metal work on these cabinets was off the charts, it was so well made that just looking at the carvings gave Aldrich chills. Even in Ayemon's mansion he had not seen such craftsmanship.

Aldrich cleaned the glassware of the first cabinet from the east from the outside. At last he saw although not too clearly, the cabinet was divided into four different levels. In each of the levels there were some flasks.

The flasks were similar to the ones in the torture room but these were not empty, they were filled with colorful liquids that glowed. Some were green, some red, others yellow.

The flasks were sealed tightly with an unusual thing like a cork but diffident somehow.

Aldrich was fascinated by the colorful liquids and the flasks. He moved on to the next cabinet and it was the same as the first one.

The one after that was different, it was filled with small intricate metallic chests like the one he found hidden under wall plaster in one of the houses he cleared.

The one after that one was also filled with small metallic chests. Aldrich didn't wish to waste time so he tried to open the cabinets. Unfortunately his efforts were in vain.

The cabinets were locked with an unnatural lock, they wouldn't even budge under his full strength. Aldrich held his sword and tried to break the hinges of the cabinet to no use.

Angered by the results, Aldrich launched an attack at the glass doors of the cabinets, he didn't even care if he broke such nice cabinets.

But to his shock the cabinet was unscratched by the attack. Aldrich attacked again and again. To no use. It was like attacking a mountain his attacks were as light as a feather to this cabinet, it didn't even shake or rattle.

Aldrich even felt that his sword's edge had begun to dull leaving him with a dumbfounded smile. Clearly this was no ordinary cabinet. The things it locked must be truly valuable.

Something unnatural was afoot here. Aldrich had every intention of making use of any resources he could get his hands on so it was only right that he wanted to open the cabinet.ƒ𝒓e𝐞we𝚋𝙣o𝚟𝚎𝘭.co𝙢

However he also realized that he was simply unable to right now. He had a hunt to get to so he picked up the candle and left the basement.

He could have a better look at the base now with candle, he lit up one of the torches that were on the house's fence and brought it into the common room.

Aldrich left the candle and the torch in the common room and left the base to his next target. At this point in time he was half done clearing the surrounding houses and buildings. Only five more to go.

If he cleared one per day then that was five days to complete his objective. On the sixth day he will challenge the armored husk and claim victory.

While making his way to the targeted house he noticed a peculiar stone platform in the center of the neighborhood. It was broken and shattered somewhat.

Aldrich got closer to the platform and examined it. Mostly dust and rubble but it also had faded marks, as if it was inscribed with something a long time ago. Unfortunately whatever it was it was erased and only hints remained.

Aldrich continued on his way and after confirming the target house he launched his special move, window destroying barrage!

When an arrow aimed at his eye from one of the second floor windows he wasn't surprised anymore, he blocked it calmly. After which he covered his head with the shield and entered the bounds of the house making it impossible for the archer to aim at him.

Aldrich kicked open the door and saw a first type husk running away from him. This had never happened before, every time even if the husk was unarmed they would charge at him.

Aldrich ran after the fleeing husk afraid it might join up with reinforcements. That would make things harder than they had to be.

Aldrich caught up to the husk in the kitchen of this house, the husk, cornered, decided on a desperate attack and lunged at him.

Aldrich simply blocked with his shield and with one slash decapitated the husk entirely. It was at this moment of triumph that he felt a presence at his back.

Aldrich turned around in time to block the backstab aimed at his spine. This ambusher, unlike the last, who had a kitchen knife, had a long dagger. Could it be considered a short sword?

Aldrich was sweating bullets, it was a close call. He kicked back at the ambusher, it recovered and moved with swift speed around the small room jumping nimbly.

Aldrich grabbed the over energetic husk and punched it in the face, he heard the unmistakable crunch of broken bones. Then he split it's skull in half for good measure.

He made his way upstairs and blocked the arrow that targeted him as soon as his head was high enough for the husk to shoot.

He blocked another arrow but the third found its mark in his right shoulder, sending bouts of pain throughout his body. Aldrich gritted his teeth and advanced.

When he was close enough he removed the shield and charged at his opponent. Aldrich attacked and was blocked in turn. The husk had discarded the bow and arrows on the floor.

Instead it revealed a short sword and a shield. Aldrich and the husk exchanged several blows.

The husk turned out to be a better swordsman than expected. The husk exploited an opening and Aldrich got punched with the shield's sharp edge and his nose broke, he lost his focus.

Aldrich fell down on his back, his vision a mess. He was seeing four husks instead of one. He wanted to brush it all off and get up to resume the fight but no matter how he tried to convince himself his body refused.

His body was responding erratically and it just wouldn't listen to him. The husk came closer and stood looming over him.

Aldrich was unconvinced by this result. It seemed that he was going to die yet again, but Aldrich didn't want to experience that feeling again.

He bit his tongue and drew blood, that hurt like a bitch but at least it jogged his head. He could revive but while he was alive he wasn't about to slack off.