She was born into a wealthy family-Chapter 20 - difficulty in choosing

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Chapter 20: Chapter 17 difficulty in choosing


Qian an drove over in a mercedes-benz. Shui Shui recognized that the car belonged to Qian an as well, so she trotted over and got into the car.

He looked at his daughter kindly. “I took the Chinese and physics and chemistry exams today. How did you do? ”

“Not bad. The physics and chemistry exams were very simple. I encountered some problems with my Chinese composition, but other than that, I didn’t have any major problems. ” She felt that it was very easy, but she didn’t show how good she was. Anyway, the results would be out soon.

Qian an listened to Shui Shui’s confident words. He was both afraid and worried.

But on the surface, he could not undermine his daughter’s confidence. “Then what do you want to eat tonight? Daddy will take you to eat. ”

Shui Shui rolled her eyes. There were many places in her memory, but those occasions were not suitable for father and daughter. “Daddy, I can’t think of where to go. Find a good place that you know of. LET’S GO EAT! ”

“Yes, yes. Your brother is also outside. They have a holiday after your middle school exams. Today, they went out to play with their friends. ” Qian an was also glad that the relationship between his daughter and son was not so stiff.

Shui Shui Sat in the back seat. She pondered for a moment before asking, “father, I have a question in my heart. Can you tell me? ”

“Ask away. ” Qian an did not know what Mu Ling would ask.

“This question might be a little unfilial, but I thought about something yesterday. Is She really my mother? In other words, other than my poor grades causing her to lose her, is there any other reason why she hates me so much? ” Actually, Shui Shui did not think too much about this matter In the morning, she suddenly thought of something strange. This woman had never liked her since she was young.

Qian an fell silent. In fact, Qian an was also considering whether or not to tell her. He was afraid that he would hurt his daughter if he did.

However, at the traffic light, he looked through the rearview mirror and saw that his daughter was looking at him seriously. He suddenly felt nervous and a little afraid. “She is her biological mother, but when she gave birth to you, she almost lost her life. Your appearance was originally not part of her plan, but because of my strong request, she gave birth to you. ”

“I originally didn’t want to tell you, but you didn’t understand why your mother would treat you this way. In fact, she also loves you. After all, you are a piece of meat that fell from her body, ” Qian An said reluctantly.

However, Shui Shui still had some doubts. She didn’t plan to continue asking about this matter. There would be no result. If it was just because she wasn’t in the plan?

Qian an stopped at a place when he passed by and a black shadow darted into the car. He sat next to Shui Shui.

“Dad, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. ” Qian Anzhi was a little irritated, but he turned his head and saw the person sitting next to him. “Shui Shui, are you done with your exam? ”

“Yes. ” Shui Shui nodded with a smile and didn’t say much.

Qian Anzhi really wanted to ask Shui Shui how her exams were, but Shui Shui’s behavior made it difficult for him to ask. If she didn’t do well, it would be awkward for him to ask. Moreover, his dad was still here.

“Dad, there’s a very special shop next to the Central Bookstore. There are many specialty dishes from many places inside, but I haven’t eaten them yet. Why don’t we go and have a try? The environment is pretty good, ” Qian Anzhi suggested.

Shui Shui was indifferent. “I can do anything. ”

Qian an turned around and headed to the central bookstore.

Qian Anzhi started to find a topic to talk about. “Shui Shui, I heard that physics and chemistry is a little difficult this time, isn’t it? ”

Shui Shui thought back, “it’s alright. It’s not that difficult. Once you’ve learned the basics, you can basically answer all of them. ”

Qian Anzhi felt a little strange when he heard these words. It sounded as if she knew how to speak She probably didn’t even know how to write and was spouting nonsense. These words could only be kept in his heart and couldn’t be said out loud in case his father said it. Now, Shui Shui didn’t even argue with him anymore. Every time he said something, Shui Shui would ignore it. He was in no mood to talk anymore. Moreover, Shui Shui had even brought him desserts and delicious food during this period of time. He felt that it was pretty good.

The car suddenly became very quiet. Only a few soft sounds of breathing could be heard.

Qian an felt that the atmosphere wasn’t too good, so he took the initiative to start a conversation. “Shui Shui, what are your plans after the Middle School examination? ”

“I plan to learn some interests. ” Shui Shui answered whatever they asked.

Interests It was a good thing that her daughter had such thoughts. She wanted to learn more about musical instruments. “Do you want to learn the piano or the zither? ”

Hearing these two choices, Shui Shui was embarrassed. “Daddy, I don’t really want to learn musical instruments. ”

“Then what do you want to learn? Tell me. Daddy is listening. Daddy also wants to know. Whatever you choose, I can give you a suggestion, don’t you think so? ” Qian an’s attitude towards his child was more equal He would not always order his child to do anything. Instead, he wanted to help his child from the perspective of a friend.

Shui Shui had already thought it through, so she said directly, “I want to learn calligraphy with a brush. ”

“calligraphy with a brush is pretty good, but it’s a little unpopular, right? You can choose from many options and learn two interests? ” Qian an was not very optimistic about calligraphy with a brush. “maybe you can learn some musical instruments. You might still need them in school activities in the future. You’re still young, so you can learn these very quickly. ”

“Okay, then dad, what musical instruments do you like? ” Although Shui Shui did not like learning musical instruments, if her father liked them, she could choose one.

Qian an knew that Shui Shui did not like them, but he was also doing it for Shui Shui’s sake. There were too many people who knew the piano. “Why don’t you learn traditional musical instruments, like Erhu or PIPA? ”

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please do not reprint it!