Small upgrade system-Chapter 252 252 - Before The Annual College Competition.

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Currently, in his training room in the Royal Academy while fighting his two robots. He quickly jumps toward the black robot and tries to punch, but at this time the white robot is already attractive from his left side. Instantly, a shield appeared in his hand that defended him from that punch. If you are wondering about the shield, then he could now create a shield like this with his light control technique. Even though he is right now unable to use his system, he still could progress in his techniques.

Sometime later, Sam was panting and resting on the floor. Two days later, finally, the annual college competition will be starting and because of this, he was preparing for that. If you compare him to the time when he just broke through to intermediate D-grade, then you will notice a huge difference in his strength. Well, because in these few days, he was busy hunting the monster in the Dungeon and he also collected many crystals from the dungeons. Previously after coming back from the desert Dungeon, he also went toward the Goblin dungeon and also coming back from that Goblin Dungeon he went toward Venus city's ghost dungeon. With that, you can easily guess that he already absorbed all those crystals and because of this, he was now more powerful than before.

Not only Sam was practicing in his training room, but his other friends were also practicing. All those students who got selected from the first year were practicing very hard for the competition. None of them know what they will get if they win the annual college competition, but their teacher already told them that it will be an S-grade thing. Because every year the warrior association gives the winner this type of gift. Well, because of this you can say that everyone wants to win the competition.

Sam and his friends already get the information about their opponents, but like them, those students were also not used to their full power and because of this, nobody knew how powerful their opponents were. Because of this, everyone was practicing very hard.


After finishing his training, Sam was right now going toward the cafeteria. Because two days later, the competition will start and it will be held at the Royal Academy. Right now, you can see many people at the Royal Academy. All those people are preparing the stage for that competition. Not only the people from the central city but also the people from the different cities will come to this competition to watch them fight and because of this, it was needed to prepare.

After coming to the cafeteria, he already ordered food and right now, he was waiting for his food. Sometime later, he also saw that Tony and the others also came to the second floor and they also ordered their food. When they sat beside him, Sam asked them about their training. Well, after the inter-annual college competition, everyone focused on their training and because of this did not have any idea about his friend's power. Actually, he only came back from the Dungeon 2 days ago, and before that he only focused on hunting in the dungeon. Because of this, he did not get that many chances to talk to his friends.

Well, not only some, but Tony and the girls were also busy. Their personal teacher also took them to the Dungeon while they also went with them. Because of this, all of them were able to gather many crystals and they could also hunt many monsters.

All of them are now discussing their training. Tony and Alexa told them that they have already mastered the spirit technique. It means right now they could instantly activate that technique without any problem. Not only that, but they are also right now focusing on the body technique while using the spirit technique. Well, it was very hard, but still, they were trying that.

Elena and Jeni told them that they were also already able to use the spirit technique while using their spell. Not only that, but they also improve their elementation technique. As you know, alll spiritual Warriors have the weakness of being closed in the fight and because of this, both of them also focused on their elementation technique. After hearing that, you can say that the others were happy for them because with that they could protect themselves when the enemy decided to fight a closed range with them.

Tina and Kenny told them right now they could also use the spirit technique. Even though they still did not master that technique, they were very close to that. In the few days when they went to the Dungeon with their teacher, their teacher only told them to focus on the spirit technique while fighting the monsters. Because of this, you can say that everyone improved very much. 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

Sam also told him that he is also able to right now use the spirit technique while using his movement technique. Actually, previously Sam wanted to use the spirit technique while using his punch technique or body hardening technique. But then his teacher told him that he should focus on his movement technique because if he was able to do that, then his speed would increase very much and that could be helpful for him. Also, as you can give that, he could already use the spirit technique while using his movement technique. But still, he did not master it and because of this, he still needed some time to use the spirit technique while using movement technique.

[A/N: Sam still didn't learn anybody's hardening technique, but he was planning to learn that type of technique. Also, nobody knows that some have already broken through because still, nobody asks him about his breakthrough.]

While they were talking, they noticed that the second-year students were also coming to the second floor. While those second-year students noticed Sam and his friends, they tried to show their strength. Because of this, they released a little of their intermediate D-grade power. But even after sensing their power, Sam and the others did not react or you can say that they just completely ignored those 2nd years. But one thing all of them were surprised about was the fact that all those second years were able to become intermediate D-grade warriors. Previously, only the top 7 Warriors were the intermediate D-grade warriors, but right now, everyone was the intermediate D-grade warriors. Well, Sam was counterattacking their power while releasing his own power.

"Most likely not only but those second-year seniors are also practicing very hard. Well, it was natural because I think they already feel straightened when they notice someone like Sam was present in the first year." At this time Tony suddenly said to all of his friends while smiling. After hearing that, Alexa and the others were also laughing.


Right now, Sam was going back to his training room with his friends. Today he will just fight with his robots because his teacher already told him that he should not practice tomorrow and he should only rest tomorrow. Actually, before the competition, all the teachers wanted their students to relax. Well, Sam did not have any problem with that.


Alena was now going toward Sam's training room. All this time, she was with Gloria while fighting with her. She already knows that her student did not like to fight with the robots and because of this, most of the time Gloria asks her to become her fighting partner. As you know that all those robots did not have any intelligence of their own and because of this Gloria did not like that. Those monsters in the Dungeon have intelligence on their own and they could think of new tactics while fighting the Warriors.

Sometime later, she was now already in front of Sam's training room. Well, she already knew how hardworking both of her students were. And because of this, she wanted to check on Sam and so if he was injured or something like that.

When she entered the training room, she saw that Sam was lying down on the floor and trying to recover his lost energy. He was fighting those robots for at least 4 hours. Not only that, but he also focuses on his spirit technique while using the movement technique. Because of this, right now, he was out of his stamina. While he uses the spirit technique and the movement technique, at the same time, which consumes his stamina. Fortunately, he is already able to collect many crystals and already absorb them and because of this he already has a high stamina.

Sometime later, Sam once again got up from the ground. He is once again ready to fight the robots, but at this time suddenly Alena tells him that she will be fighting the instate of those robots. After hearing that, Sam already became happy and quickly agreed with her. Well, his teacher was powerful and because of this, he did not have to worry that anybody could have injured her. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖

__________To be continued_________