Socially Anxious Girl Starts Hoarding Before the Apocalypse-Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

In June, Wen Qian finally decided to go out.

She had harvested the vegetables, planted the new ones, and then stored all the items in her spatial storage, leaving only an empty house.

She planned to wander around Xia Province, as the route she was familiar with was from her hometown to Xia Province, and then she had been searching for places to build a house, without truly understanding the area.

Throughout the winter, she had read up on information about this province, and due to the virus, she did not plan to go to crowded places, but rather continue to the sparsely populated or uninhabited areas.

Previously, she had planned to take the expressway, but she found that even if she went from the national highway to Mangge City, she would still have to pass through the city to get on the expressway, so she decided to go directly northwest on the expressway.

First, she would take the national highway, and before reaching the city, she would exit the highway, and see if there was an opportunity to get on the expressway in the middle, this troublesome route was just to avoid people.

Wen Qian still rode her own motorcycle on the road, and at night she would set up her activity cabin and stay overnight, and then pack it up and continue the next day.

In this way, two days later, she arrived at a relatively remote scenic spot.

That place had a relatively large river with a name, which came down from the Jade Mountain Range, and after gathering many rivers, it became a large river, and at the end, on the riverbank, there were beautifully grown Euphrates poplars.

Normally, such a harsh environment would make it difficult for any trees to grow, but here there were so many tenaciously growing trees.

However, she did not come at the best viewing season, and the Euphrates poplars were not in the golden-yellow state as previously advertised.

What she could see now was green, and they were the only ones thriving in such a harsh environment. It would not be until October that it would be the best time to appreciate them.

At this time, there were not many people in the scenic area, but Wen Qian did not enter the scenic area, but continued forward in the same direction, and entered from another path.

This was the first time she had seen such a famous tree, and the dry branches of the Euphrates poplars on the sandy soil showed their difficult growth.

They gave people hope in the desolate land, but due to human activities, the environment here continued to deteriorate, the rivers gradually dried up, and the originally poor living environment became even worse.

After appreciating the beautiful scenery, Wen Qian continued on her way, and a few days later, she arrived at a relatively important place on her trip.

She originally wanted to go to the hot springs further west to collect sulfur, but later found that there was a closer place to collect it, so she did not continue forward.

The place she went to was a small hot spring, but it was not the most famous scenic spot, so it was only mentioned by locals or a few books.

When people travel or sightsee, they tend to follow the crowd, and there are many similar scenic spots, it's just a matter of which one gets noticed first.

As long as she could get the sulfur, it didn't matter whether it was famous or not, so Wen Qian reduced her travel time.

The sooner she got it, the sooner she could go home. If she had stuck to the original plan, she would have needed at least half a month, but now she could return earlier.

When she received a signal by the expressway and went online, she also learned about the latest progress in virus research.

The weather was gradually getting hotter, and under strict control, the new cases were gradually decreasing, but people still could not move freely.

With greatly reduced human activity, many places have become a paradise for wildlife, and residents often see wild animals wandering in the city from their high-rise buildings.

Such scenes have occurred both domestically and internationally.

After storing the sulfur, Wen Qian gave up continuing forward and decided to go home, as she could not let go of the crops and vegetables at home, so she prepared to return.

On her way back, Wen Qian saw a pack of wolves crossing the highway, which was the first time she had seen them.

Luckily, the wolf pack was transporting a large prey and had no time to pay attention to Wen Qian, so she quickly turned around and left.

For many herdsmen, their lives have not changed much, as long as they do not interact with people.

Wen Qian looked at the white sheep herd through her binoculars with envy, these walking cute mutton skewers.

If only she had such a large herd of sheep, but if she were to buy them, she still could not afford it.

Wen Qian sighed at how many wealthy people there are here, and then left.

During her journey, Wen Qian stood on the sand dunes for a while. When she was little, she had seen deserts on TV and thought the sand in the desert could be used to build houses, but later she learned that it was not possible.

This kind of "get-rich-quick" idea, many children must have thought of it.

Wen Qian took a few plastic bottles of sand with her, not knowing what she would use it for, but just wanted to take a little bit back and store it in her spatial storage.

After about eight or nine days, Wen Qian finally returned home leisurely.

Even before entering her house, Wen Qian first went around to check on her crops and vegetables. The planted ones had sprouted new seedlings, and there were no signs of damage by wild animals.

Wen Qian saw the wall from a distance, then walked around it, and found nothing unusual, only then did she climb up the ladder to go in.

It's worth mentioning that there is no door in the wall, and every time she enters and exits, she uses a ladder like this, and she doesn't find it troublesome at all, but does it this way every time.

The vegetables used for seed-saving inside the wall were not taken out and put in the spatial storage, Wen Qian only took the seeds when they were old.

For her, seeds are very important, if she doesn't save the seeds, she won't have anything to plant in the future.

At the same time, she also found that some wild vegetables had also aged by this time and started to set seeds, and she tried to save the seeds of the wild vegetables as well.

Although she also wanted to go to the mountains to collect seeds, she was afraid of encountering bears.

If she went to the mountains without bears, it must be where people lived.

As a result, Wen Qian just thought about it for a while and gave up. If she had a chance in the future, she would store them then.

Nowadays, Wen Qian would put any beautiful stones or stones suitable for sharpening knives into her spatial storage.

She's like a little squirrel, constantly hoarding, and she won't even miss the plastic bottles by the roadside.

It's not for selling, but because plastic bottles can be used to store water, and can also be used to store seeds, they are very good containers.

Time came to July, and other provinces except the plateau were gradually becoming hot.

At this time, she didn't need a fan or air conditioner, nor did she need ice cubes.

The temperature here was not high, even the record-breaking heatwaves in previous years did not make the plateau region feel hot.

However, this year, it is unlikely that many people will be able to come to this province to escape the heat, as the conditions do not allow it.

The sun protection clothes Wen Qian had made for herself came in handy, including the sun-protective hat, she was completely covered from head to toe.

Even people who knew her might not necessarily recognize her.

Wen Qian has now gotten used to recording the morning and evening temperatures every day, and the temperature variation in summer here is much smaller than in her hometown.

At this time, people could flow within the province, but not across provinces. Even when leaving the city, they had to be tested three times a week for a week, and only after confirming no issues could they pass through.

The requirements are very strict, and the time is also very long, but there are still people who choose to go to the city for the sake of making a living.

Some small countries have also banned entry and exit with each other, and in today's life, people have been confined to certain mobility ranges, and cannot travel freely as before.

Casual travel is no longer possible, otherwise there should be many tourists in the summer resort areas now.

Chen Ming, the son of the Chen family, was also considering whether to go to the city, but his family members did not want him to go. After all, they had already learned through the internet and hearsay how those who stayed in the city were living in fear and worry.

His parents advised him to wait until this year was over before considering it again.