Solo Leveling- Ragnarok-Chapter 284

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Chapter 284

It was now autumn.


The red maple leaves falling one by one increased in number, eventually filling the entire sky.

[The King of the Snowmen, the Lord of the Cold, warns that autumn has arrived.]

Autumn always comes suddenly and goes away in an instant.

[The King of the Snowmen, the Lord of the Cold, says that humans themselves have brought autumn for ward.]

As Silad said.

Autumn came particularly quickly here.

As if time had passed tenfold, the leaves that had been green just last night had now turned red and were falling.

To some people, this sight might seem very strange and strange.

But to those who knew even a little about Elvenwood, it was an extremely creepy sight.

The fallen leaves were soaked in someone’s blood and turned red… … so they couldn’t support the weight of the blood and ended up falling because they were too heavy.

For elves, autumn is a sign of imminent destruction.

It’s a season where you have to quickly evacuate to avoid being eaten.

As was the case with all the Elvenwoods that the Lord of the Cold, Shilad, had experienced.

Alfheim, which grew up in this city, also ended up experiencing the same seasons as any other Elvenwood, except for the name.

Sarak, Sarak-

Red-tinged maple leaves covered the entire field of vision, and gently descended upon all the lands that were called paradise.

The ‘Signs of Destruction’ began to appear over the city, where the entire world was dyed red like blood.




“What, what is this?!”

Suddenly, the roots of Alfheim rose up above the red-tinted ground and began attacking the villains who were fighting each other.


Gulp! Gulp!

“Ugh! What the… … ?!”

Sharp tentacles hidden underground began poking their bodies and sucking up nutrients to their hearts’ content.

“Hey, wait! Stop attacking! Alfheim is going crazy right now… … Kkaaaak!”

Gulp! Gulp!

The villains who had been fighting frantically were all startled and temporarily stopped fighting.

And Alfheim hurriedly tore out and cut off the tree roots that had been thrust into their bodies without warning.

But it was already too late.



The whole ground was covered with red fallen leaves, so it was impossible to tell when and where tree roots would burst through the ground.

Even for the most ingenious villains, it was impossible.

Because in the first place, these fallen leaves were not ordinary fallen leaves.

[Your Majesty! These fallen leaves have a cognitive-inhibiting effect!]

Berga confirmed the true nature of the fallen leaves at a glance and warned Suho.

Suho realized.

“Your senses have become dull. These fallen leaves have turned the entire city into a barrier of cognitive impairment.”

Suddenly, everyone in the city was trapped in a giant cognitive barrier.

Even Suho’s senses were dulled, let alone the other villains.

They were helplessly impaled on tree roots that suddenly sprouted from the ground and died.

In this way, Alfheim began to take away the power of the fruits that had been fed to them.

The problem was that the Alfheim here was the largest and most well-grown tree of any Elvenwood the

Guardian had ever seen.

The speed at which the bastard’s roots sucked up the villains’ power was also incredibly fast. 1

“Run, run… …! Ugh!”

“Turn it off… … !”

The villains ran away with all their might to avoid those roots, but in the meantime, victims were appearing one after another, drying up and dying like mummies in an instant.

While they were dying one by one, desperately scattering and running away.

The villains eventually face the shocking truth.

As it was with all elves at one time or another.

“Could it be that until now… … ?”

Yes, that’s right.

Alfheim was no longer on their side.

No, it probably wasn’t like that from the beginning.

Just food.

They finally realized that to Alfheim, they were just high-quality livestock that had been raised to fatten them up over time.

Kkaaaaaaah… … !

Screams are heard all over the city.

Above their heads, red fallen leaves were still falling, obscuring their entire view.

The scenery was… … truly beautiful.

But not everyone died in vain.


The crescent moon’s black energy cuts through the air.

Red maple leaves swirled around, and through them, the figure of the harvester Hasul was revealed, swinging a huge scythe.

“Ha, it’s Hasul!”

“The reapers… … !”

Hope appeared in the eyes of the villains who had been running away without any reason.

Including Hasul, the harvesters who had been collecting fruits at the bank’s request have begun a counter attack!

The harvesters, who had to climb the tall tree trunks every day to pick the fruit, were skilled at dealing with the roots of Alfheim.

And the same was true for the bankers who exploited the harvesters.

Bankers have been receiving all their salaries in fruit form.

They also earned coins by reselling them, but they were basically the ones who ate more fruit than other citizens. ƒreewebɳ

They were somewhat immune to the cognitive impairment caused by fallen leaves, perhaps due to the latent power of the fruit within their bodies.

“What the hell! Run away!”

“Hey, wait a minute! Before that, let’s have some of those berries… …!”

Even in this dire situation, some bank employees looked at the fallen fruits among the fallen leaves that filled the floor with greedy eyes.

Having personally experienced the efficacy of the fruit, picking up the unclaimed fruit became almost insti



Some bankers died, but most of them used their discretion to pick up the fallen fruits.

[The King of the Snowmen, the Lord of the Cold, clicks his tongue.]

Looking at this entire series of scenes, Scylla felt a deep regret.

Eventually, the fall that the elves had experienced came to humans as well. 1

No matter how different the race was, it was never a pleasant feeling to see this piece of shit again.

That was when.

“… … What the hell, has it started already?”

The bank manager who had crossed over to another country through the gate returned to this city.

The bank president, who was a bit late in seeing the situation in the city, ground his teeth.

We tried to hurry as much as possible, but the Russians kept being greedy, so there was a delay.

But even so, this speed was unreasonably fast.

Until just mid-morning, nothing had happened.

‘It’s all because of that little bastard Berg!’

If only that damn newbie hadn’t come into town yesterday, this wouldn’t have happened.

But what can we do?

Once we got this far, there was no turning back.

Just let things happen as they come.

“Haa… … How did I grow this place so new?”

The bank manager sighed with genuine annoyance, washing his face with both hands.

Then he started stuffing all the berries he had bought in Russia into his mouth.

There were quite a few berries, but I gulped them down without even chewing them.

As this happened, the bank manager’s body gradually changed.

All of the skin was covered with a hard shell like a dry old tree, and all the muscles and muscle fibers that made up the human body were completely split like a tree trunk.

“Bank manager… … !”

The bank employees belatedly noticed the bank president’s return and flocked to greet him happily.

The bank manager, who had already completely lost his human form, ordered them with his inanimate eyes.

“It’s full here. Let’s get out of here quickly.”

“Before that, let’s gather some berries… … Ugh!”


The bank manager stabbed the heart of the employee who dared to spit on him, and continued speaking with a frown.

“Just shut up and leave. If this keeps up, the bailiffs will show up and we’re all finished… … Ah, shit.”

For a moment, an ominous feeling came over me.

The bank manager raised his head urgently and looked above his head.

Then, there… … on the bare branches of Alfheim, where all the leaves had fallen, five fruits were swelling up and bulging.

“What is that?”


The eyes of the bank employees who looked up following the bank president grew wide.

A size and shape that was clearly different from the fruits of Alfheim that they were familiar with.

It was more like an ‘egg’ than a fruit.

“Fuck, get out!”

In an instant, the bank manager’s body jumped up from its spot like a spring.

From now on, each person must survive on their own.

There was no time to take care of the employees.

Seeing the bank manager running away without looking back, the bank employees also sensed something and ran after him in panic.

But it was too late.

Bang! Bang!

The fruits that had been abnormally bulging began to burst simultaneously like balloons.

Then, ‘executors’ popped out from within.

Although they are called executors by humans, their true nature is neither human nor anything else.


What burst out from within was ‘winter’ itself.

As Scyllad put it, it was bitterly cold.


With the sound of a balloon popping, a massive snowstorm started inside and engulfed the entire city.

The red season suddenly covered the entire field of vision in white.

“Eww! Bank manager!”

“What is this?!”

“What the hell, you guys are the executors! If we don’t get out of here right now, we’ll all freeze to death!

From now on, you’ll have to figure out how to survive!”

With those words, the bank manager disappeared into the snowstorm.


“… … Aah!”

Soon after, at the sound of the bank manager’s screams heard from beyond, the bank employees following him turned around without hesitation and scattered.

In the pure white snowstorm, I caught a glimpse of something reflected beyond it!

There was a giant monster there, holding the bank manager’s head in one hand.

[Spirit of Cold]

[Spirit of Cold]

[Spirit of Cold]

… … .

The true identity of the men was finally revealed before Suho’s eyes.

“Was the bailiff a spirit?”

Suho’s eyes shone sharply.

The sense stats are ringing the alarm.

How much of the nutrients have I been sucking up while I was stuck in Alfheim?

To simply call it a spirit, it was completely different in class from the spirits that had been easily defeated on the way here.

[Keeeek! Could that be… …?!]

Berga called Suho urgently with a serious expression.

During that time, I was following Sung Jin-woo through the war in outer space.

By Ver’s side there were always soldiers of the rulers, angels.

That’s why Ber realized how this whole situation was going the moment he saw the birth of those bastards called Executors.

[My lord! Those guys, they look like angels being born from the fruit of the world tree!]


At those words, Suho’s expression also hardened.

The World Tree, which has taken root in the afterlife sea, bears fruit by feeding on dead souls.

Among those fruits, angels were born from special fruits that contained the most energy.

But is it the same here in Alfheim, or rather Elvenwood?

The only difference is that it is the body, not the soul, that is used as nourishment.

It raises living things and sucks their nutrients, and among the numerous fruits, the most special ones are the ones from which the ‘Spirit of the Cold’ is born.

‘Is Elvenwood imitating the World Tree? Or is it originally the same seed?’

There was a growing curiosity, but solving the immediate problem was the top priority.

Berga shouted, pointing to the spirits of the cold that had revealed their true nature.

[Looking at it this way, in a broad sense, angels are no different from spirits! That means, in the end, those spirits of the cold… … !]

It was said that the soldiers of the rulers were on the same level as angels.

Just five berries.

Even though only five were born, a cold wave has already covered this area and is threatening to freeze the entire world!

At that moment, warning messages began to appear one after another before Suho’s eyes.

Tiring! Tiring! Tiring! Tiring!

[The ‘cold winter’ has begun.]

[‘Debuff: Cold’ is activated.]

[Real-time movement speed slows down.]

[Attack speed slows down in real time.]

[As time passes, the effect of ‘Debuff: Cold’ continues to accumulate.]

It’s a true natural disaster.

As if entering the afterlife sea, powerful and ominous warning sounds were ringing the alarm bells.


… …Whoosh!

It was different then.

Because the karma that had boiled from the dragon’s heart was burning all over Suho’s body.

[‘Heart of the Dragon’ cancels out the effect of ‘Debuff: Cold’.]

Rather, even in this world, Suho’s body temperature was seething with crimson heat.

But that fact must have been quite irritating to the spirits of the cold.


[… … who is it.]

[Those who seek to oppose us.]

The five spirits of the cold, who instinctively took the heat away from all living things around them as soon as they were born, all turned to look at Suho.

As they swelled with the surrounding snowstorm, they were more than enough to fill the entire sky.

[Execute winter.]



They surrounded the Guardians to enforce the winter that was the scourge of the elves.


“So, what do you think?”

Suho was smiling.

Rather, as if it were a good thing.

“Does it look useful?”

In response to Suho’s question, Sirka, who was standing next to him, said something strange instead of a



“Ha, that feels refreshing-.”

Stretching with an extremely refreshing expression.


In a bitterly cold blizzard where you can’t see even an inch ahead.

A cursed and cruel winter that has been a plague on the elves since the beginning of time.

But so what?

To begin with, Sirka was a child of winter who took her first breath and took her first steps in this world.

If Suho had overcome the cold with the heart of a dragon.

Sirka is the opposite.

“Does it feel like I’m home?”

Instead, he was smiling brightly, taking in the cool air.

[The King of the Snowmen, the Lord of the Cold, reveals his teeth meaningfully.]

Yes, that’s right.

Shilad, the first ice elf.

His descendants laughed and ran out into the bitter cold without hesitation.

Stepping lightly through the snowstorm.