Son of the Hero King-Chapter 295: CH 265:FREEDOM DOES NOT EXIST

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What did it feel like to see a monstrously large sword fall on their heads from outer space?

‘The end of the world is coming.’

Only such a thought could flash in the mind of people in Tiamat’s territory.

Like ant watching a human step on them, all they could do was wait and watch helplessly as doomsday seemed to be upon them.

Titans were called Titans not only because of their monstrous strength but also because of their immense size. The taller they were, the more power they had.

A ten or so meters tall Titan was generally at the Duke rank.

Once they reached a hundred meters, they were equal to the King's rank.

Finally, those who were one thousand meters tall were Demigods.

As for Surtr? His full height had long since surpassed what was possible to understand for mere mortals.

10 kilometers?


It did not matter.

At that level, numbers were simply meaningless to calculate.

He was huge.

Bigger than the full realm, as if covering the entire plane with his shadow.

Looking at the Gigantistic Surtr that seemed to cover the sky, Tiamat showed no fear but only rage and disdain.

“Bastard! You dare act so arrogantly in front of me!?”

Tiamat roared and the world roared with her.

Using her will, gathering her power, she fortified the dimensional walls. Then,


A sun appeared in the eternal night of the Dragon territory.

This was the result of the flame of destruction colliding with the walls.

The explosion was so destructive as if it was about to swallow and erase all matters. But with a derisive snort, Tiamat used her mastery and threw the ball of pure fire far away outside of her territory.

“Hahaha! Tiamat! You are indeed worthy of your throne! Come, let’s face the end!”

Despite the failure of his attack, Surtr showed no despondence. After all, he had never thought about really destroying Tiamat’s territory.

All he wanted was to bring her outside, where his allies were waiting.

Tiamat snarled, how could she not understand this trick? But she had no choice but to rush into it. After all, if she simply stayed passive, they would simply endlessly attack her territory.

“Impudent bastard! Let me remind you why you guys could only cower and hide in the depth of the abyss until now.”

She had no choice but to move now.

“Skuld, I will leave the situation to you.”

Even as she gave those orders, she continued inwardly, <<Bastet follow me in the shadow. Nabu, I want you to stay hidden and observe.>>

Tiamat would never truly believe in Skuld. This was why she decided to leave a failsafe.

After all, the current Nabu was no longer simply a Duke.

Tiamat was about to move but something made her stop.

She twirled a metallic pearl into her hand, her mind clearly struggling, but in the end she made a decision and threw it at Skuld.

Ideally, she wished to directly put it in the pool. But something muttered in her ears that it wasn’t time yet.

Tiamat did not know why she did it, but her instincts and her power of foresight were telling her that doing so would bring surprising results.

As a dragon, Tiamat always trusted her instinct. This was why,

“Take it.”

She gave the pearl to Skuld and left.

Skuld was truly panicking as she was utterly at loss about what to do.

‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’

She wanted to take Sol out of the pool but she could see that the dragon's blood was being absorbed faster as it helped heal his wounds. If he was taken out now, the only result would be death.

In the end, Skuld despaired when she realized that all she could do was observe.

‘No! Never again!’

Skuld screamed. There was no way she was going to be reduced to such a helpless situation. Her darling was suffering in front of her and all she could do was watch.


“Verdandi! Sheherazade we are starting!”

Fate was inevitable but the future could change.

Since there was a future she could see where Sol lived, it means that it wasn’t his Fate to die yet.

As such she could still do something.

“Let’s thread the web of destiny.”

Even if it could only bring a minuscule amount of help, she would do everything she could do.

She then looked at Sheherazade, “Little fairy. What we are about to do is force the future we want to happen. This means fighting against a goddess even if sealed. If you use the power of wish…The Backslash could bring your downfall.”


Sheherazade drawled but in the end, she chuckled, none of her usual bubbly act could be seen, “It doesn’t matter.I owe him. So I will fight for him.”

“I see. Your sacrifice will be remembered.”

“Hey! Don’t act as if I am already dead!”

She laughed and went back to being the gentle and insouciant fairy she always portrayed herself as.

Skuld looked at her sister with a sad smile and Verdandi shook her head, “I will help you. The two of us can easily support it. After all, it’s impossible for Ymir to bring out her full power.”


She laughed heartily and sat down, Verdandi did the same and the two of them held hands together.

Immediately, black tribal markings began to form on their pink skin and their eyes became completely black.

Affecting the balance of destiny was in no way easy and the larger the scale of what they tried to change, the harder it was.

If they tried to affect the fight outside, they would surely immediately die. But what they were doing was different.

“We only need to tilt the scale in favor of darling.”

Her darling was a Blessed one. As long as his Fate wasn’t to die, his chance of survival, whenever he was facing a dangerous situation would always be relatively high, even if it seemed impossible.

As she made the preparation, Skuld held tightly to the pearl. In the past, Sol did use it but he said that it was incomplete, that he had missed the absolute best chance and it was clear that this was one of his greatest regrets.

The same Sol who had reached a power level enough to erase all timelines to create one unique and reset time there.

He had never really explained the situation to her but,


If she was right, it seemed that the key to shifting the balance was in her hand.


Back in his soul, Sol was facing a truly complex situation.

“Should I say that I am honored? I didn’t know I was worthy of a goddess directly visiting me in my own mind.”

Not like he wanted this honor if he had to be honest. It was so stressful and now he would most likely die.

“You are quite calm. I am surprised. Mortals usually only have two options when they see me. Reverence or Fear.”

Facing Sol was a red-skinned woman with black sclera and golden pupils, the sign of divinity. She was entirely naked, showing her beautiful and voluptuous figure that was enough to compete with Lilith herself. Such a glamorous body without a stitch of clothes on it.

If it was normal time he would have been observing her with relish but, Sol wasn’t exactly in the place to leisurely observe her beauty.

“I guess I got used to such a situation now. After all, it happened more than once.”

“I see…So you are Luxuria’s new toy.”

Sol's smile did not fade even when faced with her ridicule. His brain was too busy going overdrive to think about what he could do.

“I wonder, dear goddess, why target me so? I do not believe having upsetted you?”

“The power I can use is very limited and Tiamat is obviously ready. As such, I decided to change my approach.”

Sol gave a bitter smile, they had indeed taken into account the possibility of Ymir changing her pattern.

But they could have never guessed that she would directly attack his soul.

"Why such a fixation on me?"

Ymir looked up and down at Sol and shook her head, "I do not know. Your existence makes me uneasy so I decided to erase you. Do I need any deeper reason than this?"

"Just a whim?"

Sol’s eyes narrowed dangerously, but Ymir, ignored it. It seemed that she was focused on talking more since she hadn’t spoken for very long, or as directly as a soul talk to be’

She gave a wane smile to his anger, "You must never forget. This world belongs to us goddesses. Our whims are the rules."

Sol growled a little but didn't show more signs of anger. For some reason he couldn't understand, this goddess was willing to discuss it with him.

He didn't know what she was planning, but the only thing he could do was to buy as much time as possible.

"Since you are willing to humor me, I have a question. Something that truly always bothered me. Do you truly pursue freedom?"

The smile of Ymir face stretched,

"What is freedom? Freedom can only exist in a world where everyone is equal. But not even the goddesses are equal. So how could true freedom exist between mortals?"

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