Son of the Hero King-Chapter 299: CH 269:NECROMANCER KING

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Drei was a man who could face death with a smile and a man full of conviction in what he believed was right.

Because of those traits, it was extremely rare for him to show fear. After all, he even had a goal to overthrow the goddess.

Drei could say with assurance that he feared no man.

But that thing…

It scared him from the very marrow of his bones. A fear so deeply entrenched in his heart that his body couldn’t help but tremble.

In his mind, Anubis was no man but instead — a “thing”. Something that could not be explained. Something that subverted his understanding of the world.

Anubis was partially a charming demon, a race akin to that of a succubus. Thanks to atavism, he had strongly inherited the blood of this race.

As befitting of his race, Anubis's physical features were outstanding to the extreme. It was even said in legend that Anubis first took a step in the world of necromancy after charming a few female ghosts.

Few people could fight his charm that was so high that it could put some succubus to shame.

But, as a necromancer, in Drei's vision, there was no handsome man in his sight. Only a powerful and all-encompassing darkness filled with hundreds of thousands of souls.

A darkness so large and so cold that even the darkness of space seemed to be filled with light in comparison.

In front of such a being, calling himself a necromancer seemed so laughable. Like the light of a candle trying to compare itself to a sun.

This was death.

The true and absolute personification of death.

Under the pressure, Drei felt as if his soul was once again being crushed.

“Oh! I nearly killed you without paying attention. I mean, hahaha, it wouldn’t be fun now, would it? You will make a fun toy for my daughter once I am finished with you. She still lacks a lich.”

Anubis mused a little. He wasn’t called the Necromancer King just for a joke.

Why would someone as selfish as him propagate the knowledge of necromancy in the world?

In the same way, the Queen of Chimera had absolute control over all chimeras.

The same way the Queen of Witches could obtain the power of all witches.

All necromancers were but puppets under his control.

Their lives were under his control and their armies could become his army with a simple thought.

Chuckling, he wiped out the body of Drei with a simple wave of his hand, as if blowing away some dust and only kept the most important thing.

His soul.

“But first, an escapee needs to be punished.”

He showed a malevolent smile as he thought about what kind of torture he would use to punish this soul when he heard a little cough.

“Your taste is as bad and detestable as always.”


As if noticing her for the first time, Anubis finally turned toward Nent. The reason that he didn’t notice her on his radar was simply that kings were so weak in his eyes that he had a hard time feeling their position if he didn’t pay attention.

The same way an elephant wouldn’t pay attention to the ants on the ground.

The moment he took a look at Nent, he was bewildered for a while.

“Who are you…?”

Nent’s breath hitched, “Is this a joke?”

“Hum…Hum…Oh!!! So this is sister-in-law. Sorry, sorry, it’s just that the last time I saw you your soul was so filthy. Man, I wonder what happened in the time I was exploring? I almost couldn’t recognize you.”

Nent clenched her fists at the way Anubis so casually insulted her. But there was nothing she could do.

They weren’t even in the same weight class.

Furthermore, she knew that Anubis did not look at the world the same way as normal people did.

Was it because he was so handsome himself? Anubis had no care for physical appearance, only the appearance of the Soul.

He would never remember someone's face.

While Nent was discussing with Anubis, the pressure he was outwardly emitting was so great that it seemed almost crushing.

Everyone, even Nent, felt as if there was a scythe right against their necks, ready to lop off their heads with a light swing.

It was incredible how the presence of one man could be so crushing. But while most of the people present were bewildered, those who did recognize Anubis, knew that this was to be expected.

Thankfully for them…


The pressure was completely lifted in a heartbeat, As if it was a lie.

“Oh, my beloved daughter!

As if the mighty being that weighted on everyone suddenly vanished.

All they could see was the expression of a doting father.

Walking toward Isis and ignoring the frightened King-ranked Titans as if they were dust on the road, Anubis approached Isis and hugged her deeply.

The expression on his face was full of love and joy. Anubis had really missed his cute little daughter.

How long did he have to move around in the lonely void of space just in search of an illusory goal?

The only thing that sustained him was the thought of coming back and pampering them.

But, it was then,



Anubis stopped and tilted his head in wonder before focusing on Isis's soul more deeply.

His eyes immediately narrowed when he recognized the sign of a contract in her soul and the changes that occurred with it.

His first instinct was to cut the contract. Souls were something he was extremely familiar with. Perhaps not even the goddesses had more knowledge than him in this zone.


‘Argh….So this is the pain of being a father.’

Anubis teared up inwardly but outwardly he showed no sign.

“Tell me, dear daughter of mine. Who is the lucky guy? Or is it a girl? Either way, I think we need to have a very deep discussion.”

The stiff smile on his face left no illusion of what he would do.

Now he could understand a little what Gabriel felt when he kidnapped Nephthys back then.

He laughed at himself while gently pinching the puffed cheeks of Isis. Her face was so red because of embarrassment. But she felt no uneasiness. She was sure that he would like Sol.

Sighing, he focused and opened a huge black door, from which walked out a woman with a face so pale that it was clear no blood was circulating in her body.

From her body, the aura of a king was emanating, “Wipe them out.”

The woman tilted her head, “All of them?”

She was clearly asking if she should eliminate the dragons as well. But Anubis shook his head,

“Isis, I guess you are with Tiamat?” When Isis nodded, Anubis seemed relieved. He didn’t want to kill dragons since Tiamat was one of the few Demigod divine beasts who never made things difficult for him when he was still weak.

Though of course if Isis was an enemy of Tiamat he would have massacred all the dragons without a once of remorse.

“Very well. Then, follow my daughter and take out a part of the army.”

He looked above with a grin, “I have something to do.”

When Anubis vanished, Isis looked at the woman in a daze.

Necromancers controlled their undead through mental control.

But, the higher the number of undead, the greater the burden. This was why they needed Generals under them.

Like a pyramid. Necromancers would control their direct commandant, who would control a certain number of lieutenants who would then control a group of undead themselves.

The larger the army, the more structured it was.

The woman in front of Isis was one of Anubis's weakest lieutenant. Like Drei, she was a lich.

But the level of power was completely different.

She bowed in front of Isis, “My lady. Your orders?”

Suddenly, Isis was so thrilled she felt like she would explode in laughter.

Isis was no damsel in distress.

But she was a spoiled princess and the new gift of her father, albeit temporarily, was an army composed of a hundred thousand undead.

A veritable sea of death. This was what it felt like when the undead army appeared with a simple command from that lich.

Until now, the force of chaos was always the craziest one on the battlefield. After all, they thrived in such an environment.

But now, for the first time, they understood what it felt like to face an army that had no fear and did not care about pain.

The undead of Anubis were not special undead that could regenerate themselves like Isis. But, they were an order of magnitude far more dangerous and more skilled.

What followed wasn’t a fight. It couldn’t even be called a war anymore.

It was simply and purely a one-sided massacre.

The army of Chaos stood no chance as they were swiftly and neatly eradicated.

The pure beings of Chaos were killed in body and soul since they could not be used.

As for the criminals who were forced into this fight because of Drei’s machination?

They were simply considered a new addition to the undead army.

This was how Necromancers fought.

(AN: With this, the war at the King and Duke level ended. Now let’s amp the level a little bit. What is your opinion of Anubis? I was honestly quite stressed since Anubis is the mc of Prequel, I didn’t want to fuck up his first official introduction. Hope you liked the little he has shown.)