Sovereign to Immortality-Chapter 24 - Five Arrows

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Chapter 24 – Five Arrows

Was it a coincidence that the two beasts, the mountain tiger and the Treadmill bear, met? Or was the Treadmill bear lying in ambush? If it was an intentional ambush, how could the Treadmill bear be sure that the mountain tiger would take its current route?

Many questions flashed across Su Baozhang’s mind. Not only him, even Yang Junshan only had a rough idea of what was going on, but all of these were not important anymore. What was important was that they had to think of a way to kill these two fierce beasts that were both injured before Zhang Yueming and the rest arrived.

At the same time, they were high enough that they could observe Zhang Yueming and the others who were seated on the back of the mountain while they were searching for signs of the tiger outside the col.

Although Zhang Yueming and the other youths hadn’t realized at this time that they had been led along a detour by the mountain tiger’s tracks, under the guidance of the Butterfly Talisman, they were still slowly approaching the entrance of the valley.

“No way!”

Su Baozhang suddenly stopped moving and said: “We can’t rush over like this, Zhang Yueming and the rest will catch up very soon, when that time comes, we will be outnumbered, so even if we kill two fierce beasts, it would just be for other people’s benefit!”

Without waiting for Yang Junshan to speak, Su Baozhang had already thrown back the Hundred Refine Cold Light Dagger in his hand and said: “Those two fierce beasts have both suffered injuries. You should take action when you have the chance but you need to be careful, I will lure Zhang Yueming and the others away!”

Yang Junshan grabbed Su Baozhang and said anxiously: “You’re crazy, they have the Butterfly Talisman’s guidance, how are you going to lure them away?”

Su Baozhang broke free from Yang Junshan and ran a few meters away. He turned his head and laughed: “Relax, I have confidence, furthermore, I have the Body Protection Talisman in my hand, even if they can catch up with me, they won’t be able to, at most, they can just withdraw from the encirclement.”

As he spoke, Su Baozhang had already run over a dozen meters away. Seeing that Su Baozhang had already made up his mind, Yang Junshan hurriedly took out something from his bosom and threw it towards Su Baozhang, saying: “This ialisman, it can turn into a stone wall to block enemies. 𝒇𝑟e𝙚𝑤𝙚𝐛𝗻𝐨ν𝚎𝘭.c𝐨m

Without even looking back, Su Baozhang just stretched out his arm and shook it, he was already thrown into the forest, looking at his back, he fiercely stomped his feet, and quickly rushed towards the cove where the two fierce beasts were fighting.

Just as Yang Junshan was about to reach the entrance to the col, a loud and clear howl came from the depths of the forest outside the col. Yang Junshan was startled, this howl was extremely similar to the roar he heard from the mountain tiger a while ago, and if it wasn’t for the mountain tiger in front of him, Yang Junshan would have thought that he had heard a hallucination. 𝒇𝔯e𝚎𝘄𝑒𝑏𝙣𝑜𝚟𝗲𝑙.c𝘰𝚖

Yang Junshan did not know that Su Baozhang had an ultimate skill that could imitate fierce beasts, but this imitation did not have the brutal aura of a fierce beast, only its form was not real. However, the Steadfast Tiger was already severely injured by Zhang Yueming and the others, so the roar “weak” was just right.

Relieving himself, Yang Junshan had already slowly approached the edge of the battlefield between the two fierce beasts. At this time, the Treadmill bear s who were just waiting leisurely had already gained the upperhand, and two thick bear paws carrying a huge amount of power, struck out with each strike, bringing along a fierce sound of wind, and crushed down onto the surrounding weeds.

The Mountain Tiger that was at the end of its strength tried its best to dodge the giant bear’s attacks. If it was struck by the giant bear’s palms, it would be able to smash its huge body to the ground. However, every time, the Mountain Tiger would stagger to its feet as if it was about to completely collapse.

The mountain tiger’s unyielding willpower made the Treadmill bear even more irritable. The giant bear, whose eyeballs had been destroyed due to a moment of carelessness, had also lost a sliver of its consciousness due to the bloodthirst. As for the remaining trace of fear in its heart, it roared and pounced towards the mountain tiger.

The mountain tiger had long been exhausted, but at this moment, it saw an opening. The tottering and tottering retreat of the mountain tiger had suddenly been distorted at a strange angle, finally changing a bit of its strength, allowing its huge body to sprint forward in the direction of the giant bear’s charge.

Ka-cha! *

A crisp explosion sounded out, causing Yang Junshan, who was quietly standing fifty to sixty steps away from the battle between the two beasts, to clearly hear it. Yang Junshan was extremely familiar with the sound, and knew that it was the sound of bones breaking.

Right after that, a loud roar filled with pain, with the sound of “Dong Dong Dong Dong”, like a drum, muffled sounds rang out one after another, and every sound seemed to have struck Yang Junshan’s heart, as beads of sweat unconsciously seeped out from the sides of his hair.

Yang Junshan pushed aside a clump of shrubs in front of him. The scene before his eyes caused even Yang Junshan, who had experienced hundreds of years in his previous life, to feel a chill down his spine.

The Mountain Tiger seemed to have known that it was impossible for it to escape from the Treadmill bear’s deadly hands. The moment the Treadmill bear pounced towards it, it broke off its own legs and jumped forward.

The Treadmill bear obviously did not expect the mountain tiger to be so decisive. The mountain tiger took the opportunity to bite the left leg, and its sharp teeth deeply pierced into the flesh.

Immediately after that, the Treadmill bear’s palms struck down, breaking the spine at the back and causing the lower half of her body to fall limply to the ground. However, the already berserk giant bear completely ignored the thigh that was almost bitten through by the mountain tiger’s huge teeth, and only smashed the back half of the mountain tiger’s body with palm after palm like a drum sound.

The back of the mountain tiger was almost completely smashed by the bear, but the tiger still used its forelimbs to hold up half of its body and bit on the bear’s thigh, refusing to let go no matter how the bear struggled.


A crisp sound was heard as the arrow flew towards the only good eye of the bear, carrying a strong killing intent.

Normally, it would be easy for Yang Junshan to shoot down beasts like the Treadmill bear with his bow. This kind of beast with initial intelligence would usually have an astonishing prediction instinct for danger, it would even be discovered before Yang Junshan could even get close to them.

However, at this moment, the huge bear was being dragged down by the mountain tiger’s huge body. The two berserk vicious beasts did not even know thawelve-year-old teenager was within fifty steps of them.

However, when the true life or death crisis had arrived, the Treadmill bear had still managed to dodge at the last moment. Yang Junshan’s arrow that was in the process of getting away did not hit the giant bear’s eye, but instead, it shot the giant bear’s nose.

This arrow wasn’t fatal, but it was enough to make the berserk giant bear panic in the face of death!

The only thing he knew was that the giant bear, who was beating up the back half of the mountain tiger’s body, finally slammed its palm down on the head of the mountain tiger, making it feel dizzy for a moment. Then, the giant bear suddenly pushed the mountain tiger out of the way, followed by a loud, heart-wrenching roar.

Just at this time, Yang Junshan’s second arrow followed suit and shot out, this time aiming at the bear’s throat.

Unexpectedly, the moment the huge bear pushed Mountain Tiger away, the first thing it did was to pull out the Iron Feather Arrow that had been pierced through its nose, and fresh blood flowed down its nose. However, the bear’s paw that was raised was just in time to block Yang Junshan’s arrow that was aimed at its throat.

Yang Junshan frowned, he did not know whether to be happy or sad, and with a loud bellow, the huge bear gave up on using the mountain tiger and limped its way towards Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan did not immediately retreat, but instead, he turned around and shot his third arrow at the same time. Because the giant bear was running towards him with all four limbs, this arrow was aimed at the wound on its hind leg that was ripped apart by the Mountain Tiger.

Unfortunately, the arrow did not hit!

The gigantic bear had already closed the distance between it and Yang Junshan with an aura that could topple mountains and overturn the seas. Every step its enormous body took was like the muffled sound of a huge drum.

Yang Junshan casually tossed a rock that was the size of an egg onto the ground and it rolled towards the giant bear. A small cloud of sand followed the roll of the rock and flew in all directions, until the rock finally rolled below the giant bear’s body.

The giant bear’s body suddenly sank downwards. Yang Junshan had already turned around and shot his fourth arrow at the giant bear’s shoulder, but it was still only an inch into its flesh. It was completely useless for the giant bear’s huge body.

The giant bear became even more furious and abruptly stood up, then both its front paws were stepped off at the same time!

Yang Junshan suddenly thought of something, and was just about to escape when the ground suddenly shook, sending a huge wave of energy over, causing his entire person to tumble onto the ground.

As the name suggested, the power of this step spread thirty meter radius on the ground. Any enemy who stepped into this range would fall to the ground, and the Quicksand Technique which was created by Yang Junshan’s Glyph Stone would also be scattered by the power of this step.

The Treadmill bear closed in on Yang Junshan once more. Seeing that the who was still in a daze was about to have trouble escaping, the giant bear suddenly stopped. A miserable wail came out from its mouth once again.

Behind the Treadmill bear, the mountain tiger that was already on the verge of death unknowingly dragged its injured body behind the giant bear, leaving a long trail of blood behind it. The moment the giant bear broke through the Flowing Sand Talisman, it once again bit into the wound on the beast’s hind leg.

At this time, Yang Junshan, who had just gotten rid of his dizziness with great difficulty, suddenly turned his body. The bow that he was originally unable to open was actually supported by two legs, and he fiercely pulled on the bowstring with a sword engraved with runes.

A strand of spirit energy circulated inside Yang Junshan’s body, and the jade thumb shined with a dense spirit light, causing the markings on the entire talisman arrow to be stirred. A strand of cold wind rose, the bowstring fell, and the talisman arrow entered three inches into the giant bear’s stomach, the runes on the arrow seemed to have suddenly come to life and flowed towards the wound, and a strand of cold air spread along the Treadmill bear’s body with the wound as the center. A thin white mist rose, covering the giant bear’s body in a layer of crystal ice.